مصباح يزدي: فتنه گران بترسند از روزي كه روحانيون مجبور شوند از قدرت ماورا الطبيعه خود استفاده كنند
Gamron / staff
01-Mar-2011 (8 comments)

فارس نيوز: آيت الله مصباح يزدي، مدرس حوزه ي علميه قم در گفتگو با خبرگزاري فارس گفت: «گرچه مردم نقش پر رنگي در سرنگوني ر‍ژيم ستمشاهي داشتند اما اين روحانيون بودند كه به مدد قدرت هاي خدادادي خود، شاه را مجبور به فرار از كشور كردند و زمينه را براي برپايي حكومت اسلامي در ايران فراهم نمودند.»

ايشان ضمن هشدار به سران فتنه و فتنه گران افزود: «فتنه گران هنوز ذره اي از قدرت ما را نديده اند و بنده شديدن هشدار ميدهم كه در صورت ادامه ي روند فعلي و دشمني آنان با نظام، ما روحانيون ناچار خواهيم شد همانند اواخر دوران ستمشاهي، از قدرت خداداي و ماورالطبيعه خود استفاده كنيم و آن روز است كه همه به عينه، عام الفيل را خواهند ديد.»


قدرت ماورا الطبيعه


I am shaking in my booties already, nonetheless, check out the responses at the original site.  Priceless.



Easy on The enchilada with beans

by Doctor mohandes on

Just go easy on tonight's mexican dinner and we will all be fine. Oh. and don't keep any matches around either.



by P_T_B_A on

Nothing is working against these rift rafts.  We are finished; may god help us.

Sheila K

tapping into people's ignorance: be afraid!

by Sheila K on

Our religious society operates based on FEAR! this is just another show of how clerics are able to tap into people's ignorance and maintain power.


ajji, vajji, valaa-torajji

by MM on



The "Temsah" has spoken

by mahmoudg on

they will take out their guns and mow down the people. This is the power he is talking about.  But then again this delapidated Cult we call Islam has given him the right to do so.


Make the world disappear

by Kamyar on

Yes, the Great Mesbahe Yazdi will use his "koone goshad" to suck up the planet earth, sparing only those who carry the tabarok Shondis Bottles given to them by Said Ali.


Make the world disappear

by Kamyar on

Yes, the Great Temsah Yazdi will use his "koone goshad" to suck up the planet earth.