Iranian Public Opinion Survey by International Peace Institute
14-Dec-2010 (one comment)

National telephone survey of 702 Iranians between Aug 30 and Sept. 7, 2010

The poll was conducted by telephone in Farsi, from a phone bank in Istanbul, among a representative national sample of Iranians. More than 85 percent of Iranians have telephones. The margin of sampling error was 3.7 percent.

You can vote on some of the IPI poll questions.

Iranians want nuclear weapons and reject proposed international deals to restrict the production of enriched uranium, but they are anxious about the international sanctions and isolation their country faces, a new poll has found.

 Go to the link to see the results!

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I am glad

by on

to see our onboard traitors, Zionists and Zionists fans have obviously been dumb founded by the results of this poll.
