کشتی استوار نظام ساحل نجات را گم کرده!
27-Nov-2010 (2 comments)

مصطفی تاج زاده، در ملاقات غیر حضوری خویش که این هفته انجام
شد، به اظهارات محسنی اژه ای دادستان کل جمهوری اسلامی پاسخ
داد. اژه ای در آخرین مصاحبه خبری خود منکر هر نوع شکنجه در
زندان شد

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Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

That's what you said last year, last decade and the decade before that. Still, the ship hasn't sunk. 

Do you ever tire of being wrong all the time? 


this is a sinking ship

by mahmoudg on

and the sooner, rats desert it, the sooner we can sink it and with it this Arab cult we call islam.  Never forget Mohamad was a murdering and Child molesting arab who knew nothing else but to kill and maim, throughout his life and unfortunatley my ancestor contributed to this devestation to the whole of human civilization.