Obama, Wake Up!
Op/Ed News / Timothy V. Gatto
18-Sep-2010 (one comment)

Our relationship with other nations should be examined. So far, the government of Iran has, for all practical reasons, cooperated with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). They are building reactors for energy purposes and enriching uranium to 20% which is permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Brazil, Turkey. Spain and many NATO members and Non-NATO members have nuclear reactors for energy. Why are we singling out Iran's nuclear program? This is a purely a political move. If Americans were told all of the facts about Iran's nuclear power program, they would be astonished by the way Iran is demonized. By contrast, Israel has never signed, nor does it intend to sign the NPT. If Israel signed the NPT, they would have to reveal that it has from 300 to 800 nuclear warheads depending on who you ask. Just as Israel hasn't signed the cluster bomb treaty or the land mine treaty, we none the less support their right wing military state.

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Israel does not claim to wipe a Nation

by mahmoudg on

off the map, nor does it deny the holocaust, nor does it have an unemployment rate of 32%, nor does it have the lowest GDP rate among the third world nations, nor does it have a large number of its populace live below the poverty line, nor does it sit on top of the world's largest reserve of oil, and yet has to import gasoline, nor does it rape maim and murder its citizen's, nor does it have the largest number of journalists in jail, nor does it have its universities ranked lowest in the world, nor does it have a vitriolic 6th century system of justice, nor does it have the largest brainwshed paramilitary useless force, nor does it claim to wipe its own citizens and those of other Nations, and closing the world oil choke point, etc, etc, etc.  With all these qualities this Islamic Rapist Regime has, the sooner Mr, Obama removes it from existence by force, the better off the world will be,