Lieberman: U.S. Should Attack Iran's Nuclear Program If All Else Fails / By: Jim Meyers
13-Apr-2010 (2 comments)

Sen. Joe Lieberman says the world is at a "turning point in history," and the United States should begin preparing plans to attack Iran's nuclear program — and use that option if all diplomatic and other means fail.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax, the Connecticut independent discloses that he probably will run for re-election in 2012, most likely as independent, and eschew the Democratic and Republican lines, although he notes that “anything is possible.”

He also says Sarah Palin has become a spokeswoman for disaffected Americans – and maintains that the Obama administration has made a mistake in vowing not to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear entity.

In the interview, Newsmax chief Washington correspondent Ronald Kessler noted that a recent CIA report said Iran is capable of starting the development of nuclear weapons at any moment, and asked if the time has come to use military force to halt that development.

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Kamran Ramyar

Idiotic Joe

by Kamran Ramyar on

Someone please tell this fucking idiot/ Zionist to shut the fuck up!  He tries to come across as a real macho-man but fails miserably.  Perhaps during circumcision his balls were cut off instead.  Trying to compensate and hide this, he talks tough!    


Can some one tell this Joe to STFU

by Bavafa on

He is a disgrace to every American.
