United States Hypocrisy Knows No Rationale
Middle East Online / Middle East Online

Why does the US not introduce this (Israeli) topic to the Security
Council at the UN? The answer is really quite simple: taking the issue
to the UN Security Council would address the issue for what it is, a
crime against international law of the Geneva Conventions and the UN
Charter of Rights, notes Jim Miles.

The political events and comments surrounding Joe Bidenfs recent
visit to Israel stand only to highlight the hypocrisy and arrogant
ignorance of the United States command. There are two factors here:
first is the avoidance - in spite of superficial appearances - of the UN
security council; and secondly - again in spite of superficial
appearances - that the US military command is concerned about the
welfare of their troops in the Middle East because of the Israeli

As most followers of the news are aware, the Israelis announced
plans to construct another 1600 settlement units in the Jerusalem area.
They did this in the face of Biden who at the time was meeting with
Netanyahu concerning the rebooting of the gpeace process.h The main
purpose of the gpeace processh - at least for the Israelis - is to be
able to establish communities - gfactsh - on the ground so that if
they ever did finally get to some form of settlement, imposed or
negotiated, the inarguable facts would severely limit what could be
negotiated as far ... >>>

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