Iran: US, Britain, Pakistan linked to militants
Yahoo News / Yahoo News
19-Oct-2009 (4 comments)

TEHRAN, Iran – The chief of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard accused the United States, Britain and Pakistan on Monday of having links with Sunni militants responsible for a suicide bombing that killed five senior Guard commanders and 37 others.

Iran's president said those behind Sunday's bombing are hiding across the border in Pakistan, and in a phone call with his Pakistani counterpart on Monday he demanded their arrest.

The accusations put some strain on the normally close relationship between Iran and Pakistan, which have had differences over the issue of Islamic extremism in the past. Monday's statements marked the first time Iran has publicly accused its neighbor's intelligence service of supporting the Sunni rebel group known as Jundallah, or Soldiers of God.

Shah Ghollam

Life may get tougher for US&UK in Afghanestan

by Shah Ghollam on

"New evidence has been obtained proving the link between yesterday's terrorist attack and the U.S., British and Pakistani intelligence services," state TV quoted Jafari as saying.

He said the attack was "undoubtedly" planned and ordered by the three nation's intelligence services and that a delegation would soon travel to Pakistan to present evidence.

The claims of U.S. and British interference came as those two nations were taking part in talks with Iranian officials over the country's nuclear program in Vienna. The accusations, however, were not expected to complicated the talks.

In a sign of how heated the situation has become, an Iranian lawmaker representing the capital of Iran's southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan Province called on the Guard to carry out military operations inside Pakistan to root out militants. It's unclear whether such an operation would be considered.


Shah Ghollam

Who are you?

by Shah Ghollam on

What is we were to arm each discontented minority.   Up to now, all the weapons in Iran have been in the hands of the Bad Guys.   We could change that BIG TIME if you like. How about a few Stingers to remove air power advantages?

Who is "we" here? What air force you re talking about?

Try us and see.  Just know what our response will be.  

Who is "us"? Whose response?

Why would they feel the slightest loyalty to their oppressors and thieves who add fanactical social restrictions to these other crimes?

Speak for yourself. If you are loyal to foreigners and ashamed (perhaps), you have no right to convict others Iranians for the same crime simply to reduce the weight of your own concious. Speak for yourself!

I would suggest you talk about this incident as oppose to bringing the 2500 years of history in anything that involves foreign threat in Iran today. What does elections have to do with Jundullah terrorist acts? before Jundollah was MKO. get your facts straight or will be looking like Kashani here!

Get a hold of yourself. granted there are too many things happening, but there are such things as apples and oranges and some pears too.



I dare Iranian's lying regime to try it

by FG on

Did you ever hear the slogan: "People in glass houses shouldn't throw bricks." 

If Iran has trouble now, what if US Special Force were to arm and train an opposition increasingly radicalized by the government's brutality and the recent election day coup?  What is we were to arm each discontented minority.   Up to now, all the weapons in Iran have been in the hands of the Bad Guys.   We could change that BIG TIME if you like. How about a few Stingers to remove air power advantages?

Try us and see.  Just know what our response will be.

The Iranian regime may already have been aiding and arming America's enemies well before the recent bombing of IRCG's hated thugs.  See  Al Quds arming Al Madhdi army with IEDs, and arming Taliban in Afghanistan.  That alone would justify US counteraction of the same sort.  Nevertheless we haven't done so...YET, despite tremendous capabilities of causing the unpopular dictatorship troubles it wouldn't believe. 

The problem is that experience demonstrates anyone who arms Islamists or allies with them faces backfire.  See Pakistan today and Iraqis in Anbar Province for details on that.   Iran's instantantaneous (note that) "conclusion" was an impossible one given the total lack of time involved in seriously gathering evidence.  Besides, knowing the potential consequences it has since backed off to blame Pakistan only (exception: nutty Jafari, ICRG commander).

Such claims has the same credibility and worth as similar charges that foreigners, rather than the government's hated policies and its election theft, have alienated most Iranians from a government and economy totally monopolized by security forces and one small, despised and extremist element among the clergy.  Why would people not be unhappy?  Why would they feel the slightest loyalty to their oppressors and thieves who add fanactical social restrictions to these other crimes?

Claims that foreigners are responsible for the IRCG bombing (except perhaps for Al Queda and even that isn't clear) have the same credibility as show trials and the forced "confessions" used as evidence for such.  It's as much credibility as other whoppers:

Example: Prisoners confessed because "they were impressed by the kindness of their IRCG interrogators."  Yeah, right.

Example: A leading cleric was so thin because of the healthy prison diets.  Yeah right.

Example: Neda wasn't killed by Basilj thugs but by fellow protestors to frame the regime and make it look bad.

Example: Male and female prisoners weren't beaten, raped and tortured by the kindly and MORAL regime.




Yep, US and UK forces have already wtted their pants.

by پیام on

Great news as usual shazdeh.