Israel's Final Warning to the World?
WP / Lee Hockstader
26-Sep-2009 (4 comments)

It was hard, listening to Binyamin Netanyahu excoriating the United Nations on Thursday, to avoid the impression that this speech -- in all its righteous, angry, victimized fury -- could one day be seen as a milestone in the Mideast’s march toward war.

Here was the Israeli prime minister, standing before the very body that had condemned the Jewish state so many times, evoking Winston Churchill, offering documentary proof that the Holocaust really happened and warning the world of its blindness to the gathering storm.


Victimized fury of Netanyahu

by capt_ayhab on

Supplementary reading:




Ostaad Jan

by capt_ayhab on

I categorically agree with your statement, Israel is making this self victimization as usual to distract world from his criminal expansionist policy.




There is nothing illegal about the new secret "secret site"...

by Ostaad on

Iran disclosed the "secret site" due to its NPT treaty obligations. Members are required to report their nuclear-related activities once the project is finished, and before it is operational. 

If there is a single country that knows about Iran's nuclear program more than any other country than Iran itself, that country is Israel.

The IRI and the Israeli government have both turned Iran's perfectly legit nuclear program into a political tool to harness their citizens' nationalistic sentiments. Those sentiments make up the main source of support for both regimes, and they sure are going to milk it until the cows come home ;{O

Isreal's fear is not Iran's non-existing "Big Boy", but the fear of being left out of the potential Iran-US agreement(s). Such agreements, if become reality, will lead to the creation of a market economy based on a block consisting Iran, Iraq, Turkey, UAE and a few others. Israel Knows its economic long term sustainability depends on gaining new markets. Where are those markets? The "emerging markets" that I can see are in the ME. The EU is putting the right type of pressure on Israel by boycotting products and services originating from the illegal settlements (the newest example of such effective sanctions is banning professors from the the Ariel University, located in an illegal settlement in the West Bank, from the UK). 

Israel may seem to be threatening, but it is also begging. Years ago Lester Thurow said about Israel that its markets were in the ME. That statement is still true. He also said this about Israel:

"Israel is a country, but it is also a business. So, ask Israel's
political leaders about threats. They will likely tell you about Iran,
Hamas, Hizbullah, the Philadelphi arms smuggling tunnels, or about
Sharon's dwindling minority government. Finance Minister Netanyahu will
talk only about Israel's budget deficit."


Don't forget, Cap, the Yabu is a pussy, and there are no secret sites.


What a bunch of BS that they are feeding these people

by Bavafa on

As bad as IRI and AN is, Israelis make IRI and AN a sane and logical regime.  I don't know when the West is going to have the backbone to stand up against the Zionist and put an end to that regime.  It is a disgrace for humanity to have such racist regime in the 21st century.
