Israel takes war on Iran underground
PressTV / PressTV
09-Jul-2009 (6 comments)

Israeli intelligence services are trying to sabotage Iran's military and nuclear programs through tainted equipment and cyber attacks, a recent report says.

Israeli officials, weary of Iran's achievements in the nuclear field, have turned to cyber attacks to halt the country's development, Israeli sources told Reuters on Tuesday.

The appeal of such a method was heightened after officials in Washington made clear that they are not willing to support an attack on key Iranian nuclear facilities.

"We came to the conclusion that, for our purposes, a key Iranian vulnerability is in its on-line information," a recently retired Israeli security cabinet member said, using a generic term for digital networks. "We have acted accordingly."

The report, quoting an unnamed Israeli source, says the attacks may also allow Israel's intelligence agencies to do more than just acquiring classified information.

"Aside from accessing secret data, we could also set off deliberate explosions, just by programming a re-route of the pipelines," the Shin Bet veteran said.

Another method of sabotage mentioned in the report was the use of malware — a commonly used abbreviation for 'malicious software' — to "corrupt, commandeer or crash the controls of sensitive sites like uranium enrichment plants".

recommended by Shah Ghollam



Stop hiding Israel's crimes

by ali_UK on

Israel has for over 50 years

by ali_UK on

practiced state genoside by a way of humiliation and slow death of the Palestinians.I do not think any "human being with a conscious. " would deny that.

Regardless of what IR is or has done.

Shah Ghollam

Rish Kosh

by Shah Ghollam on

I thought you would fail my challenge. So you are a fake after all!

Farhad Kashani

Shah Gholam: IRI will die out! Save your energy!

by Farhad Kashani on

Shah Gholam,


No amount of bashing Israel or coming up with conspiracy theorism about “Israel wanting war for Iran because IRI is righteous” will save your Fascist IRI regime.


IRI started a blind anti Israeli culture 30 years ago and it has been messing with Israel ever since, so whatever happens to it by the hand of Israel, it deserves it. However, I don’t what that to happen because innocent Iranian will die in the middle. But worthless pieces of human flesh who engage in blind anti Israelism in favor of the IRI regime don’t care about Iranian lives. They are sitting in San Francisco with their other brainwashed Socialist pot head friends and spit anti Israeli propaganda and oppressed Iranians in Iran will pay the price. What is this anti Israeli for? What is it to us? Why should Iran be sacrificed in the name of "supporting Gaza"!


No one will support your blind anti Israel propaganda. As we speak, Iranians are on the streets being killed by the hand of the regime that you so passionately support; all for asking for their freedom.


How can a human being lose its soul like that?





Runny Stool

by Anonymous111 on

Can you stop posting this bulls##t IRI propaganda?  I told you I get diarrhea every time I see one of your posts.  Come on man, I am running out of Imodium.   

khaleh mosheh

Shah Ghollam= Nokia

by khaleh mosheh on

Khateh nabasheed- good day at the office baton wielding?



yeah right sourced by press tv !!! must be accurate

by rish kosh (not verified) on

We all know your motives here on , you try to divert attention from Iran to Palestine and Israel and anything you can blame your troubles on
the fact is young and old Iranian Muslims are protesting and actually have a nationality they love and want to protect not like you your traitor IR government that hires Lebanese and Palestinian thugs to join your Basiji Thugs and beat and kill your own people.
you put your government and Khamenei thugs before your nationality and just go blindly with their ideology...
I know there is no changing of your mind since you are so brain washed and blind but the rest of us aren't blind and can see trough you and your boyfriend WGMs lies and propaganda and diversion tactics....
its getting old try to come up with some new lies jujeh basiji