UK expels two Iranian diplomats
23-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

The UK has ordered the expulsion of two Iranian diplomats in a tit-for-tat action after Tehran also ordered two UK diplomats to leave the country. Prime Minister Gordon Brown told MPs he had no choice but to respond after Iran had made allegations that were "absolutely without foundation". The two British diplomats had been effectively accused of spying by Iran officials, the Foreign Office said. Mass unrest on the streets of Tehran has been blamed by Iran on the UK.

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obama is doing great

by nojanthegreat on

erupeans not going to stop their deals with iran just yet.

they ask iranian diplomat out not to respect the people who are in riot but to respond to iranian gov which ask two of their diplomats to pack for home eairly.

obama is young but smart and thats like ants in your pants.

berluscony and sarkosy have their own problem, french adn their new naval base in UEA is far from human right issues.



by maryamk (not verified) on

The Europeans know better how to deal with the Mullahs and have unlike President Obama, correctly taken a harsh position with Iran.

Brits expelled the two IRI diplomats in retaliation, Italy took back its G8 invitation, and Sarkosy spoke out against the actions of IRI in the first few days. This is all despite Europe doing far more trade with Iran and financially having more at stake.

However, our President Obama is not taking a firm position and has invited the Iranian diplomats around the world to the 4th of July BBQ. (no joke, check it out).

I don't regard this soft approach as diplomacy, but rather inexperience. I base my opinion also on the way President Obama has dealt with health care and gay rights issues as well.

Because he is inexperienced, he wants to make all happy. However, in the process he disappoints people. Now I see why we needed to elect a more experienced person. President Obama has a good heart and good intentions no doubt, but not the right level of experience. Haven't you experienced that at work at times.

I wish the Iranian issue would have happened in Obama's third year. I think having been more experienced and confident then, his way of dealing with it would have been different.

Obama should take lessons from the Brits because the Brits have dealt wth the Mullahs for about 100 years. They know how vulgar the Mullahs are and that you should put them in their place. Being nice will not work, just makes them more "poroo".


We need to get our $1.6 billion from the Brits.

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

Who cares about the "diplomats". The Brits seems to be on their way to molla khor Iran's money. Let's keep our eyes on THAT so these dozdaaneh sar gradaneh don't get away with it.
Diplomats come and go, its no big deal.
