Norway: 'Fighting radical Islam is like fighting Nazism, Communism'
Europe News
02-Mar-2009 (one comment)

Head of the Progress Party (Frp) Siv Jensen thinks that the fight against radical Islam is just as important as the fight against Nazism.

"Throughout history we managed to fight totalitarian ideas like Nazism and later Communism. As a liberal I will always fight against such ideas and movements. Radical Islam is a dark and scary ideology and fighting it is our era's most important struggle," Jensen told Klassekampen (Norway's Communist newspaper).

She accuses opponents in other parties of running into the trenches when the Frp takes up these issues.

"It's most probably an expression that they don't know what's happening in the society around them. They shut their eyes and try to appear tolerant and liberal, while in reality they are deeply intolerant," says Jensen. She explains the argument by saying that her opponents, regardless of how well-meaning they are, ignore attacks against individuals in Norway. The women's movement is the worst, Jensen thinks.

She claims she was contacted by 'very many of immigrant background' recently.

"These are people who are in Norway because they fled totalitarian and oppressive regimes. They tell me that they are terrified that the totalitarian powers will come after them. I see the the debate is better and more extensive in the immigrant community than in the political community," says Jensen.

Farhad Kashani

Radical Islam and Nazism

by Farhad Kashani on

And the head of Radical Islam is the Fascist IRI
