Anti-war nuns branded as ‘terrorists.’
Think Progress
Anti-war nuns branded as ‘terrorists.’

Sisters Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte have been “secretly branded by Maryland State Police as terrorists
and placed on a national watch list” due to their participation in
anti-war protest activities. They were added to the list after Maryland
state police spied on them:

“This term terrorist is a really serious accusation,” Sister Ardeth, a nun for 54 years, told The Washington Times on Thursday in the first interview that the women have given since being informed they
were among 53 people added to a terrorist watch list in conjunction
with an extensive Maryland surveillance effort of antiwar activists.

“There is no way that we ever want to be identified as terrorists.
We are nonviolent. We are faith-based,” she said. […] “Democracy is
built on these elements on being able to speak out to speak what we
believe is truth,” Sister Carol said.

The nuns said they were >>>

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