Atheist group sues Bush over national prayer day
Washington Post
05-Oct-2008 (4 comments)

MADISON, Wis. -- The nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics is suing President Bush, the governor of Wisconsin and other officials over the federal law designating a National Day of Prayer.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation sued Friday in U.S. district court, arguing that the president's mandated proclamations calling on Americans to pray violates a constitutional ban on government officials endorsing religion.

The day of prayer, held each year on the first Thursday of May, creates a "hostile environment for nonbelievers, who are made to feel as if they are political outsiders," the lawsuit said.

The national proclamation issued this year asked God's blessings on our country and called for Americans to observe the day with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities.

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle is named in the suit because he is one of 50 governors who issued proclamations calling for the prayer day. The foundation is based in Madison.

Shirley Dobson, chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, and White House press secretary Dana Perino also are named.

The foundation has filed numerous lawsuits in recent years, including one rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court last year that attacked President Bush's faith-based initiative.

The White House and Doyle spokesman Lee Sensenbrenner had no comment on the lawsuit. A message seeking comment from the task force was not returned Friday ... >>>

recommended by Farhad Kashani


Farhad Kashani

Wow, I can truly say I

by Farhad Kashani on

Wow, I can truly say I haven't seen any people like Iranians so pessimistic and believe in so much junk conspiracy theory ! Amazing! Thats a sign of an "ill nation".


Church and State: No Way

by Izzy (not verified) on

Hey Buddies

They have issued "chips" into new U.S. passports. It means that Gospel of Jesus is going to be banned. I was listening to Mohsen Rezai's speech and he said, "It seems that U.S. is losing its freedom and is becoming a police state." There is a new book out called The Rise of Fourth Reich and talks about ex-German groups taking over this country. God Bless America.


Separation of Church and State

by Anonymousity (not verified) on

It's all about the very important principle of separation of church and state. The American government is already far too much infiltrated by religion, and we see how dangerous religion and government are when they are allowed to intertwine, for example the IRI, among others.


...and I thought ....

by ./. (not verified) on

Thanks for letting us know that this can only happen in US. All this time with the economy going down the tiolet and other misserable things happening, I thought we are living in Afghanitan. I forgot I could sue the president !!!. Lets go do that now that we are losing our homes and savings, and retirement, and social security, and dignity in the world, and ... and ... and ...

Thanks again.