نجات دختري كه توسط پدرش زنده به گور شده بود‌
fars news agency
08-May-2008 (4 comments)

خبرگزاري فارس: دختر جوان 22 ساله‌اي كه توسط پدرش با انگيزه نامعلوم زنده به گور شده بود توسط مأموران نجات يافت. به گزارش خبرنگار اجتماعي فارس، عصر روز چهارشنبه مأموران كلانتري 166 لشگرك از وقوع يك فقره شكنجه يك دختر جوان توسط پدرش با خبر شدند. مأموران با بررسي اظهارات شهروندان دريافتند دختر جواني ‌در جاده تلو، زمين‌هاي خاكي، داخل اراضي ارتش، در زير سنگ‌ها مدفون شده است كه احتمالا زنده است. ماموران بلافاصله با حضور در محل مشخص شده از سوي شهروندان و پس از شناسايي مكان موردنظر، ‌نسبت به نجات اين دختر جوان اقدام كردند.

ebi amirhosseini

Saudi Arabia or Iran !?

by ebi amirhosseini on

An Arab tradition,kept alive in Iran by a father! who is to blame!? the man,society or his religious believes!?



Austrian father

by Anonymous200 (not verified) on

Austrian father abused his daughter for 24 years therefore we should judge Austrians as barbaric psychos too.


fasten your sit belt we are nearing seventh cent civi or lack of

by abar ar ar (not verified) on

Its Pagan arabian tradition, eventhough they were banned from doing that. Now Iran approching the seventh century there is no telling what great tradition making a come back next.


Don't blame the entire society

by Abarmard on

Come on now. What about the dude who made her own daughter pregnant with five kids (something like that), none ever saw the sunlight. A Roman tradition? No one seem to quickly judge them. We all looked at the incident as an individual based tragedy.

Take it as it is, it's not culture or country but strange ass people who do crazy ass things. Stop trying to link these acts to Arabs or IR or Shah or...Some of these acts are just what they are, crazy. The individual needs help. Simple as that.

Happy Friday