Iran suspends talks with U.S. on security in Iraq
05-May-2008 (2 comments)

“What we are witnessing is open and extensive bombing of the Iraqi nation, while the main goal of talks with the American side would have been security and peace in Iraq,” said Hosseini. “It is a matter of doubt that the U.S. is pursuing a solution for the crisis, which was caused by them.”


USA Butchering Iraqi Civilians

by almo5000 on

Butchering of Iraqi civilians under the name of "secuity" is continuing by US military. Were Saddam or Hitler any better?



A Kind Of Revenge

by Pissed Off (not verified) on

Just look at it as a kind of revenge, by someone else, for those Iranians who died in the hands of Iraqis.

The best you can do is tell your Iranian bosses to get the hell out of Iraq!