OMID: The dating game

12/29/2007 - 17:41


Sasha, Tasbee = prayer beads!

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

That's all they are, that's it!


Collective takes a village now day, but

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

I can respect your desire to only watch and not participate.

Solh out!



by Sasha on





by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

I will have to save our posts so there is no disconnect. I suppose it really does not matter in this virtual sandbox.

Rosie Jan: I still have the beads for the tasbee. It also appears Sasha will be supervising and Omid will be providing a minute by minute illustration of "tasbee band kardan."

Now, the Muslim's score is 0. On many levels this score is significant, because if she did pick him. Their female offspring should face FGM. Her physical abuse would be sanctioned by his "Book" and therefore justified. Their female offspring could inherit less, were he to die! Their female offspring may even become educted, but she is less likely to secure employment. Her testimony would not be counted, as would a man's! Her pumps or that little black dress would never be acceptable!

oh, my bottom-time is near critical I need a safety stop and more cut-n-paste! Well, brevity is the soul of wit, but none will be found here, as the old chatter box is here!


more ironi babes for haji & and I

by ironi dude (not verified) on

hehehehe, hey cool. I'm that "deleh haji behsozeh". here more babes. Mehrnaz is real. A very nice girl. but I don't qualify. :(

Rosie and Sasha, got more photos?

ironi bahall :)


Yes...he probably better go

by persian_westender (not verified) on

Yes...he probably better go off and register in a muslim dating website, where he is able to compete with the rivals who potentially are beatable and a women who potentially and more likely to like him...I don't argue on imaginative solutions.they are imagination and could be anything.
but by the same token of imagination is it potentilly possible a women- lets say an atheist women- fall in love with a religious man(not necessarily a muslim but any religion)? lets say the man is very attractive and meets all the needs and qualifications of the women except being religious. is it a wild imagination?

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on



Please inquire!

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Chobo ke bardasht gorbe dozdeh dar raft!

What's wrong with gray hair? Mehraz banou was not a blond that went gray where she needs to color her hair [b]elond. See "them" roots! Her nose is a cookie-cutter nose job! You don't see it, but I do! Ask your persian women friends! They will also enlighten you about her lips!

What's interesting is that Persian women get mad if someone discovers they have had "saf karee."


Rosie jan . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Don't tell me you are one of those Jews for Jesus types! You speak in tounge!

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on




by Sasha on


Rosie T.

Koroush, you know... / PS Slasher..

by Rosie T. on

Koroush, you know, you're such a cunning linguist, sometimes it's all I can do just to try to keep up with you... 

 Are you implying my male co-religionists are reluctant practioners of the art of...well, the art of...of which you speak....

in tongues...

as you so often do?  

Curious Jew

PS I am drawn to the Persian Male like...quicksand...and they...are drawn to rope...

PPS SLASH: I believe Koroush thinks she is fake because he assumes she is a Persian Female, of the "Tehrangelesi" sub-species. If I may be so bold as to venture an opinon about what one could mean who so speaks in tongues....




by Sasha on




by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Iranian men must run a car-fax and check their potential date's kontor, before they embark on their dating ritual.

Rosie jan I totally see why you were drawn to persian men and they to you - as a good kalemee friend told me there will be mideast peace before there is a oral sex performed by Safar-ishkenazee!


What part of her is real?

by kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on


If you answer correctly you will get a jayezeh!


so cute

by deleh haji behsozeh,lol (not verified) on

I wish I could date this ironi babe....awesome...



Dear Omid hast

by persian_westender (not verified) on

With all due respect to your drawing, I think a muslim man would not take part in a dating game in the first place, not only because he knows that he has any chances to win, but because he doesn't see any reason for this. he has his own process of finding match according his culture.
Why we should put him in this situation? and then take his scores that he wouldn't asked in the first place....and then call him a looser?

Rosie T.

Bambi, I already told you...

by Rosie T. on

this is a conversation between you and you. Dialogue with your original post.

If you DIDN'T mean to drag in questioning of someone's sexual proclivities, you need to seriously modify your language if you don't expect to be "misinterpreted". If you DID mean to do it, you succeeded, and now you're simply rationalizing. Just a bunch of words. That's all I have to say on the matter. Seriously. I'm not kidding. That's all I have to say.


To Rosie

by bambi (not verified) on

Again, where did I exactly question his preferance? My quote does not indicate that, does it??? You assume too much, and know very little. You don't even know WHEN to ask. When a comment is interpretative, such as, "the weather is warm", you cannot assume it is necesarily summer. Even when I say it is 80 F, you still cannot assume it is summer. .....This is getting redundant. I'm done with you.

Rosie T.

Dear Bambi:

by Rosie T. on

This is what you wrote:

The guys that are into cats, at least the ones that I have met, seem kinda effeminate, too metrosexual.... and, most guys that are into arts are like that also...hmm, I wonder... "

 and now you are asking me how I can make assumptions about what you meant without getting clarification from you first.

The answer to your question is a conversation which must take place between you and you, not between you and me.

Saeed Kafili


by Saeed Kafili on

I'm with "Hello Haji ".

 There's gotta be somebody out there for Hajiagha. Poor kid is even thinking about saying " the hell with it all", and go back.

 Hajiagha, I know has done miracles for some. Try it, you never know. I, for one, am willing to chip in for your membership fee. I think you are very talented, but you need to focus on a little more appropriate subjects. Hopefully, AFTER, we get you hooked up, that talent manifests itself in your work. 


I think that some softness...........

by Sasha on

I think that some softness/ gentleness in a man is a good quality.

I stay away from what appears to be a  "macho man" and especially the  "machista" type. Girls, if you meet a "machista" type , don't just walk away from the man, run for your lives. :o) 

 Seriously, they are one of the most destructive personalities out there.





To Rosie & Sasha

by bambi (not verified) on

I never questioned his sexual preferance, NOT FOR A MOMENT. How can you possibly claim to know what I meant, without MY OWN CLARIFICATION, ha???? Too presumptuous! Perhaps my statment was ambiguous, so let me clarify it. Like the yin and yan of sexuality, there are feminity and masculanity in all sexes. For example, on one extreme, there are macho guys, and some of them could be gay wrestlers. And there are some guys that act feminine, but are not really gay, such as Richard Simmons. So femininity or masculanity has nothing to do with being gay or staight. I just wanted to know that aspect of his being. ( such as being vain, too much grooming, etc, which to me means being metrosexual) And mind you, all these descriptions are highly subjective. For example what I may consider too much grooming for a guy, might be just the right amount for another individual.

I believe that everyone has both traits to varying degrees, and having more the traits of the opposite sex in someone, does not necessairy make them gay. ( not that there is anything wrong in that anyways)


Rosie T.

Well, probably I did overlook the "some"...

by Rosie T. on

and probably you're right, in Jamshid's case it is probably a missionary agnosticism, but it's missionary.  He's stated his intentions to "preach" (his word) against Islam in Iran should he be able to do so in future. And I keep telling him to leave Islam alone and focus on ISLAMICISM, that is POLITICAL Islam. It's a good discussion we're having and we're making progress.

I just posted some elaboration on these thoughts under Curious Joe's piece. For whatever they're worth over there.  Actually I'm REALLY trying to work through my ideas in response to Rashidian's question to me about what I meant by my statement on the union of the Secular and Spiritual Enlightenments at the end of "Mozdoor." I already told him I'm going to answer him either as a blog or an article,...

and not surprisingly, of all the MANY posters on that thread, he was the ONLY one who seemed to GET it that that was actually my MAIN POINT...he didn't understand exactly what I MEANT by it, but he understood it was my whole POINT, and he actually wanted clarification...

Ah, my three Jahanshahs...Sufi #1, Secular Humanist #2, and....Whatever #3. Not that we're "dating", could draw it...if one had a mind to... 

And PS Yes, I infinitely prefer free-range chickens, but strictly for dietary purposes.

Omid Hast

To Rosie T.: be sure which missionary

by Omid Hast on

Professor Goldsmith,

Thank you for the free lecture about atheism, but it appears that you overlooked the keyword, I said “SOME of these atheists”. I am quite familiar with the excesses of murderous behavior of the “missionary atheists”.

I don’t believe Jamshid is a practicing “missionary atheist”, may be he is a practicing missionary agnostic‘ist, or maybe he is a practicing missionary position’ist, but either way be sure which missionary it is that you want to talk him out of.



by Sasha on





Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Rosie T.

Omid, I strongly suggest...

by Rosie T. on

you read Koroush Sassanian's post entitled "I Strongly Suggest" under Curious Joe's current article on the homepage about the virtues of Atheism over religion. Koroush's post is six up from the bottom. Yes, there is such a thing as a missionary atheism. Jamshid, whom you rightly mention as someone who tries to keep us to upholding a certain standard within the website discourse, practices it, and I am trying to talk him out of it. The worst excesses of missionary Atheism are to be seen in the Cultural Revolution of China. In any case I believe the distinction between atheism and religion to be a spurious one, and that science and the age-old truly spiritual practices of meditation into knowledge of "Cosmic Mind" will meet and become one with the help of the insights we gain from our technology. It has already been happening for a century in physics. The problem is: will we SURVIVE our technology in order to use it to transform us? That is the open question. What is atheism vs. spirituality?. Many Buddhist traditions consider themselves atheist in that they reject a "higher power" other than Mind which lies within everything that exists; many Communists have been CLEARLY dogmatically religious about their Atheism, and their Inquisitions would have made Torquemada frankly green with envy.

Rosie T.

To Sasha and others...

by Rosie T. on

Well Sasha I think the woman in the Dating Game is an eclectic mixture of many belief systems and she is comfortable with living with paradox. I agree with most of what you say to Bambi except that (s)he questioned Omid's manhood. (S)he did not. (S)he questioned his sexual preference. Sexual preference has nothing to do with manhood. Neither does a more or less effeminate appearance have anything to do with manhood. "The Sorrow and the Pity" is perhaps the greatest documentary ever made and it was made in the 60's about the Occupation of France during WWII. In it a man was interviewed who was considered to have been one of the bravest of the brave of all the spies of the French Resistance. He was a very effeminate British-born homosexual cabaret singer. One is born with one's genitalia and probably also with one's sexual preference. In one's life one makes many choices. To be a full man or a full woman is to make the choices to be a full human, to show integrity. That is all. I have been very misunderstood by some people on this website for my comments about Benazir Bhutto's womanliness, and it is possible that what I just wrote above may seem to some to contradict those comments. And such is the nature of paradox; I stand by both my statements. But as usual, if anyone has questions, feel free...