10/02/2007 - 15:12


akhey part 2

by sarekar (not verified) on

ki behet gofte Cartoooonist?aslan ki bet gofte Englisi benvisi vaghti nemitooni?to hiiicchi nemitooni anjam bedi,na cartoon bekeshi na cartoon bebini,na kar koni na hatta beri ye class e zaban ...yemosh (beghole khodeshoon)k.khol daran vasat fan club mizanan...hamoonayi ke bet HONARMAND goftan o sare kaaret gozashtan...inayee ham ke gofti faghat boro Iran(ke man mahe pish unja boodam)ta bebini khodforooshiye Pesaro dokhtar yani chi,Etiyaad yani chi?Rahbaret Taryakiye badbakht,chi migi?

Jeesh Daram

How many years have you been drawing?

by Jeesh Daram on



Hajiagha personality cult

by voltaire (not verified) on

You are an Iranian Candide, a naive and simple innocent who

inadvertently has many misadventures and unintentionally gets

trapped in undesirable but farcical and ironic situations. As

such you are very representative of the Iranian Diaspora, most of

whom can relate to you sympathetically at least at a subconscious

level. Therefore, you as a persona are more symbolically important

to the Diaspora than your cartoons. So when they are making nega-

tive or positive comments about you, they are really talking about


Many of your criticisms about the dark side of life in North Ame-

rica are true, but not so different from the same things in the rest of the

world. So try to have a more positive attitude. You're starting

to build a fan club.

Good luck.


Haji, Home and Wife for You

by Akbar Masoumi (not verified) on

Baa Salaam. Mr. Hajiagha, I am an industrial draftsman in Vancouver. I have a 23 year-old daughter who teaches in a primary school in North Vancouver. She wore rousari since she was 9. She is a good Muslim and prays 3 times a day. Her mother and I are religious too. My daughter knows how to cook and do housework. Her mother asked her if she was ready to get married to an artist like you. She said Yes. Her English is very good and she can work and help you find a job as well. I would like to know if you are ready to settle with my daughter. If you agree, then we can arrange for a family meeting. What is your enail address please?



Akbar Masoumi


Hajiagha keep it up

by Art Dealer in Beverly Hills (not verified) on

all those that say they hate your cartoons wait impatiently to see the next one. Or else why so many people come back? Because they love it, they want you to tell the truth about many Iranian women's mentality in the west, that if they dress sexy it puts them above everything else, but at the same time how many take daily showers?

So, the problem is not Haji the problem is that we pretend. Just like all those who pretend they pray everyday or fast every year or give charity. It's an addiction, the more they lie the more they get the high.

Haji, do what you do best. You don't need to explain yourself. Set the price high because many of your drawings will become very expensive and the very same people who are offended now weill kill each other to be able to buy one of yours to put in their bedroom or living room. Mark my word.

Canda does suck, the attract the dissidents of many countries into slavery and then they go and mess around with their land.

khob beram eftar konam maddar joon
khoda hefzet koneh javoon


is reality are life man

by hajiagha on

Iranian artist

are can tell me your kids when she or he came late in home?

I saw 13 years or younger in street Canada sale sex for drugs , $20 you can fresh pussy,,,,,or just need to have some drugs hashish in hand....

many of them homeless or so many of them making money buy selling job as cartoonist to show all this if you don't like such this cartoons much better try to teach your children , ask from your local government to they are working to fix all this problems....I am just cartoonist



by hagiagha (not verified) on

islam sucks...



by sakineh khanoom (not verified) on


You are BORING!

I am sure Ahmadinejad would be delighted to have you in his hate-spreading team.



by KOSKHOL NO.2 (not verified) on

Haji I love you
You the best , me like it very very
You should start your very own fan club
F*** who cant see the light
For the rest of us YOU ARE IT..
Yours truly
(With your permission of course)
Koskhol NO.2



by sarekar (not verified) on

Masalan mikhai begi Namazkhooni?ama ino bedoon ke poole mardome Canada ro too jib gozashtan va beheshoon fohsh o badobirah goftan dorost nist va un pool dige HARAAM e,pas namazet bedarde ammat mikhore.MOftkhor.
boro be kasani ke behet honarmand goftan o too deleshoon maskharat kardan o toro donble kooneshoon ta un vare donya keshoondan eteraaz kon...fek nemikonam kasi vasat karte davat ferestade boode ke biyai inja....
Sare karet gozashtan HOnarmaaand..he he he