Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah


Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah
by salman farsi



Imam Hossein (as), the second son of Imam Ali (as) and his wife, the prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daughter Fatemeh Zahra (sa) is known as the saarallah (the blood of Allah). His martyrdom at the hands of the people of Kufa, near Karbala in Iraq in 680 AD marks the most significant event in the Shi'a calendar. The life and martyrdom of Imam Hossein (as) had impacts on the Mulsim world and in particular on Iranians who have special affection for the Imam. Look how the Iranian Marxist activist and poet, Khosrow Golsorkhi, starts his defence in the military court in 1971, by his great praise for Imam Hossein (as) and his campagin against injustice. Rumi (Molavi) remembers them in his poetry:

کجایید ای شهیدان خدایی
بلاجویان دشت کربلایی
کجایید ای سبک روحان عاشق
پرنده​تر ز مرغان هوایی
کجایید ای شهان آسمانی
بدانسته فلک را درگشایی
کجایید ای ز جان و جا رهیده
کسی مر عقل را گوید کجایی
کجایید ای در زندان شکسته
بداده وام داران را رهایی
کجایید ای در مخزن گشاده
کجایید ای نوای بی​نوایی
درین بحرید کین عالم کف اوست
زمانی بیش دارید آشنایی
کف دریاست صورت های عالم
زکف بگذر اگر اهل صفایی
دلم کف کرد زن نقش سخن شد
بهل نقش و به دل رو گر زمانی
برآی ای شمس تبریزی ز مشرق
که اصل اصل هر ضیایی

Iranians great respect and affection for Imam Hossein has its roots in Imam's first wife, Princess Shahr Banu, the younger daughter of Yazdegerd the 3rd who was chosen as a suitable wife for his hounger son by Imam Ali (as). The eminent Harvard professor and researcher Dr Ahmad Mahdavi-Damghani  has done extensive research on this topic and has proven that Shahr Banu was indeed Imam Hossein's wife and therefore all the other nine Imams of the Shi'a sect had Iranian blood in their veins and their ancestry can be traced back to the kings of the Sassanid era and the kiani traditions.

Dr Mahadavi-Damghani has been a proferssor of Islamic sufism and Arabic lterature at Harvard School of Divinity and university of Pennsylvania since 1987 (see the vdieo).

Iranians have mourned the tragedy of Karbala in the most emotional ways even by the leaders of the Sialmic regime who have betrayed all Imam Hossein's (as) Ideals and principles:

Imam Hossin in Karbala (recreation):

This is the most famous prayer for Ashura:


درود بر تو باد اى وارث حضرت آدم برگزيده خداى
درود بر تو باد اى وارث نوح پيغمبر خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث ابراهيم دوست خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث موسى هم سخن خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث عيسى روح الله
درود بر تو باد اى وارث حضرت محمد حبيب خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث على امير المؤمنين ولى خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث حسن شهيد سبط رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى زاده رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى پسر بشير و ترساننده و پسر آقاى وصيين
درود باد بر تو اى پسر فاطمه سيده زنان جهان
درود باد بر تو اى ابا عبد الله
درود باد بر تو اى مختار خدا و پسر مختار خدا
درود باد بر تو اى خون خدا و زاده خون او
درود باد بر تو اى كشته‏اى كه خونخواهانت كشته شدند
درود باد بر تو اى امام رهبر پاك و بر ارواحى كه به آستانت خفتند و در جوارت آرميدند و وارد شدند با زايرين ات
درود باد بر تو از من مادامى كه بمانم و بماند شب و روز
پس به تحقيق بزرگ شد به تو مصيبت و انبوه شد سوگ در مؤمنين و مسلمانان و در همه اهل آسمانها و در ساكنان زمين پس بدرستى كه ما از براى خداييم و ما بسوى او بازگشت كنندگانيم و درودهاى متصل خدا و بركات و تحيات خدا بر تو و بر پدران پاك و پاكيزه و برگزيدگان و بر اولادان هدايت كننده و هدايت يافته ايشان .
درود باد بر تو اى مولاى من و بر ايشان و بر روان تو و بر روان ايشان و بر تربت (پاك) تو و بر تربت ايشان .
خدايا به رحمت و رضايت و روح و ريحان با آنان ملاقات فرماى
درود بر تو باد اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله ! اى زاده خاتم پيغمبران و اى پسر آقاى وصى ‏ها و اى پسر سيده زن هاى جهانيان
درود بر تو باد اى شهيد اى پسر شهيد اى برادر شهيد اى پدر شهدا
بار خدايا او را برسان از من در اين ساعت و در اين روز و در اين وقت و در همه وقت تحيت بسيار و سلام
درود خداى بر تو باد و رحمت خداى و بركاتش اى پسر آقاى جهانيان و بر شهداى همراهت ؛ درود پيوسته تا پيوسته است شب و روز ؛ درود باد بر حسين پسر على شهيد درود باد بر على بن الحسين شهيد
درود باد بر (حضرت) عباس پسر (حضرت) امير المؤمنين كه به درجه شهادت رسيد درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان امير المؤمنين (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسن (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسين
درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان جعفر و عقيل
درود باد بر هر شهيد همراه آنها از مؤمنان
بار خدايا درود فرست بر محمد و آل محمد و برسان ايشان را از من تحيت فراوان و سلام
درود باد بر تو اى رسول خدا سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى فاطمه سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خدا درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى امير مؤمنان سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى ابا محمد الحسن ‏سر سلامتى خوبى دهد خداى تو را درباره برادرت حسين
اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله من مهمان خدا و مهمان توام و پناهنده به خدا و پناهنده به توام و براى هر مهمان و پناهنده پذيرايى باشد و پذيرايى من در اين وقت اين است كه بخواهى از خداى سبحانه و تعالى كه روزى من گرداند رهايى تنم از آتش زيرا كه او شنواى دعا و نزديك است و اجابت كننده.

 And it has a politcal significance for Iranians in ther fight against the Islamic republic:


more from salman farsi
salman farsi

Brother Shirazi kid

by salman farsi on


 Don't play with words brother. If Iranians were majority Sunni the 8th Imam of Shiayan and his family would not have felt safe enough to immigrate to Iran. And as for Fersowsi being a Shia I am astonished that this comes as a surprise to you, I was expecting an immediate denial by you but there are so many references in this including in his own poetry. Just go to this page as scroll down to his name.



For an Islamic democracy


Great blog

by Truthseeker9 on



brother/sister salman the Hojjatist joon:

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Your branding anyone who challenges your laughable slogan of "islamic democracy"  as a "bahai" or "wahabi", your laughable, comical and desparate  attempts at linking the cult of shiat islam to the "persian, Aryan, Kiani" things, has left us with very little doubt that you belong to the vile sub cult of Hojjatieh society, and as such madly in love with the fake "doctor" ahmadinezhad :)

Now why dont you dare coming out of your closet and telling us who you really are, trying to re package the vile ideology of Hojjatieh with the laughable slogan of "Islamic Democracy" is the real question my dear sista :) 

And no genius, I am not a Bahai, I am a atheist. I consider all religions to be the opium of the masses, except for the cult of shiat islam which I consider to be the crack cocaine of the masses. :)  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by BacheShirazi on

Your statistic argument is ridiculous. You want accuratre statistics on the religions of Iranians 1400 years ago? I could just say that we have no evidence that pre Islamic Iran ever existed, sinse we have no statistics to show for it.


Brother Salman!

by Fesenjoon2 on

Hey brother,

Can you explain to us why is it that Hosayn's mother was 9 years old when she had sex with Ali?

Could it be that Husayn's father was a child molester?

That doesnt flow well with Kiaani principles. 


Iranins did not wait until

by BacheShirazi on

Iranins did not wait until the ratio became 99/1 and then decided to
love the twelve Imams. 



Sorry but maybe you should apply this advice to yourself. YOU are the one who made the arguement that they have Iranian blood so Iranians should like them. Don't act like you need to tell me this. Atleast you have atleast agreed that your they have Iranian blood argument was extremly stupid. 



 And there are no statistics to show that Iranians were sunni


Of course they where Sunni. Are you trying to tell me the Safavids converted Shia muslims into Shia muslims? What a joke.

but if you
imagin that their greatest port, Ferdosi was a staunch Shi;a you can
imagine that the majority were Shia too.


Ferdowsi was a staunch Shia? I assume you have a source for this? 


salman farsi

No guess work brother Natavan

by salman farsi on



It is as clear as day light that you are another mixed up kid who wrongly believes that Islam is all about the Holy Quran and whenever he has no point to argue he hides behind sufism. You are the Iranian wahhabi brother. At least they don't hide behind Erfan when they have no point to make. Islam is Quran + Sunnah + Fiqh + Haidth. 


Quit Talbanism and join the full spirit of Islam and don't call youself Tavana - it makes me laugh. 

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

Brother Bugger and Shirazi kid

by salman farsi on

  It is unfortunate that I should adress you on the same title but that is due to the choice of your usernames.




Iranins did not wait until the ratio became 99/1 and then decided to love the twelve Imams. Even from that days of Hossein (AS) they were full of love and respect for his son and this affection was passed down the generations. So please don't make it difficult for yourself. And there are no statistics to show that Iranians were sunni but if you imagin that their greatest port, Ferdosi was a staunch Shi;a you can imagine that the majority were Shia too.



Amou Bugger


Please stick to your original name of Samsam111. You made more sense then than now brother.

For an Islamic democracy


The Blogger's Shameful 'Reply!'

by Tavana on

"Brother Natavan

You are Talebani-Wahhabi in denial." 


Now we all understand why IRI can not tolerate with an 'reasonings!'

"O you who have attained to faith! Avoid most guess work [about one another] - for, behold, some of such guesswork is [in itself] a sin; and do not spy upon one another, neither allow yourselves to speak ill of one another behind your backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would loathe it! And be conscious of GOD. Verily GOD is an acceptance of repentance, a dispense of grace! (Ghoron 49:12)"

May GOD accepts the blogger's repentance, Amen!!!


مرجع سوژه های مایه انبساط خاطر!



توی این سایت همه چیز داشتیم بجز حجت الاسلام رینگو و پا رکابش طلبه بارنی که شکر خدا این مساله هم حل شد!


Veiled prophet of Khorasan

by BacheShirazi on

Thanks for the information, I didn't know that

Anonymous Bugger

Amou Salman, you know

by Anonymous Bugger on

what tisheh zadd bar rishehe shia o aalleh Ali o assnaa ashari was no other than the stateless ommaties & political fegh-hists whose contempt for kiaani Iran & common sense alientated a lotta good folks & yet absorbed a big chunk of fence sitting charlatans who wore their religion on their sleeves . I myself grew up with a dad who was a noble  army officer  whose loyalty to Iran&kiaan superceded any other idol be it religious or secular and yet he gave me the freedom to read namaz or practice roozeh from age 7 until my teens.. Areh amou , in those days i was a party going, namaz bending tits loving shahnameh reading soccer playing kasrawi reading husseynieh going ..etc rascal who lived in a ballanced dual identity between moderate spirituality & kiaan. I may not worship idols of medina any more but to this day i,m still a God fearing chap who thinks the path of kiaan, resurrection of true Iran & drafshe kaviaan does not constitute a God-less state but on the contrary the freedom to choose your dialogue with God or without it ,provided, it does not supercede other citizen's rights or your loyalty to the constitution of kiaani Iran and the legacy of her founders.

Thus, Ommatism is not about you having a religion or not but the state of one's mind be it a nomadic leftist, stateless shaikhist , jahan-vatani kharabatist or omari status quo pacifist. Just as well, being a kiaani is not about glorification & real estae patriotism about the non-existant great achievments or voluntary amnesia about who we realy are but revisiting the historical disruption , building a better future by borrowing the positive legacy of the past.

So amou, i see much less threat from private muslims like you than modern ommatie shaikhs such as Masoud behnood or abdolali bazargan who like their classic smiling shaikhak mentors of history come to fight kiaan with golo sharabo shero o bolbol.. now thats ommatie moozi for you. & as for your bibi shahrbanoo..yeppp :)..i still remember the stories i heard as a kid of dear bibi on horseback opening mountains in her flight to iran to bring more troops for imam hussein to fight yazid ibn molhed;)).. If that does it for you then more power to yaa but so long as you dont write any more of those blogs about how Cyrus & kiaani Iran are no more than fairytales(like the one you deleted from your list).. Guess you are on your way to reform..another one bites samsam dust..70 million to go::)).

Cheers & yaa hussein kiaani!!!::)) 


please speak

by BacheShirazi on

please speak scientificly.


We both know you understand what I am saying perfectly,stop playing stupid. 


Persian mother-Arab father = 50/50

 Arab mother-Half arab/ half persian father=   75/25


And it keeps going like this. I know that explanation was not needed, because even a child should be able to understand this. 



And Iran was mostly Sunni before the Safavids. 



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Islam not forced?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Salman you are either in denial or totally misinformed. I don't have the time for history 101. You Islamists are too far gone to be of any hope. Go live in "Jahle Morakkab" as they say in Arabic.

History is all available from real sources. Not some biased Mollah with an agenda. Days of revisionism and Shia propaganda are gone. Now anyone is able to get access to history. I don't need to read "Islamic" blessed history aka BS-tory.

Islam is toast in Iran as more Iranians find out what really happened. More people who know more they hate it. I would expect that a movie will be made showing what Omar and Ali really did. 

salman farsi

Brother Shirazikid

by salman farsi on



I am not a hematologist to measure the volumes of blood please speak scientificly. Imam Reza (AS) was invited by the Shiite people of Iran to come to Iran and reside there as his seat of power - he was the crown prince to the Arab califah Ma'moon. And Bani Hashem of which the Prophet and our Imams emerged were not ethnically Arabs. Some researchers suggest that they were Aryans hence they were detested by the ethnic Arabs.  

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear BacheShirazi

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes Peroz fought to restore his kingdom. But after his father had been murdered. Both Yazdgird and Peroz tried to save Iran ...

salman farsi

Extremely briefly

by salman farsi on

Brother Natavan

You are Talebani-Wahhabi in denial. 

For an Islamic democracy


You are another fanatic who

by BacheShirazi on

You are another fanatic who doesn't know one bit of history. You see you
guys think that someone as important as Imam Teza (AS) comes to Iran
for nothing. And by the way your knowledg of genetics sucks brother. The
DNA can be traced back to thousands of years so what are you talking



Are you unable to read. I am stating that even if they had some Iranian blood, they still undoubtadly had MORE Arab blood than Iranian. Is this correct or incorrect? Culturally they where Arab. Ethnically they where Arab. 


 You see you guys think that someone as important as Imam Teza (AS) comes to Iran


 So why was he in Iran? To visit some fire temples? To see Persepolis? Did he love Iran so much that he knew he was going to die so he  made the journey to be buried there?

Hitler visited Paris, doesn't mean he loved France.




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

by BacheShirazi on

I may be incorrect, but from what I have learned It was Yazdegerds son, Peroz ll (with the help of the chinese) who launched several unfortunetly unsuccessful attacks agains the caliphates.


Regardless, perhaps coward is too harsh. He was young and inexperienced, and in charge of a kingdom with much internal conflict, and to add to that he had to deal with Arab invasions. He was certainly no Babak Khoramndin or Pirouz Nahavandi, but I can see how coward is harsh. 

salman farsi


salman farsi


Brother VPK

If you are not intrested to read and learn the history of your country then please let those who have read and learned it discuss. And Islam was not forced upon Iran nor was Shiism forced upon the already Shi'a majority of Iran.  


No religion or ideology can be forced upon a nation uless they ask for it or want it and later accept it. Russia is the best recent example. For 70 years communists shoved communism down the throat of the Russians. The moment it collapsed in they reurned to their olld faiths and natinalism. Iranians invite \silam into their country and Iranians chose Shiism as a protest faith to the mainstream  sunni faith that was followed by the crimila Arab rulers of those days.


Brother Angalophile 

Keep your tasteless news and jokes to yourself brother you may need them sometimes.


Brother Shirazi kid


You are another fanatic who doesn't know one bit of history. You see you guys think that someone as important as Imam Teza (AS) comes to Iran for nothing. And by the way your knowledg of genetics sucks brother. The DNA can be traced back to thousands of years so what are you talking baout? 


For an Islamic democracy


Very Briefly!

by Tavana on

1. "That was a nation that has passed away. theirs is what they earned, and yours what you have earned. you shall not be questioned about what they did (Ghoron 2:134 & repeat @ 2:141)"

2. Not a single Ayat in Ghoron allowing 'Mourning" over any Prophet, Imam, or any "Dead" & or "Martyred."

3. The true "martyrs" are alive in heaven with GOD per Ghoron's teachings.

4. Calling any 'Imam' the Blood of GOD is a blasphemy by itself! GOD is the creator of everything including the blood itself!

5. Let's find out what other Muslim countries did when Iraq & Afghanistan were occupied 10 years ago & great many were killed/ being killed?

Time To Grow Up!! 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am with you on all points other than Yazdgird being a coward. Do you have any proof he was a coward? He fought all his life to repel the Arabs and died trying. Not my idea of a coward.

That play "Marge Yazdgird" is biased and offensive. I hope you are not basing your opinion on that. Yazdgird was not the most astute leader. But I would not accuse him of being a coward.



  Imam Hossein (AS) had no

by BacheShirazi on

  Imam Hossein (AS) had no Persian Kiani blood in him BUT his son Hazrat Sajjad (AS) had and this line continued throughout their desendant successors.


It really does not matter. Again, going by a genetic stand point. After a few Imam's down you have little Persian blood. The way you exaggerate the little Persian ancestry that they may have had you give the impression that they where  fully blooded Persian nationalists. Drop the Persian blood argument. It's only making you look like a fool. At the  end of the day even if Shahrbanu was real, the Imams where more Arab than  Persian.Both in culture and ethnically . This argument is ridiculous and keep using it if you want to keep making yourself look like a fool.


  BTW, HOW do you know that Shahrbanu was not the lady that  I definitely say she was? You sem to have a definite answer to the contrary.


It makes no difference if she was or was not. Shahrbanu was a daughter of a cowardly king. I have no reason to respect her or someone who fucked her. Nor do I have any reason to respect the Imams who may have descendent from the relationship. I respect leaders who got things done. I respect people like Shapur the great, Cyrus the great and many other great kings and leaders who have done good for Iran. Unfortunately, Yazdegerd and his daughters are not on this list. Tell me, what did Sharbanu accomplish for Iran? Why should I love her and the Arab who had her as one of his collection of wives?




1. Why the 8th Imam of Shi'ayan, Imam Reza (AS) and his brother, Shah Cheragh (AS) - buriend in Shiraz incedntally) and their sister Hazrat Ma'sumeh (SA) were all settled and buried in Iran?


Hm.. Is it  because they loved Iran? Am I right? Or is it because  Imam Reza happened to die in Iran so they buried him there.You act as if Imam Reza asked specifically to be buried in Iran. Am I to love every person who has ever died and been buried in Iran?  If that is your logic then I must love every useless Mullah who has died in this land. I must also love every murderer and child rapist who has died  and been buried in this land. I don't care if Imam Reza was buried next to Cyrus the great (btw, what does anyone know what happened to his body?).

Why Iran is the largest and the only significant Shi;a country in the world?


Because of the Safavids


Iran has always been significant. Before Islam and after Islam.


Breaking news: Cyrus the Great was a Shi'ite!

by anglophile on

According to the self-styled shi'ite  islamic  theologian, historian and argumentarian, Salman Parsi (oops I meant Farsi) the great Persian king Cyrus the Great was the founder of the shiite sect which was later re-invented by the Arab bedouins of Arabian peninsula! So it is obvious that Shiism is a royal Persian tradition!   ROTFLMAO

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Why the 8th Imam of Shi'ayan, Imam Reza (AS) and his brother, Shah Cheragh (AS) - buriend in Shiraz incedntally) and their sister Hazrat Ma'sumeh (SA) were all settled and buried in Iran? 

Does it matter. Probably because they were busy looting Iran when they died. So had to be buried somewhere and the logical place was Iran where they died.

Why Iran is the largest and the only significant Shi;a country in the world?

Because Safavids forced it on Iranians under penalty of death. Before Safavids there were millions of Zartoshtis in Iran.Safavids murdered or forced them to become Shai. Same with anyone else they could. 


salman farsi


salman farsi



Brother Shirazi Kid


In your rage you made a few gand mistakes. Imam Hossein (AS) had no Persian Kiani blood in him BUT his son Hazrat Sajjad (AS) had and this line continued throughout their desendant successors. Therefore a faction of Iranian seyyeds whose line goes back to Imam Hossein (AS) can claim kiani ancestry. By the way can you answer these questions brother:

1. Why the 8th Imam of Shi'ayan, Imam Reza (AS) and his brother, Shah Cheragh (AS) - buriend in Shiraz incedntally) and their sister Hazrat Ma'sumeh (SA) were all settled and buried in Iran?


Why Iran is the largest and the only significant Shi;a country in the world?


I thought a kid from Shiraz shoul know better.


BTW, HOW do you know that Shahrbanu was not the lady that  I definitely say she was? You sem to have a definite answer to the contrary.

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I reject all forms of Islam as a religion. Islam is a set of  myths and not a very original ones at that. Mostly copied from other myths. There is a loose  connection with Iran. Because they took some of the Iranian myths and incorporated them into Islam. It reminds me of Hollywood remakes. Shia is even more of a hodgepodge than Sunni. And Sufi is  something on its own. Probably the most original version of Islam. Since it relies heavily on mind altering  practices. 



Shahrybanu may or may not

by BacheShirazi on

Shahrybanu may or may not have existed. It is definitely not as certain as Salman makes it out to be. But let's just skip that and give the benefit of the doubt and assume that she did exist. This still does not make Shia Islam Iranian. Does a princess (who was the daughter of Yazdegerd the coward) being one of the multiple wives of Husayn, suddenly make Shia Islam Iranian? No. Shia Islam is just as Arabic as Sunni Islam.

Continuing to give you the benefit of the doubt. It makes little difference if these 9 Imams had Persian blood. First of all purely from a genetic stand point. By the time you go nine Imams down you have very little Persian blood left. Further, what language did these Imams speak and promote throughout the caliphate, Persian or Arabic? What customs did they follow, Persian or Arabic? I could list a million of these questions and the answer to each and every single one will be Arabic.

the Imams of Shi'a who had Iranian blood in their veins adopted the tradition of their royal Persian fathers

I'm sure Shapur the Great would be really proud to see what became of his Iran when he finds out  the people ruining his country may have had a little Persian blood in them. I'm sure Khosrow Parvez would be really delighted to find that out.  You almost make it sound as is the Imams liked the old Sassanid kings.

With the way Salman likes to exaggerate the non existent Persian factor of Shia Islam, you would think Husayn was a direct descendent of Cyrus the great and visited the tomb of Cyrus to celebrate Nowruz every year.

Needless to say, having a dog like Husayn go anywhere near the tomb of Cyrus the great is a disgusting thought.

salman farsi


salman farsi

Brother Gilani


Your sensitivity to Hojattieh is a evidence of your being a Bahai. Why are you afraid to admit it brother? My dear brother Freethought exposed you. Do you remember brother?


Brother MM 

(ثارلله )Imam Hossein's title is Saarallah  which means the blood of Allah. You are talking baselessly. Imam Hossein (as) martyrdom has been confirmed by the western and eastern hisrorians.

Brother IranLAST


Again you, like brother MM, are talking using witout any basis. Show me evidence or stop the nonsense.


Brother Pendar


  You are the only sensible brother among all these irrational brothers and sisters. So I answer your question with respect.


Iamam Hossein (as) was not seeking a fight. It is a myth to suggest that  Imam Hassan (as) was a peace seeker and his holy brother Imam Hossein (as) was after a war. Imam Hossein (as) was invited by the people of Kufa to be give them uidance and spritual advice but this was a plot hatched by Yazid and his cronies. They blocked the passage to Kufa near Euprates and trapped Imam into an impasse. He was not seeking to fight them but when there was no other choice he and 72 members of his entourage fought to the last drop of blood. Imam Hossein (as) was just as a peace seeker as the rest of the Imams until they were confrontd with no other alternative.


Brother VPK


You can't pick and choose. Either you have to reject the entire Islam (which is yiur right to do) or you can't say that I accpet Sunnism but rekect Shiism. This is doule standards.


Brother 2nd fesenjoon


Your narrow minded view of history is amusing. In the advanced levels of research there is no boundary between history, theology and literature as long as the method of research is well defined and accepted by the scholarly community. The fact that many of of our current "historians" are former literary, political science or linguistic experts is evidence to this claim (Zarin koob, Milani, Ashuri and others). Besides if you knew anythingabout Islam you would have known that Islamic theology is not only about Quran but is tightly tied to the history of the Prphet's life and campaigns. Shiism is the same. Shi'i beliefs are firmly grounded in their history and hadith. Mr Yarshater has totally ignored the research by a Harvard professor while he has sought advice from other non historans from Iran on matters of history, Please brother stop eating fesenjon and have some coffe (same color) to wake you up.


Brother Yesterday'sYouth (Javoondirooz)


Same asnwwr as MM and IranLast!



For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Moharram for kids

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


As a kid in Iran I hated Moharram. To me it was even worse than Ramadan my  second most disliked Islamic month.  At least with Ramadan people got to pig out at night but Moharram was all gloom. It was dark; depressing and miserable.

Worst was if it happened around NorRuz since Islamic months are Lunar and move. While Iranian months are Solar and do not move with  seasons. There was always an undercurrent of struggle between two kinds of people. What AB would call Kiaani vs. Ommati. I was a kid; my natural affinity was toward Kiaani. Some other kids were more Ommati and would chide me. "How are you happy when we mourn Hossain". I wondered who the *** was Hossain and why should I care. I had some relatives named Hossain so I asked my mom and none of them had died so what was the problem? 

In time I figured out what was going on. Due to curiosity I asked one of the Ommati kids to take me to a Sineh Zani so I could see it for myself. Ommati was overjoyed and gladly did this. The sight of blood pouring off the heads of the more devout "Gammeh Zan" was shocking say the least. When I got back my father was livid that I would do something so stupid. I just watched and did nothing more but it was pretty shocking. Particularly once you know who Hossain was and his hatred of Iranians.