بیگ بَنگ

persian westender
by persian westender

میگویند جهان و همهٔ هستی‌ با یک انفجار بزرگ آغاز شد

...و من میگویم همه هستی‌ با یک انفجار کوچک پایان گرفت

اگر که ستار خان ترکید،

اگر که تهران ترکید،

اگر که پزشکی‌ قانونی ترکید،

اگر که بهشت زهرا ترکید،

اگر که یک جو انسانیت ترکید،

اگر که همه کائنات ترکیدند،

از آن روست که قلب این گنجشک کوچک

رنج پرواز همه سیمرغ‌های عالم را

به جان خریده است


و موج انفجار این قلب محزون

در شقیقهٔ زمان تا ابد تیر خواهد کشید....

قلب دختر 11 ساله از ترس پدر ترکید:


آذر ۸۹


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persian westender

Bursting heart

by persian westender on

Contrary to all the childish claims made by the state, IRI is on the brink of moral collapse (let alone economic and political upheaval ). Not that things like this does not happen elsewhere, but sad is that unlike many societies laws and social institutions in Iran in fact promote injustice and violence, enhanced by hypocrisy, corruption and demagogy of statesmen. These are signs of critical social problems;  and above all moral apathy(remember “Kaj Square tragedy”).  The rate of violence, addiction and forced prostitution in the so called “land of Imam Zaman” is very alarming, and many families are dealing with different sorts of crisis. And remember, news like this increasingly comes out of the censored and sealed closet of media in Iran.

Although I think we are not mourning here, however the depth of tragedy and the fact that we are far from that context, sometimes does not leave us any options other than a passive awe and grief. Aside from puzzling medical explanation for ‘actual bursting of a heart’ due to emotions, I found it also metaphorically influential and powerful, and at the same time painful.




Beautiful poem

by divaneh on

Thanks dear PW for sharing. I also found this story painful. I believe the current law will automatically grant the custody of the children over 7 to the father in the case of any divorce (there must be exceptions for insane fathers). This is completely unjust and wrong, but then again, what isn't in that land?

SamSam Jaan,

Don't get too excited, as you see in the next article it declares that I can also kill anyone that I wish, and even better, someone else has to pay for it. Now that gives me some idea.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Roozbeh Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do agree that much of Iran problems are due to social reasons. This woman may  have been in a university instead of dead if not for social reasons. Lack of opportunity; discrimination and poverty are among the problems. 

If there was opportunity she would not have had to be some guy's concubine. It may sound strange but as a right leaning person I still believe in social justice. People should be able to make something of their lives. The Iranian society is being run by thieves. The amount of theft and mismanagement is at unsustainable amounts.

An interesting thing about IRI is that it does not put profit first. It puts ideology first. These guys do not even want to maximize "profit". If they did they would make a deal with the West and get trade going.  Then with a bigger pot there is much more to steal! Just like many pro-Western dictatorships they could make tons of money. But to them being "anti-Western" seems more important. Some people say it is because they need it to remain in power. I am not so sure. I find it a bit puzzling.


Souri, accroding to Shia law, father can kill child, Grnd child

by SamSamIIII on


at free will wothout getting the "Ghessas"(hanging, execution) penalty.

I,m amazed none of you folks know the law of your land. 

In Shia feghe The father & grand father has the "Velayat ghahri va Tabiei" over his children, grand children (ownership) and he is the only " Ghayyem  shareii va olliyayeh dam" absolute custodian who can ask for ghessas and since he has to request ghessas against himself then it cant be done . How ever mothers are not immune from capital punishment if happen to kill their children

مطابق ماده 220 قانون مجازات اسلامي هرگاه پدر و جد پدري، فرزندش را بکشد، قصاص نمي‌شود و به پرداخت ديه قتل و تعزير محکوم مي‌شود،


مواردی كه امكان قصاص قاتل وجود ندارد، به شرح زیر است:
1- قتل فرزند از سوی پدر یا جد پدری
ماده 220 قانون مجازات اسلامی در این مورد اشعار می‌دارد: «پدر یا جد پدری كه فرزند خود را بكشد، قصاص نمی‌شود و به پرداخت دیه قتل به ورثه مقتول و تعزیر محكوم خواهد شد

2- در صورتی كه شخص كسی را به دلیل اعتقاد به قصاص یا مهدورالدم بودن بكشد و این امر بر دادگاه ثابت شود. تبصره 2 ماده 295 قانون مجازات اسلامی بیان می‌دارد: «در صورتی كه شخصی كسی را با اعتقاد به قصاص یا مهدورالدم بودن بكشد و این امر بر دادگاه اثبات شود و بعدا معلوم گردد كه مجنی‌علیه مورد قصاص یا مهدورالدم نبوده است، قتل به منزله خطای شبیه عمد است و اگر ادعای خود را در مورد مهدورالدم بودن مقتول به اثبات برساند، قصاص و دیه از او ساقط است.»
3- قتل دیوانه توسط عاقل
ماده 222 قانون مجازات اسلامی نیز در این خصوص می‌گوید: «هرگاه عاقلی دیوانه‌ای را بكشد، قصاص نمی‌شود، بلكه باید دیه قتل را به ورثه مقتول بدهد و در صورتی كه اقدام وی موجب اخلال در نظم جامعه یا خوف شده و یا بیم تجری مرتكب یا دیگران رود، موجب حبس تعزیری از 3 تا 10 سال خواهد بود

(means anybody can kill our blogger friend Divaneh)

4- قتل توسط دیوانه یا نابالغ؛
ماده 221 قانون مجازات اسلامی بیان می‌دارد: «هرگاه دیوانه یا نابالغی عمدا كسی را بكشد، خطا محسوب و قصاص نمی‌شود؛ بلكه باید عاقله آنها دیه قتل خطا را به ورثه مقتول بدهند.»
5- قتل توسط فرد مست مسلوب‌الاختیار
ماده 224 قانون مجازات اسلامی در این‌باره اظهار می‌دارد: «قتل در حال مستی موجب قصاص است؛ مگر اینكه ثابت شود در اثر مستی به كل مسلوب‌الاختیار بوده و قصد از او سلب شده است و قبلا برای چنین عملی خود را مست نكرده باشد و در صورتی كه اقدام وی موجب اخلال در نظم جامعه یا خوف شده یا بیم تجری مرتكب و دیگران رود، موجب حبس تعزیری از 3 تا 10 سال خواهد بود.»
6- چنانچه مجنی‌علیه پیش از مرگ، جانی را از قصاص نفس عفو كرده باشد
ماده 268 قانون مجازات اسلامی نیز اشعاری دارد: «چنانچه مجنی‌علیه پیش از مرگ جانی را از قصاص نفس عفو نماید، حق قصاص ساقط می‌شود و اولیای دم نمی‌توانند پس از مرگ او، مطالبه قصاص نمایند.»
7- هرگاه مسلمانی كافری را بكشد، قصاص نمی‌شود. (مفهوم ماده 207 قانون مجازات اسلامی)
8- اگر كسی به قتل عمد شخصی اقرار كند و پس از آن، دیگری به قتل عمد همان مقتول اقرار نماید، در صورتی كه نفر اول از اقرارش برگردد، قصاص یا دیه از هر دو ساقط است. (ماده 236 قانون مجازات اسلامی)
9- هرگاه مادری جنین زنده خود را عمدا سقط نماید (مواد 622 تا 624 قانون مجازات اسلامی)؛


VPK, I am glad that you also see this as a socioal issue.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

And I'd like to leave it to that, but I feel an urge to tell you that the islamist regime, despite all the hypocritical pretence of it's leadership (driving 1987 car, living in modest houses, etc) is nothing but far worse, far more corrupt, fascistic version of the system which puts profit, greed, money ahead of the overall well being of it's citizens. Religious fascism is as bad as it can get in my opinion.

I also think that the Islamist regime by it's nature is actually providing the climate under which Iranains of widely differing ideologies have common grievences using which can form a united front to overthrow this fascist regime peacefully or otherwise.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

But what really killed this innocent little girl?

Very good question.

It was the barbaric Islamist system in Iran. The one championed by the 60s radicals who said it would fix all our problems. The system that drove away millions of Iranians. The system that cost us hundreds of thousands of lives in a prolonged war so Khomeni could get his way. The system that has death as its solution for every problem. The system that has driven Iranian economy into the ditch so that girls become concubine. That system that sells Iranian children as sex slaves. Yes: the wonderful world of political Islam; that is what killed her.  The system that shameless Islamist apologists keep defending in the fact of its utter babarity and vileness.



double poste

by Souri on



Children are not protected in Iran

by Souri on

This is one of the worse and the most prominent problem in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Look at Shahla Jahed's trials. In all the trials, the little child  of the victim, was present! All those debates about his father's affair with another woman, and all the details about her mother's assassination, he heard them all!

What a bigot father and stupid grand parents!

Why the government allows a minor to attend at such a serious case at the court? And they let him to pull the chair off  Shahla's feet?

What will be this child life after all this?

Sorry I know it may sounds a bit offtrack, but I'd rather to say it here.

Please forgive.


But what really killed this innocent little girl?

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

It was the father you'd say. Put the bastard in jail forever, and throw the key way you say. No, even better, hang him islamist style you'd say!

But I say that his father is also a victim of social ills which turned him into the munster he has become. I say go cure the problem at the source. I say there are going to be many more crimes like this in any society so long as the society does not tackle the real source of it's problems head on.

I say crime, drug taking, violence, Religious superstition, indeed all ills of society  are all products of a system which puts greed and profit taking before equal and free  educational oppurtunity, housing, jobs, food and social justice for all it's citizens.

So do not mourn, organise...

Anahid Hojjati

I have not seen the video, but the poem was very sad

by Anahid Hojjati on

You know, I did not even have the heart to see the video, too many sad news already. From comments, now I am getting a picture and it is just as sad that I thought it would be.


واقعا دردناک است. منم نمیدونم چرا قاضی بهش بچه رو داده.


Everything is sacred


When I first read this.......

by Souri on

It made me so sad and vulnerable that I was unable to say anything. It was like I couldn't find any word to express my feeling.

The deep sadness is flowing trough your poem. Can't say nothing about it, but only the word "horrible " come to my mind.

BTW, I don't understand why the sentence was only 10 years jail and 12 years tabeed? Why not execution? What is the difference  between one murder and  another murder? Just because he was a sick ddict, made him getting a lighter sentence?

What means Tabeed now in Iran? Tabeed from Tehran? or from Iran?

I don't know nothing about all this.

Thanks for letting us know about the sad news.

persian westender

Thanks everyone for reading

by persian westender on

Orang jan! All the countries are normal, what is abnormal is their governments, and their stupid; backward and outrageous laws and regulations...some times the first degree murderer.

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks pw for sharing your poem

by Anahid Hojjati on

Beautiful, very touching, amazing lines:


از آن روست که قلب این گنجشک کوچک

رنج پرواز همه سیمرغ‌های عالم را

به جان خریده است




by SamSamIIII on


I was the prison guard for this bacteria for a single day or the next door neighbor to the judge who gave this addict the custody of an innocent  angel.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Orang Gholikhani

PW jan Sad story

by Orang Gholikhani on

Thanks for this post, I wish our thoughts may help her soul to rest in peace.

Of course this kind of event could happend in other countries but NEVER NEVER in a "normal" countries, after a divorce, A judge doesn't give responsability of a child to an addict person.

Azarin Sadegh

Don't be sorry!

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear PW,

Please don't be sorry for this post and for letting us know about this little girl's horrific life and death...She deserves to be remembered and the least we can do is to feel stunned and outraged.

Of course, it is easier to close our eyes, as you said...but I think many of us visit Iranian.com to be disturbed, shocked, hopeful, excited or crushed by fictional or true stories.

Thank you!

persian westender

I am sorry Azarin!

by persian westender on

I came across this news while I was surfing Balatarin. It ruined my night/day and I am sorry if I ruined yours. I usually avoid such news, but then again tragic happenings are out there, whether we encounter them or not. If we close our eyes, they are still out there. and sometimes I wonder what's the benefit of suffering....


Azarin Sadegh


by Azarin Sadegh on

Now my heart is exploding too (but in an abstract way)...Such a terrible story, and such poignant poem!

Thanks for sharing (but no thanks for making my mood upside down)