کارتون: دین بهتر است یا اکسیژن

کارتون: دین بهتر است یا اکسیژن
by Omid Hast

آيت‌الله محمد تقی مصباح یزدی، رئیسِ موسسه آموزشی و پژوهشی امام خمینی، گفت‌: دین از اکسیژن برای انسان لازم‌تر است.


more from Omid Hast
Omid Hast

Thank you all for looking at this cartoon and your comments,

by Omid Hast on

... and may your religion, whatever that may be, give you more oxygen.  Amen!



by yolanda on

Hi! OH,

    I am glad you switched back to your own avatar with the trademark Nowruz wheat grass hairdo!

Thank you, Ari, for the great analogy! Well said!



What this Ayatollah should do,

by statira on

is to put his theory in the test. He should stay in an oxygen free room( khalae kamel) with lots of religous books and Quran, let's see what happens?


هر دو برای آتش افروزی خوب است


اری جان از جواب شما به اندازه این کارتون لذت بردیم.


Very interesting!

by KavehAhangarAdel on

The comedy is in the setup.  The strategically placed Left hand does not hurt either. :)  nicely done.

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page


No oxygen for him anymore

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

only his religioun. And I'd have no problem with that either. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

I liked Ari's response, too! OH, what's happened to you? You are so blue. And you look like SP #2! Good job.

Omid Hast

Very genius comment, Ari

by Omid Hast on

"Absence of oxygen causes asphyxiation, while lack of religion eases up breathing." Or, something like that.

Omid Hast

Yes, this is a new scientific discovery by Ayatollah Yazdi

by Omid Hast on

... He has also discovered that religion is more important than electricity, a scientific fact that apparently was not noticed by Edison.

Azadeh Azad

Very interesting, Omid

by Azadeh Azad on

An idiot speaketh!!! Is this Ayatollah Yazdi's newest scientific discovery?




Nice Omid : ))

by Monda on

Where have you been?!

Also, Ari's comment is right on.

2 words for Tah-P: peef paaf  (google them KingR)

Ari Siletz

دین بهتر است،

Ari Siletz


 زیرا که کمبود اکسیژن موجب خفگیست درحالیکه کمبود دین یعنی‌ نفس راحت کشیدن.  


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Omid for sharing your funny cartoon.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Sargord always says that cartoons are dumb or he does not get them. That make me wonder whether KingReza is a new user ID for Sargord.To me the cartoon is not dumb at all.



by KingReza on

This cartoon is dumb.