

by Latina

Part of the Cherry Blossoms Blooming  

Poem written from the perspective of a man.



Amazing journey to the land of ancient temples

So moved by the experience

I may have traveled there alone

Alone did not remain

I saw her smile

I heard her voice

Her laughter too

Across the sea and land

I am now tormented by one thought

I must again breathe in the scent

I search for it

Yet none is found

Recapturing the moment

If only in my mind

I will close my eyes

Remember what transpired

The beauty of the flowers

A soft and gentle pink

Like the blushing of her cheeks

Freshly in my mind

I can see the Cherry Blossoms

Petals falling all around

Swirling in the wind and all around

Dancing as they fall

The scent of Cherry Blossoms

Oh how divine it was

I want to take its scent again

If only for awhile

I dream and long for it

If only I could see it just one more spring  

How I loved to run along the river

Cherry Blossoms swaying in the wind






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