Iran+Islam = Viran

by jimzbund

Lately the great Islamic philosophers and intellectuals have been bomabrding the internet and media with how will the leections in Iran will affect the well being of Iranians and which of the candidates has a better future for Iran.

Guys, They are all from the same factory which producing criminals and human rights abusers. The idea that one of them is more liberal or will give freedom to people is just a ploy to fool Iranians as they were done during Khatami. They have even started attacking any ideology that gives people some decency and equality under the pretext of Bahai, Mofsed Fel Arz, Shaytan Parast etc while hanging to the 1400 year old religion of force (submission), fighting kafirs and worshiping black stone.

Sad to see what Islam has done to Iran and Iranians who are still undergoing a chemotherapy from this cancer. I am not sure how long will take Iran to undo the damage of human tragedy of prostitution, drugs, abuse, corruption and fanaticism promoted in the name of Arabic Allah.

May the Persian Ahura Mazda kick this Ahriman out of Iran


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by jimzbund on

LOL, Jew, you are a bottomfeeder for an Akhund ! . how about a darvish ?!

Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on

Iran - Islam = Paradise 

LOL, the ususal Zionist, Israel,  Imperialism, blah , blah, get out of your village and find some books to read and learn some new terms !


Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on

Sorry, I hurt your anti Iranian feelings, tokhmeh Arab.

Emshi  , emshi


Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on


 boro zireh manbar , agha miaad soraaghet !

Bund, Jimz Bund


Gorbay, can you extend the same coutesy to non-moslems

by Seagull (not verified) on

you should or samsam may have a point



Zionist so called Judism + Anywhere = Jozzam

by This_is_better (not verified) on

How is that sound to you?

How about the people suffering by your so called 'religion' Bund?

Murder, rape, genocide, oppression, property stealing, land stealing, mischief, stupidiy, Rezalat, Pastee. Aren't these the hallmarks of the Zionist Jews?

You are no better than IRI. Actually I think that Zionists are far more evil than IRI. Don't try to make friends with Iranians. We DON'T like you!



by SamSamIIII on


Friend , let,s just say that I,m a spiritual person who respect all great religions & their messengers regardless of my personal values since religions are channels between masses and their creator that must be left alone as a private matter . My beef is with the icing on the cake of Islam as it,s portrayed & promoted via status quo culture/language & psyche by home brewed Pan-Ommat elitist agents since the dawn of Qadesiyeh . keep Islam but melt the Ommatie icing . 

Cheers !!!




Great Job!

by gorbay (not verified) on

You have certainly done justice to Islam and Iran with your blog. Forget the many Iranian Moslems who strongly oppose the regime and its policies. Foget them, who favor freedom of choice, freedom of relgion, etc... for all Iranians and know that this regime isn't Islamic though they claim to be. They are moslems, so these "co-religionists" must be IR savages, hell they're not even Iranians, they're Arabs.

This is a great strategy. We should all throw venom and haste at each other, especially the Moslems on here because they were definitly the ones who put this cancer on us 1400 years ago and beat the Romans to it. Jim, you have proved to me, and probably everybody here, that you are the true Iranian patriot.

samsam jaan,

I always enjoy reading your blog and your comments, but I was always curious about the religion you practice if you do practice any, for I am Moslem myself. No harm intended, thanks.


Iran + Zionism = Paradise

by Mehdi on

Is that your message? 


The problem with Iran is not

by Arash78 (not verified) on

The problem with Iran is not Islam, it is the NAZI mentality that people like you are promoting. It is a real SHAME that some Iranians are still parroting Hitler's speeches at the age of the globalized world. If you want to promote hatred and glorify your "Aryan" race, go to a neo-Nazi forum. Don't do it in our name in


Shame on you

by Anonymous00349504 (not verified) on

You are not a believer of Ahura Mazda. Shame on you, you are a sick person. May god bring you out from this mental condition. Amen.


you said it

by MRX1 on

I can't believe Iran has reached so low in it's history and civilization that these cock roaches are our  rulers! what is even more facinating is having grown up so called educated and open minded Iranian who all live in west is atcualy debating which one the roaches they should be voteing for!

some day I suppose Iranian people will wake up from 1400 years of sleep but I imagine it will not be within the next several years....


Compatriot Samsam

by jimzbund on

 although I agree with first part but iranians have developed their own brand of Shiite Islam which is rejected by other sects as being kafirs since they pay too much undue attention to 5 tan than Allah and Quran. they have become kaaseh daagh tar aash and have tried to cleanse Iran from any other beliefs and ethnicities.  they need to learn to coexist with others.

pirooz baashi 


Bund, Jimz Bund


Persian Muslim

by jimzbund on

Oh I am so sorry to make you feel sad. I was just wondering how sad the people who are abused by your co-religionists feel !  

thanks for the prayer , keep regular in prayers.


Bund, Jimz Bund


It saddens me deeply...

by A Persian Muslim (not verified) on

...yet I pray to Allah (subhaana wa ta'ala) that the hatred from the hearts of people like you against my faith be removed. Ameen ya rab al'amin.


Good man, Jimmy !

by SamSamIIII on


& that,s why you see me refer to it as IRV(islamic republic of V-ran).

but mind you , the real culprit behind our status quo psyche is not Islam but the home grown cultural agents of Ommatism who stand as guardians of Arabo Ommatie culture to sell their version of ajam serfdom in every aspect of contemporary culture as Islam . So as you see , even Islam itself is being used as a trojan horse to promote their Arabo-Ommatie vision & psyche in a land called Ommatestan .

Cheers pilgram !!!


