..... a question for ALL Iranians of any ethnicity and religion. Where would your allegiance lie and why? What factor(s) would affect with whom you side with and why?
Disclaimer: Niether the question nor the content is intended to offend / divide, but to promote understanding and unity.
Notes: The heading and content of the original post have been edited. Comments posted prior to October 10, 5:50pm EST are in response to the old
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I Know what you mean
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 08:00 PM PDTLike i said before, There is a sense among some here that they think they know what the right way is to love iran and they think that they are in the in the know and somehow in their mind have got it all figured out.
That slogan could really mean different things to different people and not necessarily mean that people in iran are really crazy enough to jeopardize their sense of nationality so as to cover the IRI's behind or even READY to defend this shameless regime, unlike what some picture in their wild imagination. IRI knows that they can not fool iran like they did before and shove another war down their throat, under the disguise of It is your country and soil so it is your duty to defend it. They and the promoter of such philosophy better get it through their heads.
It is so selfish and arrogant to accuse some people of forming a minority on this site, who compliment each other at all times, while they should be given the noble prize for doing so all the time. Sure. They know what constitutes the vast majority and the rest be dammned. Sure. they are the ones who know very well, who cares or who does not care which country attacks iran, wow. I think someone must have some kinda Elme gheyb here.
Their main and mundane and arcane talking point is to label all else with "you are loyal to israel" and "i love iran". Just like a broken record.
Keep on playing...
kharmagas kalak
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:52 PM PDTBarat daram, fekr mikoni baazam mitoni dar beri?
Mardom Iran mikhan damar az roozegar IRI and its supporters dar biaran! Bia kochooloo! Farar nakon!
Kalak, doroghgoo.
IRAndokht jaan, With all
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:42 PM PDTIRAndokht jaan,
With all do respect madam, I dont think you get it. Who said anything about Israel "bombing" Iran? Let me ask you something, all emotions aside, what would be achieved from Israel bombing Iran besides killing innocent Iranians already dying under this regime? Nothing. So why would I support it?
That slogan means "I, as an Iranian, will not let IRI use its anti Israelism survival tool to opress me anymore. I would not fall into IRIs trap in its anti Semitic propaganda. I understand that IRI has declared that the Iranian nation should shut up and follow me in my quest to use the Israeli Arab conflict to recruit Fundamentalist thugs to act as my muscles in the Middle East as a tool to survive and spread my fundamentalis agenda. No country uses this type of anti Semitic policies, and if you think IRI does that out of rightesnous, then you have bigger problems to deal with".
As far as who I talk on his or her behalf, please go ahead and say that Iranians dont think as I said above. The problem with some is they think the Iranian people don't get it. I know, for a fact, that they get it. So go ahead and say whatever you like about that issue. You can say that Iranians are OK with IRIs moronic stance towards Israel. Iranians will judge you and I at the end of the day and see who speaks on their behalf.
kharmagas kalak,
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:32 PM PDTTarso badbakht. How long where you hiding? You waited for the IRI regime to crush the Iranian people, then you came out.
Its no secret that IRI and its supporters like you are nothing but bunch of pathetic Fascist cowards who can only inflict harm on the innocent and unarmed Iranian people.
KoroushS jaan, Ghorbanat
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:29 PM PDTKoroushS jaan,
Ghorbanat beram. You are a true Iranian, and always right also!
The IRI regime has put the Iranian people on trial for the last 30 years calling anyone who asks for their very very basic rights, as a "Zionist" and as "CIA agent" and as "Kafar"..and the list goes on, and the verdict in those trials range from execution to imprisonment to exile to dismissing from work or school.
Now the Iranian people have woke up and there is absolutely nothing IRI or its cronies like kharmagas or capt ayhab or Ostaad or Shah Gholam can do to stop the Iranian people toppling this regime.
We are in the midst of a battle. I'm glad and proud of you for doing your part. Keep up the good work. Dawn of freedom is near. Fight their anti Israelism survival tool, fight their propaganda, fight their logic (lack of!), fight them cause thats the only way.
Farhad aziz
by IRANdokht on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:20 PM PDTWhen you hear people shouting "na ghazeh na lobnan janam fadayeh Iran", you seem not to realize what the last part means:
Jaanam fadaayeh Iran does not mean I am ok with Israel bombing Iran and it doesn't mean that they would "understand" the attack as you suggested! It actually sounds like if anyone wants to attack Iran the same people would sacrifice their lives to defend Iran word for word!
When you say "we" means the vast majority of Iranians, you are only speaking for yourself (and a few who always bah bah you here which is by no means a majority, never mind a vast one) because when it comes to Iranians patriotism, they wouldn't care if it's Iraq attacking Iran or Saudi Arabia or Israel or any other country and they have already shown how they would unite in defending their homeland. The vast majority of Iranians do not feel any loyalty towards Israel but they love Iran.
Thank you for your reply
fyi, Holly
by kharmagas on Tue Oct 13, 2009 07:19 PM PDTMy comments to Craig was in respose to his comments to me (which he initiated). As for Kashani (whom I have known for at least two years) and Kourosh ( his original name was Sheeshaki) ... I almost never take them seriously .... we just exchange humor, flavored with politics.
As you know there was/is no coordinated attempt to get anybody.
Great Job Farhad jan
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 06:22 PM PDTThanks again.
As you can see, you are being put on trial again but those who like to nitpick and take comments way out of context. Those who think they love iran more than anyone else. It would be totally understandable if something like that GOD FORBID, Happens despite all the campagnings, letter writings and all the efforts that have been exerted by ALL those who love iran, Not just some. Trust me farhad "WE" know better.:)
Bijan A M
by HollyUSA on Tue Oct 13, 2009 06:24 PM PDTI agree. It has become a childish tit-for-tat but I disagree that anyone was trying to crucify XPC. The way I read Capt and others (and meant it myself) was just that the question of siding with Iran, our homeland, vs. US, our adopted home' is a complicated one for many. I don't think anyone really expects a person who hasn't been through a similar experience to fully understand, at least not right off the bat. I think a lot of Iranians living in the US would find themselves between a rock and a hard place if that particular push (Iran vs. US) came to shove regardless of which side it would be bearing arms for and against whom.Not to mention that some are just against bearing arms PERIOD.
The tit-for-tat part I think starts when transparent opportunists come to spread their trademark venom and as the rule of numbers and human nature dictate, at least one other will usually take the bait ... and here we are.
kharmagas kalak
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 06:20 PM PDTkharmagas,
I was wondering when the religious Fascist worshiper will change his name out of embarassment!
What happened to Anonymous7? Are you affraid we will give you hard time for supporting IRIs crimes all this time?
IRANdokht, The vast
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 06:17 PM PDTIRANdokht,
The vast majority of Iranians, who love Iran , hate IRI and desire peace, democracy and liberty.
Anyone with the slightest amount of common sense will easily see tat IRI has used anti Israelism and anti Semitism as a tool for survival for the past 30 years, and the Iranian people understand that if we were to topple Iran and bring freedom to Iran, we have to fight ALL of IRIs tools, inlcuding its irrational anti Israelism. Thats why they were chanting NA GAZA, NA LEBANON, JAANAM FADAYEH IRAN. You think Iranians don't care about Palestinians? Of course they do. I do. But there is a world difference between rational stance and irrational stance, specially coming from a blood sucking Fascist regime such as IRI.
Hitler used to say good things too, novle things, but did he have good intentions? NO.
What a pitty....
by Bijan A M on Tue Oct 13, 2009 05:54 PM PDTI thought this was a civilized and balanced debate about a controversial blog. It has turned into a tit-for-tat almost nonsensical blog.
All I was trying to do was to create a hypothetical question about Holly’s blog. All-of-a-sudden you are crucifying PC for a legitimate observation he has about Ayhab’s comment. You and I and every other Iranian may have some sense of what Captain says. But, we have to agree that the tone of his comment is open to interpretation. To say “I’m nothing without Iran” when you have pledged your allegiance to your adopted new country is a little out of line. You don’t have to approve of everything US does, but, you have given your words and promised to defend this land and its constitution. It would be a disgrace to take refuge in a place and benefit from the protection that’s given to you and turn your back on simple emotions.
As born in Iran Iranians of this nation we have dual allegiances. One to our heritage and homeland and one to the land we promised to give our lives to defend. Let’s hope that the two allegiances don’t conflict each other. We should not let our prejudices blind us. I don’t know about everyone who immigrated to US, but I’m sure many have chosen their new adopted country as the living place of their offspring and beyond. For them, this is their nation while cherishing their culture and proudly standing for their heritage. This is the beauty of living in a democratic society. You can be who you are and who you want to be. Just respect the law and the will of majority.
Push come to shove, (as the original blog suggested), I’ll either stay silent, go back to Iran, or stay here and bear arms to uphold my pledge. As simple as that. This is not to say I won’t criticize the government or don’t stand up to oppose what I believe to be wrong. But, if in a democratic system, majority opposes me, I’ll exercise my choices as stated.
Therefore I find it unfair to crucify XPC for his comments. A little understanding and sensitivity goes a long way.
Dear Farhad
by IRANdokht on Tue Oct 13, 2009 05:39 PM PDTyou said
If Israel attacks Iran, we understand why it did and we are not going to blame it.
Who is "we"?
Craig, People like Capt
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 05:37 PM PDTCraig,
People like Capt Ayhab and Kharmagas are the worst that Iran has to offer. They don't deserve the oppurtunity this great country provided for them one bit. They suck the blood, and at the end of the day, they come around and bash U.S.
This capt ayhab guy was a fierce IRI supporter before our people rose up and demanded freedom. Now he thinks he is fooling people. We all know what his true identity is.
Off course no Iranian wants
by Farhad Kashani on Tue Oct 13, 2009 05:34 PM PDTOff course no Iranian wants to see Iran attacked, and no one wants to see Iran bombed, however….
If Israel attacks Iran, we understand why it did and we are not going to blame it. the blame rests with the Fascist IRI regime for starting a blind and irrational animosity with Israel. If Israel attacks Iran, it’s in self defense; we are not going to approve of that attack, we are not going to encourage it and we are going to condemn it, but we will understand it.
Also, we understand that the only way for Iran to be safe and for any country not to attack us, is not to bash others who are standing up to IRIs aggression, but to remove IRI from power, once in for all. And if Israel wants to give the Iranian people a helping hand in the process, we will be grateful. IRI is Israel and Iranian people’s common enemy.
by kharmagas on Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:37 PM PDT.
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:58 PM PDTWith all due respect Moosh shoma ro meyl nafarmayad inshalah:)
You mean "countetactics". SInce you already have been subjected to mine. Make sure you put some urgently needed namak on your kabab:).
by HollyUSA on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:49 PM PDTKourosho velesh kon. Maleh khodameh LOL I declared war on him almost upon arrival at i.com. Don't be fooled by the pleasantries. It's just some covert Israeli tactics keh daram roosh piyadeh mikonam ;)
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:42 PM PDTBecareful there, then.
One of these days you may break your ankle.
I always suspected you would be one delusional man. Now i see the proof.
We care about you! (dedicated to Kourosh)
by kharmagas on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:26 PM PDTKourosh says: "i am so happy no one really cares."
Kourosh, kicking you arround gives me the much needed break from coding, so here is a small token of my appreciation for you:
Kourosh, "What you got here, that is worth living for", from princess bride:
Holly Khanoom ID Jan
by capt_ayhab on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:25 PM PDTEradatmane harchi khanoome ba ensaf mesle khodeton. ;-o)
Hope you ladies did not mind a bit of choob kari so to speak.
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:20 PM PDTGo easy there girl:)
Now you see what they are trying to tell you? "WE" The iranians are more complicated and more intriguing than anyone else in this planet to get to know. SO... Go to a library and start broadening your vision or widen... whatever it is recommended for you towiden.... The sooner you do it the faster they will be off your back:)
Obtain the tools to understand us better, or else...:)))
Thank GOD for Captain...
by HollyUSA on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:04 PM PDTHe often (note: not always!) says it just like I mean it thus saving me the trouble. Khoda omre ba ezatet bedeh Captain.
He's right Craig and no offense but you need to widen your horizons to better understand us. We are a complicated bunch.
by HollyUSA on Tue Oct 13, 2009 03:00 PM PDTDon't sulk agha. I hear you, I just DISAGREE with you. Last time I checked that was allowed. Has that changed? I didn't get the memo.
Now if you will excuse me I have to go prep dinner for what promises to be a large number of hooligans. Kabab is also on the menu ;)
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 02:53 PM PDTEverything on this site is just "personal" . I am glad finally someone acknowlegded that. It was about time. Gosh, i am so happy no one really cares. otherwise we would be in a big mess.
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 02:46 PM PDTYou are not reading correctly.
baba... khanoom jan... aghaye aziz
You infered that you would support toppling of the govt by another country and I said I wouldn't go THAT far if we are assuming the other country is the US AND I wouldn't supportANY sort of military action by Israel (and I believe I have given my reasons before).
I actually Implied that i would supporrt that option through covert means IF AND ONLY IF the conditions Bijan HYPOTEHTICALLY Described were applicaeble...
That country could be US, Israel, oh, i don't know... Tanzania, Or even Cameroon! point being that the other country has the right to hit iranback IF it was subject of terroristic operations masterminded by the chief monkeys. Bazam begam?:((
the human side of the site
by IRANdokht on Tue Oct 13, 2009 02:44 PM PDTThank Captain Ayhab for explaining it! I gave XPC the benefit of the doubt thinking he just doesn't know why we prefer not to go back and live in Iran. I thought he missed the part where we talked about the old Iran we grew up in, the changes and all the personal details many of us have shared here, hence bringing up the human side of the website. I guess some patriots need everything to be spelled out for them too or is it just personal... who cares!
XPC, you explained yourself real well in your comment. You are here because you think we who like our homeland must really hate our new home. You also think that I should not even choose this nickname, instead I should show loyalty to the country where I have spent almost all adult life in, or I should just leave and go back.
Let me ask you XPC, if you left US to live in say China with your wife, would you have to let go of all your love and loyalty towards USA? Would you login to an American website and feel bad about picking an American name?
Really Kourosh?
by HollyUSA on Tue Oct 13, 2009 02:25 PM PDTDo you have to go and ruin Noon Khamei for me? can't you extend me the same respect for it as I did you for your Chelo Kabab?
'Namoos' aside, I've never heard the term "man goftam F shoma rafty varamin" but in the context I assume it means I read too much/incorrectly into what you were saying. You infered that you would support toppling of the govt by another country and I said I wouldn't go THAT far if we are assuming the other country is the US AND I wouldn't supportANY sort of military action by Israel (and I believe I have given my reasons before).
And let's not forget the US went into Iraq with "ALL THE EVIDENCE".
by capt_ayhab on Tue Oct 13, 2009 02:19 PM PDTWhat part of my statement tells you that I have no attachment to my adopted home/country?
You assuming that is like assuming if I love my child to death then I can not love my wife, or sister or anyone else. Being Iranian is part of my ever lasting identity.
Besides I have lived here in US for well over 30 years and not 20 years ;-o)
HollyUSA I am not
by KouroshS on Tue Oct 13, 2009 01:45 PM PDTHollyUSA
I am not suggesting that should happen on any given nice and sunny day. But if what Bijan described actually happened, Then US or any other country has the right to retaliate especially if they have ALL EVIDENCE that links AN And noon khamenei and pasdars and baeejis... have i left anyone out?am i asking for too much here? I am surprised that ta man goftam F shoma rafty varamin! You are beginning to sound like kharmagas (door az joon)
Thank for your very good remark. You do realize that now you andi have the potential of being classified as totally on the AIPAC and Israel side:)
Let me add to it that it is totally absurd and illogical to think someone does not show consideration toward the human aspects of this site, just for expressing their views and on what they think about Iranians. Let's face it people. Just because someone other than iranians comehere and make comments does not mean they worship us and think we are gods gift to the world. They do reserve the right to criticize us without facing any penalties or being court-marshalled.