Bad news for Iranians


by Fred

Here are some basic, mostly noncontroversial, publically known facts:

1-IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, has had over a two decades long secret dual purpose full cycle nuke program.

2-The said program was in direct violation of letter and spirit of the so called NPT, the non-proliferation treaty which IRR is a signatory to.

3-In 2002, the secret IRR nuke program was revealed to the clueless world by MKO, an Iranian opposition group.

4-IRR has been hard at work modifying and extending the range of its North Korean designed missiles which are capable of carrying nuke warhead.

5-IRR’s nuke file was send to U.N. Security Council which has placed IRR under three sets of sanctions for refusing to freeze its nuclear enrichment activity at its single publically known enrichment plant at Natanz.

6-The spent fuel rods from the heavy-water Qatran complex at Khondab near Arak is nearly perfect for use in nuclear detonation device.  

There is also a long list of cat and mouse cases in which IRR procurement agents/front companies have been caught red-handed trying to purchase strictly controlled equipment or parts some of which have nuke application.

Now comes the revelation of yet another till now secret nuke plant which IRR has also fessed up to. This complex is apparently designed to house approximately 3000 centrifuges, which is not large enough to have any commercial application but perfect for secretly producing enough enriched material for one nuclear bomb per year.

If one were to accept U.S. intelligence’s assertion that for “years” it has known about the this latest secret nuke facility near Qom and has been tracking its progress, a clear violation of NPT by IRR, then the obvious question is why the waiting?

Given there are no concerted efforts by the sane world to weaken the IRR through rigorous sanctions, except U.S. most having thriving commercial dealings with IRR.

Given the absence of concerted material and moral support to beleaguered democracy advocates inside Iran by the sane world.

Given the fact that despite IRR’s bluster, its conventional military equipments are antiquated, lacking a credible air force, navy or mechanized ground capabilities, its only response to external threats will be through terrorist acts and by use of its terrorist proxies in all corners of the world.

And given the three decades of public pronouncements to wipe a member state of UN off the map by successive leaders including rank and file of IRR, the probability of a preemptive strike to delay the IRR nuke capability by Israel is very high.

There is no mistake about it, yesterday’s pronouncement by President Obama who was flanked on each side by leaders of France and Britain followed up by yet another feckless deadline, this one in December, was not good news for Iranian democracy advocates.

It seems instead of charting a response the sane world is continuing the rolling of the dice with IRR opting for wait and see policy.

Before it is too late, to avoid a conflagration which once started will quickly spread, the sane world needs to empower enslaved Iranians by airtight sanctions on the IRR and openly siding with people of Iran helping them with material support to overthrow this Islamist world menace



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