"I am Cyrus" by renowned film director Alex Jovy


"I am Cyrus" by renowned film director Alex Jovy
by elijah

London, UK, May 2011 — Garnet Publishing has acquired the world rights to the novel I am Cyrus, by Alexander Jovy. This debut novel by the renowned Oscar nominee film director Alexander Jovy covers the life and times of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian empire in the sixth century BC.

Alexander Jovy, who according to the Guardian ‘has the Midas touch’, is one of the most sought-after film directors of his generation. Alex has directed over 40 television commercials as well as award-winning short and feature films. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his very first film Holiday Romance. His feature film ‘Sorted’ enjoyed worldwide success and in 2002 Channel 4 made a prime-time television series featuring him called Movie Virgins. Alex has written a number of screenplays and is attached to direct various new films. One of the major projects he is developing is the movie version of the story of Cyrus the Great, which would be the biggest independent film in history.

I am Cyrus is a historical novel about Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire in the 6th century BC. Cyrus is one of the most respected historical figures from the ancient world. He has been called a Messiah in the Bible, and his famous cylinder (held in the British Museum) has been considered to be the first declaration of human rights in the world. Now, Alexander Jovy has recreated the extraordinary life and death of Cyrus in his remarkable, passionate, compelling novel, I am Cyrus.

Garnet Publishing Ltd. is planning to launch this novel in November 2011.

To read more about the book and the author and enjoy the first chapter, please visit the website of I am Cyrus.


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Maryam Hojjat

I am Glad to hear This news.

by Maryam Hojjat on

Alex Jovy must be a great man who has been investing on movie about  greatest king & politician in the ages.