Meeting JJ

by bahram9821

I had the great pleasure of meeting JJ Saturday in Michigan. Here is a short clip from our visit this afternoon.


more from bahram9821

Thanks Bahram khan

by IRANdokht on

It was great to see JJ, and glad you guys had so much fun but I wish you would step up in front of the camera for a second to meet us too ;-)

Too bad the interview is over, I was going to ask him why is it that every time the server is changed we experience such bumpy ride!  Nakoneh we're downgrading them due to the poor ad revenue? Tell you what: ask google not to show me Palin's face and I promise to click on the ads a few times a day :o)

Thanks for the video and for sharing the fun


ebi amirhosseini

Bahram Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

You in Michigan?!

Great piece as always.


Ebi aka Haaji

Anahid Hojjati

Nice video JJ and Bahram

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thanks for the interview. I especially liked the the part that JJ jokingly said that someone has to pay for his Europe and Mexico trips.


It is always nice

by Mehrban on

to see the conductor of this sometimes hard to manage orchestra.  Thank you Bahram for bringing him to us. 


I'd like to know who did JJ's make-up for...

by Ostaad on

the interview.

Good to see JJ animated after all.



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

چه خوش حالی‌ نصیب ما گشت که صدا و تصویر آقای جهانشاه جان را شنیدیم و دیدیم ! همینطور بهرام جان .

از شما دوستان کمال تشکر را دارم.

سپاس فراوان.



I have solved the mystery...

by yolanda on


 Bahram named his video "JJ" on You-tube, there is a Marijuana related video on You-tube called "JJ - ecstasy".............uh-oh.........You-tube placed "JJ-Ecstasy" next to our IC's JJ video......the 2 videos are not from the same creator, oops! I am pretty sure JJ does not like Marijuana!






by HollyUSA on

is there a picture of a marijuana leaf next to JJ's picture at the end??


didi ,daasht commenta ro delete mikard

by SamSamIIII on


 yekish maleh man bood ;) & it may come as a surprise to you but we are not all gedaa va badbakht hey...:)

good lively piece, nice job both you



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //



by yolanda on

Thank you for this good-natured and light-hearted interview!  Of course, I support IC! My support for IC is to visit here before work, after work, during my break time, and during Summer time. Thank you, IC, for making my life complete! (LOL!)



Jahanshah Javid

Great guy

by Jahanshah Javid on

Bahram Jan, you are as kind and charming as I had imagined. A good man. It was great meeting you finally after all these years. Thank you for the Persian buffet lunch. Chasbeed!



by Souri on

Thanks Bahram jan for this nice interview with JJ. At least we could hear his voice and see his face in movement ;)

Thanks Jahanshah for welcoming me into your site, even for the next 20 years! Are you sure? Really? Or was it a toarof?

Anyway, I enjoyed the video very much.

Good luck for your house selling too;)