Petrochemical workers threaten national strike

Current affairs analysis by Mohsen Sazegara



Workers' Strikes in and of itself is not a lasting solution,

by Zendanian on

And Mr. Sazgara is up  to his old tricks, once again. 

Oil workers' strike back in 1978 was the nail in the coffin of monarchy, but unfortunately all that heroic resistance to monarchy did not end up in establishment of a democratic system in Iran. Why?

Because the workers were not able to provide an alternative of their own, and were taken over by the 'new' theocracy of IR.

What Sazgara did back in 1979 was to provide the logistics for the new theocratic rulers of Iran.

Now after some three decades when theocracy in Iran is on its way out, once agagin Mr. Sazgara and the leadership of Green movement are there to ensure no genuine democratic alternative could establish in Iran.

Will the workers' movement in Iran, be able to learn from their past limitaions and establish a democratic alternative in Iran?

The best is yet to come.


Thanks Mr sazegara for publicizing the petrochemical

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

workers strike. The Industrial strikes in Iran are becoming increasingly widespread, with demands becoming more political. A very good start...

The rest of the regime insiders should all join Mr sazegara in opposing the Fasciswt islamist regime, so they'd be forgiven by Iranian people, before it's too late.......

More on petrochemical workers strike here.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Mohsen the Clown!

by Demo on

With his on-going clownish acts, treacherous background, and his colorful credentials he could easily land a job as a circus clown:


Good luck, Sabzekara!