Message in the bottle. From people of Iran to people of Israel.

03/24/2012 - 06:41


Loved it

by divaneh on

Lovely message. Peace for the people of Israel and Iran. Hate mongers to dip whatever burns in cold water.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

loved your take on this ... 

thanks a bunch

: ) 



by Benyamin on

Chleopatra had a Persian Officer as a lover who happend to father her both children!!! This "unknown" officer visited Chleopatra every once in a two or three years and every time he visited her he would have showered her with different gifts from "Persian Empire".

But her most favorite gift was Rose perfumed "made in Persian Empire" it was the best perfume and she could wait to get her hand on the "rose perfume" because it was simply the best!!! Ironlically it was exactly because of the wealth in different gifts and their quality that she peruaded Julius Caesar to attack "Persian Empire"!!(sounds fimiliar? Israel is trying to persuade USA to attck Iran) One of the ways she actually encouraged Julius Caesar to attack Iran was that "if you conquer Persia you own the world!!! Maybe that was true or maybe it wasnt but when Julius Caesar did attack Iran he was badly injured and he was defeated and he barely escaped alive!

The message in a bottle is way too meaningful and it could be poisonous for some nations! War is not good and not encouraged but no matter how strong and powerful you are one should never under-estimate the enemy!!!!

Iran could strike back just the way they did that to poor Julius Caesar!

tehran e Azad

go get them!

by tehran e Azad on

There has always been only one way to bring down  a truely murderous regime, like the nazi's/hitler, saddam, ghazafi, taliban ........

IRI is another one........ 


Get out of others land

by Sialashgar on

Go back to Iran. You are not an Israeli You are An Iranian.

We love you come back home.




by Bavafa on

If people lead, leaders will follow.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Of bottled naivité

by پندارنیک on

I hope the commander of the Seventh fleet will pick it up and will certainly make sure that the "Jewish-friend[read Zionist]" Board of Director at the "Pentagon Inc." will receive it in a timely fashion.........

If I were Nima joon, I would have dropped it at the Caspian, where I know there's no shortage of "Kosher carriers" at the other sides............