در جستجوي عدالت

محاکمه جمهوری اسلامی ایران, لندن ١٨ تا٢٢ ژوئن ۲٠١٢


در جستجوي عدالت
by MK

برای نخستین بار در تاریخ ایران و جهان، مردمی ظلم دیده و تحت ستم، که شاهد یکی از فجیع ترین جنایات تاریخ معاصر بشری و کشتار یک نسل از مبارزان سیاسی در زندان بوده اند-در حالی که دادگاه ها و نهادهای حقوقی و قضائی بین المللی از رسیدگی به آن اجتناب می کنند- پرچم دادخواهی و رسیدگی به آن را به دست گرفته اند.

چهار سال پیش، اواخر شهریور ١٣٨۶برابر با سپتامبر ۲٠٠٧، جمعی از اعضای خانواده های جان سپردگان دهه شصت و جان بدربردگان از کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در این دهه، با یاری و همراهی فعالان عرصه های سیاسی و اجتماعی، حرکتی را آغاز کردند که در بدو امر تصویر و آینده آن به روشنی امروز نبود. می دانستیم رسیدگی مردمی به هولناک ترین کشتار تاریخ معاصر ایران، کار بسیار دشوار و صعب العبوری است. با دست خالی و تنها با اتکا به انگیزه و تلاش مشترکمان، می خواهیم جمهوری اسلامی را به خاطر کشتار بیش از پانزده هزار زندانی سیاسی در دهه شصت به محاکمه مردمی بکشیم.

چهار سال تلاش بی وقفه مردمی مصمم برای رسیدگی به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در دهه شصت به بار نشست. این دادگاه مردمی، رژیم جمهوری اسلامی ایران و رهبران و دست اندرکاران کشتار زندانیان سیاسی را، که از روزهای پایانی خرداد 60 آغاز و در تابستان 67 به اوج رسید، به ارتکاب جنایت علیه بشریت محاکمه خواهد کرد. کشتار مخالفان در زندان در دهه شصت، مصداق جنایت علیه بشریت است. هیچ یک از ده ها هزار زندانی سیاسی، چه آن ها که اعدام شدند و چه آن هائی که جان سالم بدر برده و از زندان بیرون امدند، درهیچ دوره ای از دهه شصت به وکیل و تسهیلات و مشاوره حقوقی و خانواده خود دسترسی و حق دفاع از خود نداشتند. محاکمات بدون طی پروسه حقوقی با ملزومات یک دادگاه واقعی، تنها با طرح چند سئوال و در اغلب اوقات تنها با ابلاغ اتهامات به زندانی برگزار می شد و وی را طی چند دقیقه به اعدام محکوم می کردند.

کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در دهه شصت، هم چنین به لحاظ جغرافیائی، تعداد و تنوع گرایشات سیاسی و عقیدتی گسترده و طبق قوانین جزائی بین المللی مصداق جنایت علیه بشریت محسوب می شود. طبق آمارها و شواهد موجود، جمهوری اسلامی به فاصله سال های60 تا 63، حدود 15هزار زندانی سیاسی؛ روزانه به طور متوسط چهارده نفر و هر دو ساعت یک نفر را اعدام کرده است. جمهوری اسلامی به فاصله ماه های خرداد تا اسفند 67، چهارهزار زندانی سیاسی؛ روزانه به طور متوسط حدود 15 نفر و هر دو ساعت یک نفر را مخفیانه اعدام و در نهان در گورهای دسته جمعی دفن کرد.

دادگاه جمهوری اسلامی در دو مرحله برگزار می شود. مرحله اول به مدت پنچ روز، از ١٨ تا ٢٢ ژوئن ۲٠١٢ در مرکز حقوق بشر سازمان عفو بین الملل در لندن برگزار می شود. مرحله دوم، چهار ماه بعد از آن، در ماه اکتبر در لاهه برگزار خواهد شد. دادگاه مردمی ایران تریبونال، بزرگترین و بی سابقه ترین پروژه دادخواهی مردمی است که در تاریخ معاصر، با حضور بیش از صد شاهد، برگزار می شود.

یک تیم بین المللی حقوقی، متشکل از سرشناس ترین و مجرب ترین حقوقدانان بین المللی و ایرانی؛ پرفسور جان کوپر، پروفسور ریچارد فالک، سیر جفری نایس، پروفسور اریک دیوید، پرفسور پیام آخوان، دکتر نانسی هورماشیا، دکتر هدایت متین دفتری و پروفسور کادر اسمال (زوئیه 2011 در اثر سکته قلبی در گذشت)، این دادگاه مردمی را سازماندهی کرده و با دعوت از شخصیت های حقوقی و غیرحقوقی و قضات سرشناس جهانی همراه با یک تیم دادستانی متشکل از هشت حقوقدان ایرانی و غیرایرانی به سرپرستی پرفسور پیام اخوان و سیر جفری نایس، آن را برگزار می کنند.

این دادگاه، بخشی از مبارزه توده رنچ کشیده مردم ایران علیه تاریک اندیشان کوردل و جنایتکار حاکم بر ایران است، که وظیفه آن نه تنها رسیدگی به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی و محاکمه جمهوری اسلامی به جرم جنایت علیه بشریت است، بلکه این وظیفه را نیز دارد که این تراژدی انسانی را به قضاوت افکار عمومی جهانیان بگذارد و آن را در تاریخ ایران و جهان برای آیندگان به ثبت برساند.

شرکت در دادگاه

حضور در هر دو مرحله دادگاه برای عموم آزاد و رايگان است. اما، براي حضور در آن ها ثبت نام ضروري است. علاقه مندان به شرکت در هر یک از مراحل این دادگاه مردمی، یا هر دو مرحله، مي توانند از طريق تماس با آدرس ایمیل زیر، با ذکر نام و نام خانوادگی ثبت نام نمایند.


کارزار مردمی ایران تریبونال

10 آوریل ٢٠١٢ برابر با 22 فروردین ١٣٩١




Thank you!

by Rebecca on

I support any action which brings justice to the oppressed people of Iran. I hope we see a day when Iranian government respects human rights and freedom. I pray for that day.


 RG: Thank you for the

by vildemose on

 RG: Thank you for the info on live stream broadcast of this historic event.



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Dear Roozbeh

by divaneh on

Thanks for the information and the link. I still would like to go there for one day with two objectives. One is to support the event and the other is to see if I could meet some seasoned activists and ask their advice and view about achieving unity in diaspora.


Divaneh jan: You can watch it live online

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

پخش مستقیم دادگاه جمهوری اسلامی

کمیته اجرائی ایران تریبونال، تصمیم گرفت مرحله اول دادگاه رژیم جمهوری اسلامی را به طور همزمان زنده پخش نماید. به این وسیله همه ی علاقه مندان به این دادگاه در سراسر جهان، به ویژه در ایران، با مراجعه به سایت زیر می توانند جلسات دادگاه را همزمان به صورت زنده دنبال کنند.

ساعت پخش، همرمان خواهد بود با آغاز جلسات روزانه از ساعت 9.30 دقیقه صبح تا 5.30 به وقت گروینچ(بریتان...یا)، از 18 تا 22 ژوئن 2012.

می توان، پخش مستقیم را در وب سایت کارزار ایران تریبونال نیز دنبال کرد.

پخش مستقیم دادگاه را در سطح گسترده ای تبلیغ کنیم و از سایت های ایرانی بخواهیم لینک آن را در وب سایت خود منتشر کنند.




How can I register?

by divaneh on

Earlier this week I sent an email and asked how I could register in order to attend the event. I have had no reply. Is there any other way of contacting the organisers?


به دختران اعدامی تجاوز می شد که به بهشت نروند!


۱۴ ساله بود که توی تظاهرات دستگیر شد و سه پاسدار در کمیته به او تجاوز کردند. او بچه بود که حامله شد. رفتم که ببینم بتوانم کمکش کنم برای کورتاژ. در زندان هم با دختری به نام آناهید آشنا شدم که با دخترخاله اش دستگیر شده بود. آناهید وقتی دستگیر شد ۱۲ سالش بود. دخترخاله اش ۱۴ سالش بود. اینها در دوران بازجویی توی دو سلول کنار هم بودند. بازجو به دخترخاله اش تجاوز کرد. آن دو شب ها که پاسدارها توی بند نبودند با هم حرف می زدند. دخترخاله اش به آناهید می گوید که من می خواهم خودکشی کنم و تو نباید ناراحت بشوی. می گوید که به من تجاوز شده و دوست ندارم دیگر زندگی کنم. آناهید خودش برای من تعریف کرد که تمام شب با سر و صدا سعی می کرده پاسدارها را متوجه کند که نگذارند دخترخاله اش خودکشی کند اما موفق نشد و او خودکشی کرد



“May this Tribunal prevent the crime of silence“…?

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

"Reflecting upon a human tragedy which took place during the 1980s in Iran’s prisons, when over 20000 political prisoners, men and women, and numerous under aged detainees were sentenced to death by execution. The mass executions of political prisoners were carried out during this decade. The pinnacle of these crimes took place during the summer of 1988 when over 5000 political prisoners were executed in a short space of time throughout Iran’s prisons. For the first time in the contemporary history of Iran, the families of the victims, along with the survivors of the mass executions have initiated an international Commission/ Tribunal in order to investigate the mass genocide of Iran’s political prisoners. “Iran Tribunal” is aiming to hold the Iranian Islamic Regime accountable for its crimes against humanity. “Iran Tribunal” does not hold a “Legal” statute”, but acts as a court of the people, a Tribunal of conscience, faced with injustices and violations of international law. Regrettably, such abuse and breach of international laws are ignored by the existing international jurisdictions, or that is recognized, and due to the lack of political will of the international community, perpetrators are allowed to continue with complete impunity. “Iran Tribunal” also aims to raise the awareness of the international community and the civil societies by exposing the horrific magnitude of this human tragedy. “Iran Tribunal does not gain its legitimacy from a government or any political party. The driving force behind “Iran Tribunal” is the will of ordinary people complemented and supported by the clear conscience of eminent people and various professionals who are committed to the fundamental rights of those who initiated this Tribunal. This Tribunal should bring this human tragedy, which has been concealed and undisclosed for so long, onto the world stage. With your solidarity and through unity, we would be able to succeed in mobilising the world opinion and support behind our humanitarian cause. The Iranian regime must be held accountable for its crimes against humanity"

Preserve the Khavaran grave site for investigation into mass killings

1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners


 "Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mardom Mazloom

Angal jaan,

by Mardom Mazloom on

I suggest you to go see a psychiatrist.... Don't forget to bring your other personalities with you ;)


Mazloom joon you seem to have developed an obsession with

by anglophile on

pich-e Aimn o doleh :))


See Sigmund for cognitive therapy dear.

Mardom Mazloom

areyo dear

by Mardom Mazloom on


Your LOL is so characteristic, that it reminds me a story about "Pich-e Amin" ;)


areyo barzan

Calm down dear

by areyo barzan on

Dear MM. 

There is no need to be so defensive.

The words “you” and “I” that I used were just a figure of speech. The fact of the matter is that I did not participate in the disaster of 1979 either. In fact I was against it from day one, not because I thought Shah’s regime was perfect but because I could not trust Khomeini, his followers(Yezdi, Banisadr, ....) or this promoters (like BBC world service).  But I am still wondering that in my passiveness and not doing enough to prevent it I might still be responsible.

With regards to Iranian writers especially in case of Shah/Mosaddegh affair, over times I have learned to take their analysis with a pinch of salt and always cross check.

This is not to question their credibility  or integrity but to keep my own Sanity in check.

As I mentioned in my previous articles I do not see the world as either black or white.

Shah and Mosaddegh both loved this country and they both did immense services to this country.

However it was only natural that they have also made many errors.

All I am saying is that we need to come out of this cycle of creating Heroes and villains to either hid behind them or discharge all our responsibilities especially for our failures to them.

But before starting to point to the errors of these two (Shah and mosaddegh), “we” and especially our i"ntellectuals" of 33 years ago first need to be honest with ourselves and accept our own errors.

Now! if that is comming from my Skekam then I must  have been fed the wring propoganda.


Mardom Mazloom

Dear areyo barzan

by Mardom Mazloom on

Our other problem that I forgot to mention in my first comment is that we, iranians, are champions in stirring the air.

My comment was about to not distorting the reality and that's exactly what you are doing. You are responding upon your shekam and which has nothing to do with what I wrote!

Facts are facts and you can consider them as true when different sources corroborate them! I don't understand what do you mean by "Sarhang Bozorgmehr" had an agenda ! I never read that any where! Bozorgmehr was an officer of the imperial army and you can not make accusations upon your feelings.

If you drop such calamities, please provide your sources. If Sarhang Bozorgmehr had an agenda, what was it? Are you insinuating that the imperial army was so dump that they let such a person defend Mossadegh in a military court!

At the end, if you followed Khomeini at the beginning of the revolution. I never did!

areyo barzan

Dear Mardom Mazloom

by areyo barzan on

Although I have also gone trough this book, but this is only one book written by a person with an agenda

I on the other hand am interested to know that even if only for the sense of curiosity you have ever thought about reading a book from a person with an opposite point of view on the other side of spectrum or even from a mutual journalist just doing his job, with no vested interest to influence your mind one way or the other.

Furthermore even the writing in this book shows that Dr Mosaddegh went through a due process and was trialled in the present of his solicitors. Granted, that might not have been a perfect due process and there have definitely been errors and prejudices.

However that is much more than I could claim for the victims of IRI’s 10 minutes trials which started from the roof of Refaah High School and continued to Kahrizak and Evin and even today in God only knows what God forsaken torture chambers and Islamic rape quarters.

As I told Mr Kazemzadeh, this is the main reason behind the nostalgia epidemic for Shah’s era that is now flooding on our people’s mindset.

At least in that time they could rely on a televised trial (like Golsorkhi) or a due process however imperfect (like Mosaddegh).

But today any old stupid Baseeji could kill me at the drop of a hat and no one needs to answer and even by asking a question a person could put their own and their family’s life in jeopardy.

The fact is that the so called intellectuals of 33 years ago have not yet acknowledged their own errors and instead are still hiding behind Dr Mosaddegh and by doing so they even corrupt his image as our young people start to associate him with this boneless stubborn old fossils who do not even have the courage to put their hands up as accept that they have made a fatal error

This is not a defence of Shah’s system or Mosaddegh’s behaviour as in my previous articles I have mentioned that both men had their own problems and did not really understand the essence of democracy and that was the reason behind both their demise.

But it is about the ability (or rather lack of it) of a nation and especially its so called “intellectuals” to look themselves in the mirror and honestly acknowledge the error and accept their liability for the disaster of 1979 and what followed.

The fact that you and I or people like Banisadr, Rajavi, Sanjaabi, Yazdi Bazargan  and many more decided to follow one Khomeini to the hell that is IRI without knowing who he was, what he was standing for or even listening to what he was advocating and by doing so we made a fatal error and betrayed  not only ourselves but also the future generations and that would not and could not be explained or excused by the treatment  (however wrong) that Dr Mosaddegh got in the hands of the old system.  

It is exactly because of ignoring this vital point that you people have lost all the credibility amongst Iranian population and especially the younger generation.

Now! Before making any claim or criticism let alone attempting to lead we first need to acknowledge and accept our own errors and be ready to face all the consequences and liabilities, otherwise our words would not go further than our own face and trying to influence the new generation will be as affective as


Aab Dar Havang Koobidan


I'll be there

by anglophile on

but in disguise!



جستجو کنید و


جستجو کنید و مشغول باشید !


 Thank you Anglophile.

by vildemose on

 Thank you Anglophile. You are right. I was just a kid when all hell broke loose. However, I do suffer from a bit of survivors guilt...lol


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Anyone from IC going?

by divaneh on

A big thank you to those who have organised this tribunal. Any activity that highlights the human rights in Iran is to be praised.

I will be attending for a day and if anybody else comes from IC, it would be a pleasure to meet them.

Thanks for posting.


Vildemose jaan I am first to admit that I am guilty as hell

by anglophile on

but I can never bring myself to accept that such innocent souls like you and Mehrban could have had any blemish on you conscience.     


 Dear SK: I think we can

by vildemose on

 Dear SK: I think we can do both. We can chew gum and walk at the same time. We need to start somewhere;somehow.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


S: the only real court is

by alimostofi on

S: the only real court is our own. We need to get a bunch of top notch Iranian lawyers to be certified by the diaspora and their credentials to be presented to the world court. We need to try these monsters in their absence on Iranian TV channels and on the net. It was done for Nazis. It can be done for mullahs. It will be done. One small step for mankind one giant leap for Iranians.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Soosan Khanoom

Good luck but world is now deaf and blind to

by Soosan Khanoom on

the human rights issues in Iran.  Besides, why go back that far while at this very moment an artist,  a poet, and more important of all a human being is facing death Fatva?  Worse than that there are actually people, both inside and outside of Iran, who are supporting this Fatva. To whom we should complain about this case and many similar cases that is happening in Iran in a daily bases? Which court is going to stop the mullas from issuing these Fatvas, from stoning women, from public executions, from rubbing people of their civil liberties, from infecting people with the Viruses that they are, and from brainwashing the ignorant masses?

It seems that world today is very occupied dealing with Iran in terms of threats that do not exist but totally ignoring threats that do exist.  The sad thing is that we are also very occupied with that nonsense.

Indeed,  Good luck! 


Mardom Mazloom

مهربان عزیز؛

Mardom Mazloom

مخلصم !


مردم جان



منظور من اصلا نام شما نبود.  منظورم لغاتی بودند که در این مقاله بکار رفته‌اند.  

Mardom Mazloom

مهربان گرامی؛

Mardom Mazloom

مظلوم، ایرانیانی بودند که بیگناه کشته شدند. این اکانت و نام کاربری را من در زمان کشتار مردم بعد از انتصاب احمدینژاد ۳ سال پیش انتخاب کردم. اکانت قدیمی تری دارم که بعد از این ماجرا کمتر با آن وارد این سایت میشوم!

Mardom Mazloom

areyo barzan

by Mardom Mazloom on


با احترام



تو را به خدا اینقدر به مردم ایران نگوئید توده رنچ کشیده

 ظلم دیده و تحت ستم

.  این نوع حرفها ما را زبون و بدبخت می‌کند.  یعنی‌ باز هم روضه خانی در جایی‌ که ایرانیان میروند حقشان را بگیرند بی‌ معنیست. 


delete please

by Mehrban on

Dbl post

areyo barzan

Mardom Mazloom

by areyo barzan on

Well my friend!

May be you could help and advice us here.

I have read a few books my self the two most important ones were Answer to History, Khateraat va Taalomat-e Mosaddegh and the others are The Grate war for civilizations (Robert Fisk), Time and Reign of Shah, Century of War

And I lay the blame with both parties(Shah & Mosaddegh alike) but the main blame is at the doorstep of our people and our intellectuals for starting something with having any idea as for how to end it.

But may be you cam help us more.

Please let me know where you get your info from and I will be more than happy to read those books as at the end of the day establishing the truth the whole truth and notting but the trouth is the most important thing to me

areyo barzan

Vilde Mouse

by areyo barzan on

I agree totally

at last a voice of reasone 

Thank you for that


V: yes well said. We need to

by alimostofi on

V: yes well said. We need to seek a positive attitude whenever there are challenges that break us Iranians apart. We have become vehicles of our own self-destruction. Let us all be vigilant of devisive thoughts words and deeds.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi