Bank Fraud Getting More Complicated

Accusations pile up

PRESS TV: An Iranian lawmaker says Iran's Majlis (parliament) will finalize its report on the recent bank scam involving seven private and public banks by the end of the week. Seyyed Mohammad Movahhed, member of the Majlis Article 90 Committee, said on Sunday that the report would be finalized and forwarded to the Committee and judicial authorities in a few days. The USD 2.8 billion embezzlement scandal involving seven government-owned and private banks, which had used fraudulent Saderat Bank documents to secure multi-billion dollar credits and purchase state-owned companies, was recently uncovered >>>


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

G Rahmanian

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I know believe me I am often practically in tears. What a disaster. A great nation gone down for no good reason. We all get angry and sometimes lash out maybe at the wrong person. Why did people have to make this hell.

Now I am even more worried what Obama and Neocon are brewing. I don't trust him; the Republicans or anyone. Not since Nixon has Iran had a real friend in USA. Meanwhile the train wreck moves on. I am at a loss to what to do.

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

I know many Iranians who lost their possessions to these mercenaries. One of my fellow travellers when leaving Iran was this young(we were all young then)engineer who lost everything, his company, his homes and his cars. A very good man, indeed, and well-educated. I met many people like him on my way out of IR's hellhole!!!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

G Rahmanian

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

IR mercenaries began their pillage of Iran's natural resources and possessions of many Iranians who were forced to leave their country.

I know my family lost our factory; our home and our other possessions. That factory employed a lot of people. Went it got taken many people lost their jobs. It was one of the places that did not go off oil revenue. We actually built something by Iranians. I remember my fathers last order: pay them until the money runs out. So his factory director paid the salaries until the account went dry. Then closed the doors. That was the Khomeini gift to my fathers employees. 

There was no way to keep the factory going. We were heavily dependent on parts imported from West. By ruining the relations with West IRI assured the factory ran out of parts. That meant no more manufacturing. Oh yes we became independent!

G. Rahmanian

Murder & Pillage!

by G. Rahmanian on

Murder and pillage are the hallmarks of the Islamic Republic. From the day they came to power, IR mercenaries began their pillage of Iran's natural resources and possessions of many Iranians who were forced to leave their country.