Quran Idol

International recitation competition held in Tehran


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Another Fossil...

by Javan on

Wake up, your myth has been dead for 1400 years.  Your family have been Muslims for 1400 years, most likely they stood against Pre-Islamic paganism etc.  

 I came from a Monarchist Ultra Nationalist family, but now I am a good Muslim.  There are so many like me that love the USA, IRAN AND ISLAM.   


What happened to the "hossein" thread here?

by afyoun on

Is this a kind of self-censorship or pro-regime goons have shown their concerns through flagging?

They are censoring you right in the cradle of "freedom of speech".

Meanwhile they use this very website and the "freedom of speech" in order to publish their backward and inhuman thoughts and nobody here ever tags them as an abusive. You know why? Because "we are a compassionate nation" towards our enemies!! We would like to teach them "what love and kindness is" and punish them with Persian wine and poems. We even censor ourselves to not to slightly insult their rotten believes! And you know what? each time in power, they hit us harder than the previous.



Truly disgusting

by Parthianshot91 on

To think that the Persian empire has been reduced to this, a throw up competition.

Time to take back Iran from these islamist shameless leaches.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"


Shoma vaghean Doctor

by Arthimis on

Shoma vaghean Doctor Mohandes hastid? (JK) lol :D) 


Naze nafaset javon

by Doctor mohandes on

Kotak Motak lotfan nazanid maro..



It is indeed very dark and

by Arthimis on

It is indeed very dark and ........... !!! I hope someday in Free Iran of tomorrow it will be banned!! for the sake of Iran and the world!


Deep Pain!

by Shokaran on

هر گاه این صدای ناهنجار را میشنوم احساسی‌ به جز غم و افسوس ندارم،... شما چطور؟


New or Old, doesn't matter!!

by Arthimis on

New or Old, doesn't matter!! This whole B/S show, It's ridiculous!!! They give first price and gold to themselves on top of it!!! Roo keh nist!! 

Baba, 2011 shod ablahaan eshgheh arabi , 624 saal aghabid !!!

Free Iran and Iranians!


Tavana is right

by chalousroad on

Actually i remember this guy's documentary posted in full a few months back here, 

 Repeats are not whats usually expected here on iranian.com.... 


An Old Video

by Tavana on

Read the date above one of the Quran reciters: Aban 1387! IC is 2 yrs behind to post this video!