The Joke is on US

A look at the Arab-Israeli peace process


The Joke is on US
by Guive Mirfendereski

Have you heard the one about the Jewish genie? After a long set-up, the joke arrives at a point where the finder of the lamp asks the Jewish genie that, as his last wish, he would want to be surrounded by pussy. So, the genie turned him into a tampon and when the wisher complained of this fate, the genie replied: The moral of the story is that when you deal with a Jewish genie, there is always a string attached. That is also the case when dealing with Bibi Khanoum.

To recap the last season: Sultan Hussein decided that because he is taller and more articulate than his predecessor, Mighty Mouse, that he was the one that was going to stitch peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. So, a gallant effort was launched by the S.S. Clinton and Pretty Boy Blair and Sensei Mitchell do what others had failed since the lesser days of the Carter Administration. Uncle Abbas who had pouted for many years suddenly regained his spirits and decided that he could sit down with the likes of Bibi Khanoum as long as Bibi would keep the lid on the building of new settlements in areas that Uncle Abbas wanted for his Palestinian state. Problem was that the time for the lid was coming to an end and the lid got lifted and bulldozers began the work that they do in the construction world. Uncle Abbas pouted again and this time went to his brothers in the Arab League so that they can ask him not do anything rash which he would not do anyway. So Uncle Abbas told the world that he would give S.S. Clinton and Sultan Hussein one month to get Bibi to extend the moratorium on building more settlements so that Uncle Abbas and Bibi could sit down and talk peace. Bibi had a price.

Sultan Hussein did what Americans do so very well, spend money, which they really do not have but borrow in a manner that Americans also do so very well. In the days of the cold war, economic aid and military assistance would buy votes of countries at the UN; these days money is spent on projects to bring down governments with variegate velvet, burlap, or satin. Not to mention the billions that is being sent in two futile wars. All in the name of arriving at unrealistic foreign policy objectives! Peace is not a commodity to be purchased; it is state of being that has to grow organically from the very soil that sprung the violence.

So, true to the form that money can by you love, S.S. Clinton and her tugboats were making promises about American post-peace security guarantees to Israel, money, jets and other weapons, and allowing Israeli military presence in some bases along the border of the future Israeli-Palestinian states, and a U.S. commitment to torpedo (sorry, veto) any resolution at the UN that might recognize Palestinian independence or help force a solution on the situation.

All this offer of the American incentive or exacting of blackmail by Israel, depending on one’s pov, is even happening before Uncle Abbas and Bibi would sit at the table again! Will there be a price if a party is taking too long to return to the table from the bathroom too? It is likely that at every step one player or another is going to bulk and then has to be enticed back to the table for talks.

What I would like is for the U.S. to walk away from the table and then see what Bibi and Uncle Abbas are willing to pay in order to entice Sultan Hussein back to the table. Maybe for once the American taxpayer does not have to shell out money, hardware and commitments to keep a bunch of ninnies talking.

Here is what Sultan Hussein should do next: Tell the Palestinians and the world that if the two sides have not reached a workable solution to their state belligerence by a date certain that the U.S. would not prevent the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations to recognize a unilaterally-declared independence of Gaza and West Bank as two independent Palestinian states.


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by Doctor mohandes on

Excuse me? Have we met? In any case, Nice to meet you there buddy.

 But You must have the wrong guy. hey, Have a nice night, alright?


marhoum Kharmagas

Doctor Mash ghanbar Mohandes!?

by marhoum Kharmagas on

"Doctor" jaan, what is with this constant ID changing? :)

Shamsheer, Sheeshaki, KouroshS, ......., Doctor X,  .....Mash ghanbar, Doctor Mohandes 

It seems your political views also keep changing, just like your ID! :)




by Doctor mohandes on

What happened to all that "i have a thick skin" and i don't get offended so easily? So since i disagree with you, that automatically makes me an islamist? What a logic.

What i said can hardly, barely even come close to being called an insult. I know You have your rights. All i said was for you to respect the same for everyone else. And you think i am making an outright insult?? where did you learn this at?

I sound like who? Ohh mash ghanbar. Yeah i remember him, In fact we had tea together last night, Jat koli khali bood . kheili hal dad.

I read what i want and when i want and i respond whether you like it or not, and NO i am not an islamist,. so quit making crap up.

Funny cuz the islamist motto is the same exact one that you follow.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are making a reasonable post. However I still have a question. I asked it many times and have never got a response from the pro-Palestinian group. I want to get a reply and then ask why should we side with people who hate us. That does not mean siding with Israel; it does mean not getting involved. If someone tries to rape my family; I am not going to step in when I see them getting the same treatment. I am not Jesus nor do I want to be.

  • Did majority of Palestinians side with Saddam in the Iraq war?
  • Did they shoot at Iranian soldiers.
  • Did IRI use Palestinian and Hizbolahis to repress Iranians.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Doctor ..

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are moving from subtle insults to more outright ones. No one on this site is ABLE to censor anyone except for the admin. I am not the admin and I have every right to post my views.

You know you are sounding a lot like Mash Ghanbar. If you don't like my posts don't read them. I will follow my own advise and not read yours anymore. This is my last one to you. Islamists motto: when reason fails use personal insults



There is nothing wrong with criticizing injustice anywhere

by Onlyiran on

in the world.  Israelis are just another species of a**holes on this planet who abuse innocent, defenseless human beings.

I think what Mehrdad is talking about and what VPK and other talk about are both correct.  I think Iranians, inside and outside of Iran, have become sensitive about this issue because they have heard it nonstop for the past 31 years from a regime that has abused, tortured and murdered them.  So, they have become opposite of everything that the IRI is for.  So, when they hear about Israel /  Palestine, they automatically take the opposite position of the IRI.  They also equate everyone who supports the Palestinians as being in bed with the IRI and therefore they accuse him/her of being an IRI supporter.  Also, since the IRI has always talked about the Israeli / Palestinian conflict to deflect attention from its own conduct, people automatically assume that those who talk about this conflict, and who are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, are pulling an IRI trick. Lastly, we see Iranians who always talk about what is happening to the Palestinians while they always ignore what is happening to Iranians--which itself is outrageous.

But then you have people like Mehrdad who are genuinely outraged (as any decent human being should be) at what they see as injustice against defenseless Palestinians.   And when they express their outrage, they are faced with those who bunch them with others and label them IRI supporters, etc., which is totally unfair.  The trick is to listen to the person and look at their track record.  Mehrdad is one of those people who has always condemned injustice committed against both Palestinians and Iranians.  He, and others like him, should be respected and supported for their humanitarian beliefs instead of being confronted and abused. 



by Doctor mohandes on

Regarding "police". No one is censoring you and people who share your interests. We have every right to point out our views. 

A bold faced Lie. If you had the respect for all pov's you would not Jump at people's throat already trying to stop the,m or calling Their objection a thinnly veiled support for Jews. You talk the good talk all the time, but when it comes to acting on it, sorry you have got no game.

People can show concern over this matter , writing their Reps,. is a whole another story and does not even enter into this discussion.

You think the "islamists" whoever they are are obssessed with anything? Take a look at your own words and the way you repeat them day in and day out. You are more obssessed than anyone else.

when You give yourself the right to say whatever it is that you want to say till the cows come home,. then you have no right to get upset when all others do the same thing.

Think about it. 


Mehrdad, It is a new form of Bache bazi:))

by Doctor mohandes on

It is not even about the Israel or Palestine. That is not even issue here. The issue is that we need to read and know about various news stories and commentaries others have to say, Period.

It is rather sickening and nauseating to see the same exact commenst being posted word for word, every single time pretty much taking up the whole blog Accusing others of things that they are not, Why? just because they want the whole world to know that they are Only concerened about iran. They get so deeply involved in their own analysis that at the end they come up with the diagnosis that some may be suffering from a psychological disorder of some kind!!!

All of this over nothing. !


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are wrong. 

Regarding princess of England. I have written many posts criticizing the British. This time I figure I would just ignore it. Others *did* criticize them. You included. I have said many times that Britain is one of the greatest enemies of Iran. What else do you want me to say?

Regarding "police". No one is censoring you and people who share your interests. We have every right to point out our views. 

Regarding your tax dollars. I suggest you write your representative; senator and president. IC is not the one that is doing the US budget. USA is a democary and the majority of American people have decided they want to help Israel. If you don't like it *tough*. It is DEMOCRACY. Go lobby against it! 

I asked you a question and am still waiting for a response. In the war did the Palestinians side with Saddam or not? How do you feel about Iranian soldiers; your own fellow Iranians being shot at by Palestinians. To me they lost *any* of my sympathy after that. After all that Khomeini did for them; the racist Palestinians put race above friendship. Do you deny it.

To hell with them I say and will keep saying it. No good will come from us siding with them. May as well help the dire wolf.

The only reason Islamists are obsessed with this is their hatred of Jews. 

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

Let's practice what we preach!


"The Information Police", is exactly what it is

by Bavafa on

I honestly think it is rather the case of some folks hatred for Arabs in general rather then their opposition to non Iranian related subjects that gets these people blood boiling.

Case in point,

- when some write about the Prince of England getting married, not only no one objects about none-Iranian topic, they participate in it with joy

- when some one bashes Arab dictators (Saudi Arabia or others and I have done plenty of that) no one argues against it hey… this is not about Iran

But the moment some one talks about Israel, it is as if they have put these people jewels in a vice and tightening it.

What gives?????

I have said it in the past, if you are for Israel at least have the "jewels" to say it so. If it is of no importance to you then move on to the next article. It is not as if some one is soliciting your opinion and we must have it.

This deal is a serious concern for me as an Iranian-American

First as an Iranian it concerns me as it is providing and exacerbating the arm race that has started in ME and I can not in any way condemn Iran if I don't do the other side

Secondly as an American it is a $$$ that my country does not have and when we have folks with no roof over their head or dinner on their table, we ought not to give $$$ away as if it grows on trees.

Do we have no shame?  How can you condemn IRI for giving $$$ to Lebenese and stay silent here?




by Cost-of-Progress on

israel is an excuse. This regime and their goons (inside and outside iran) have based their miserable existence on "defending" the Pals  and their anti west stance have made them the saviors of the divine (what a joke) among foriegners while being hated by their own people.

All this is done on the back of ordinary iranians with sky high inflation and diminsihing standards of living while the murderous regime gives millions to the very arabs who hate our guts. 





The Information Police,

by Doctor mohandes on

IS at it again..

This is the new version of Savak.

No one is allowed to know or write about Palestine or ISreal because They will be convicted of the crime of either being a supporter of palestinians in general or their position is a thinly veiled sympathy towards the Jewish people,.

No one even cares that in this particular piece there really is nothing written suggesting overwhelming support for either party, execpt for a heavy emphasis on what role the US should or ought to play. Why this escapes the attention of "Iran only" lovers, is really beyond any know and accepted logic.

The Information police. The "sansoorchis"...Going against the policy of the site they posts comments to, and decide to set their own policies.

What a shame.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I do

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


not see the reason why we should be obsessed with Israel. Or worse with Palestine. Must I remind people that Palestinians in big numbers supported Iraq. Plus they have been used by Islamist Republic to repress Iranian people.

Sure we can talk about Palestinians. About how much their leadership hates Iran. That majority of their people repaid Iran by shooting at our soldiers. I am all for that. But to put our necks on the line for them: I don't think so. Why should we be in between Israel and Pals? Because of some "Islamic" brotherhood! No thank you I am not a Muslim. Iran is a nation and not responsible for Muslims.

Truth is that all this "sympathy" is rooted in a thinly veiled hated of Jews. Why do I never hear Islamists complain about any other "injustice". How about Tibet or Chechnya. Because Islamists don't hate Chinese or Russians the way they hate Jews. 

Therefore I agree with Simorgh. 

Palestinians are not in our problem with other than their hated of Iran

Neither are we the keepr of other Mulims.



by Doctor mohandes on

I don't see any problems discussing and exchanging views over Middle eastern issues and specifically this one, if it does not lead to over obsession of some sort. This is a blog with a general overview of the situation with the P and I problem and i think it is good to know what is gonna be happening eventually without putting too much attention and energy to it supporting either side overtly.

Now i am not sure why that everytime this topic comes up your "you hate jews and think they are najis. This IS the sole reason you might oppose Israel and nothig else" machine gets automatically turned on and start shooting your gun at everybody!




by Simorgh5555 on

I was addressing my comments to the author. Keep out lotfan:)

Also, try going to US AID and see how much of your tax dollars are going to other countries including the Palestinian territories. 

But keep at it: Single Israel out. It's not your fault. When you were growing up your parents told you that the yahudis were Najis and unfortunately you haven't quite shaken that off now that you're a grown man. 


Thank you Guive.

by Mammad on

Have not talked to you for ages.



Mr. Simorgh5555, what part of the word

by Bavafa on

- "Nothing sacred" you don't understand

- "US" (As United States of America) you don't understand

Many of us are Iranian-Americans and it is OUR tax dollars that are being paid as ransom here.




by Simorgh5555 on


Palestine is not Iran. I repeat Palestine is not Iran.Didn't you know? If you wish to discuss issues of Palestinian interest please contribute your article to the  following site: 




Sanest word I have heard so far about the US-Palestinian-Israeli

by Bavafa on

There is not one word that I can add to this to make it more sensible. Only what amazes me, the state of absolute DUMBNESS of American people, specially the hard core Republicans, who thru a fit at every penny that is spent on the poor and hungry American Citizen, yet money grows on trees when it comes to "incentives" to the Israeli side with no string attached.



excellent summary

by ali_UK on

excellent summary . Sad reality summarized in a humorous way. 

  • BTW- AIPAC will not allow Sultan Hussain to do waht you suggested at the end!!


yahhhhhh, the mighty Guive is back

by mahmoudg on

good to have you back amongst us.