
Delara Darabi

Outrage at execution of child offender

Amnesty International has expressed outrage at the execution in Iran this morning of Delara Darabi, a child offender executed despite an international ban on capital punishment of those convicted of crimes committed when under the age of 18.

Delara Darabi was hanged in Rasht Central Prison earlier today, becoming the second person to be executed in Iran this year after being convicted of a crime she was alleged to have committed while still under 18. Ms Darabi was executed despite her having been given a two-month stay of execution by the Head of the Judiciary on 19 April.

Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa Programme Deputy Director Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui said:

'Amnesty International is outraged at the execution of Delara Darabi, and particularly at the news that her lawyer was not informed about the execution, despite the legal requirement that he should receive 48 hours' notice.

'This appears to have been a cynical move on the part of the authorities to avoid domestic and international protests which might have saved Delara Darabi's life.

"This indicates that even decisions by the Head of the Judiciary carry no weight and are disregarded in the provinces.'>>>


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by Parham on

She who cracks a wise comment in the middle of a volatile situation is bound to get it where she may not want it.

This said, if you mean to say your comment was not a wise one, then all my apologies to you. On the other hand, if your comment carried any sort of sarcasm in it, you still know what you can do from the previous post!


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

RE: Parham.......relax that was not me

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I just find it interesting that you seem to be on the war path.

I haven't even attacked you and your ready to chop off my head. Don't you think that is a bit illogical?


These are the pseudonyms I have used....Sasha...Nadias....Free Spirit...

I am finally happy with all of me so I post as Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez which was my original account name given to me by JJ.

Since you seem to be sooooo unhappy then I believe this applies to you "You know what you can do if you're not happy too."



Concerned Iranian

by Parham on

No, but you chose to launch an unwarranted personal attack on me out of nowhere. Which only deserves the reply you got.

And thanks for you Confucius, but keep it for yourself. Peace!


Parham Jaan !

by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on

Please forgive me if my writing hurt and/or still hurts your feelings!

I never disrespected or insulted you! Ever...

You can call me names and label me anything you want but the Truth remains the same and I am not worried about it...

Peace and Love brother,

Reza (From Tehran)

"Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose.
Inner purpose concerns Being and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary.

The true or primary purpose of your life can not be found on the outer level. It does not concern what you do but what you are--that is to say, your state of consciousness.

Action, although necessary,is only a secondary factor in manifesting our external reality. The primary factor in creation is consciousness. No matter how active we are, how much effort we make, our state of consciousness creates our world, and if there is no change on that inner level, no amount of action will make any difference. We would only re-create modified versions of the same world again and again, a world that is an external reflection of the ego." Eckhart Tolle



by Parham on

So you mean that was you?

In any case, I stated my opinion about all the .... (fill in the blanks!) we have on this site (except perhaps for one main one, but that will come too) and I stand by it. You know what you can do if you're not happy too.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Dear concerned Iranian, psychology 101

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

in the Iranian context the specific type of narcissism that would be common would be paranoia. If you are familar with the specific traits of both you will quickly grasp tha tparanoia can be viewed as a form of narcissism....

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Jeez! It sure did not take long for a reply

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to comment about the comment from  the "concerned Iranian".

Parham, You out did yourself. Yes, I know, what you will tell me now: "I shall consider you and your opinion null and void and unworthy of a real reply."

You have a great weekend too!!



Concerned Iranian

by Parham on

If you had the slightest bit of courage in you, you would do as the "narcissistic" did and at least leave your name. Funny thing is you don't even name me in your post!

Since that is the case, I shall consider you and your opinion null and void and unworthy of a real reply.

Again, call me arrogant and ask me if I give a fly -- this is what I think of you and your kind: I think you are the epitome of the cowardice that got our country in the dire straits it is and has kept it there. I also find the fact that you chose the moment this thread has ended to voice your pompous personal attack on me a sign of extreme mediocrity of the mind.

See ya!


3,000 Negative Posts!!!

by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on

Delara was killed by Islamic Republic like tens of thousands of other Iranians in Iran in the past 30 years of Evil Islamic Republic Regime's un-holy existence in Iran.

While, many people here expressed their condolences to Delara's family and loved ones, many others (especially few)managed to leave so many posts with their picture to prove their points or in fact push their opinions on so many others!!!!!

Despite of the fact that many of those points were true or at least sincere (hopefully), at the end of the day, they lacked genuine humility and true consciousness....

A very old Iranian psychologist who taught at a very famous American university and helped/practiced thousands of people around the world once said in a seminar: (And NO, He wasn't Dr. Holakooee!) :-)

"Middle Easterners in particular Iranians suffer from severe case of Narcissism" !!! Of course he was joking to some extend and I'm sure he meant it in general...

Bottom line, we are all guilty and need some serious help! And it must start from NOW and from ourselves deep within and personally !!!

We can not help others when we can not even help ourselves individually! Note: In case you are wondering! YES, I have sought help and have been doing my best to at least work on myself with so many proper methods of help for a while now!

May I recommend a book to those who especially think that they are very special?


Meanwhile, back in the ranch, Evil Islamic Republic and their filthy collaborators at the end are winning, once again! SHAME.........

Free Iran va Irani

SCE Campaign

Latest SCE blogs about Delara Darabi

by SCE Campaign on


Anonymous Looker

by Parham on

I thank you very much for your comment.
Unfortunately, this thread was locked previously for me to be able to do so.

And btw, I see my reply to ET's last message has been deleted. I will not write a message again as I believe the other side of the conversation has read the reply already, but if you really want me to re-formulate it, say so.


David ET

annonymous looker

by David ET on

do you only believe in discrimination based on beauty or also believe in other discriminations based on weight, height, color, gender, race, age etc?
would it help change your mind if a human rights activist and a caring human being does plastic surgery not to look beautiful or eat a lot and gain 150 more pounds?
how about if she wears chador or not take shower . or if male we can ask not to shave either like IR officials

with some the IR like mentality has penetrated too deep

so rediculus


More actions for y'all

by Parham on


Kudos to Parham

by Anonymous Looker On (not verified) on

Congrats Parham. I think it's awesome that you've been sticking to your point. It's not lost on most people. Canadian Beauty queen +VOA+ human rights..... give me a break. I understand your point about Omid as well. Great job !


Maybe i missed something

by KouroshS (not verified) on

David ET

Thanks for providing the link but after going through the article, or rather articles, i did not see much details as to what exactly took place, aside from what we all already knew... could it be that i missed something?

David ET

nonesense again parham

by David ET on

my comments are here and this is the 2nd time u bringing this up. I know well what I think and what I said. I DARE you to show that I ever called you an "agent" or even "supporter of IR" but I do tell you what I did call you:
holier than Pope
so please stop playing victim. old games you know.
and this started way before I eventually address you TOO

Rosie: ministery of information has plenty of agents and they read iranian.com too and as a wilkpedia contributor I have seen them in concerted action...and how they clean up referenced Facts and write govt lines...
I didn't call Jaleho an agent either. people in my book are innocent unless proven guilty but s/he I did call supporter of IR and does good job at it by distorting facts and intentionally hiding things that S/he knows . good distractor. good distorter and good propogandist. paid or not is beyond my capability to determine. definitely on a directed pro IR agenda.
read the poem again
these days doesn't matter if one is a duck or not ...what matters if one walk or quack like one
results are same

rosie is roxy is roshan

Well David i do think you use the term 'agent" a bit loosely

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

at times, There are plenty of IR supporters who are not "paid' agents and that to me is the only kind of agent that is really an agent. Needless to say wiki articles are rubbish until they are collectively written and quality checked. And the individual here who insisted the wiki article written that same day was a definitve source and that anyone who didn't believe it was a propagandized idiot is ---that person is..is..is...

defintely not someone I would pay to be an agent if I were a government. Or the owner of a travel company.


David "E.T."

by Parham on

May I remind you that all this started when you came in and accused me of being an "agent" who wanted to poison the Nazanin Afshin Jam and the SEC campaign? That, simply because you cannot stand another point of view on the subject?

How pathetic...

David ET


by David ET on

also I just noticed that the garbage that was added to Delaras page on wikipedia by I R agents about execution and used by a pro IR person here seem to have been corrected by caring people . looking at history there seem to be much updates by responsible people.... just showing the ocean again...

David ET

just scroll down

by David ET on

scroll all the way down he page you see general comments

also there are blog comments. click on titles of each blog

rosie is roxy is roshan

David, i went there but i don't know where to find the

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

commtents section.. Whre is it on the page and what does it say so i can click on it?

David ET

may I kindly ask

by David ET on

everyone to ignore the one that has poisoned this thread

May I ask you to also PLEASE click on this link and read through the comments that were poured from people from all over the world just on one of the many internet mediums of SCE. just one... to see and may be then we understand the magnitude of such horrible inhumanities among non Iranians and that is only SCE not Amnestyl human rights watch, the newspapers articles. I was amazed at the details and graphic description of last moments by independent of UK.... anyway read only these comments... there are 1000's in different languages worldwide... just ignore the one distraction and see at the ocean ...
ignore the weeds and see the forest.




by Parham on

Go pity yourself, You seem the be the one who needs it.
I knew it would stoop to stuff like this with you.

By the way, you seem to be accusing me of the insults below in your post, inferring that I started anything there.

I'd like to remind you of the day you wanted to say something I had written about Iranian women, and instead you began insulting Pedram Moallemian on an unrelated piece (meaning you confused us two probably because of our names and without checking, you insulted the man). Poor guy hasn't written a word on this site ever since!
That tells me a lot about your sense of justice. I never saw you apologize to him either...

I'm outa here, unless you come back with a retort where you show you're still itching for a couple of good ones.

Toodle pip.

David ET

may day

by David ET on

rosie is roxy is roshan

It's me, Daddy, Delara.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

 They just told me they're going to hang me now. Do something. Don't let me die.

That's what she said to her  father when they let her call him right before the hanging. On May Day.

One hundred workers and human rights activists celebrating May Daay in solidarity with the workers in Tehran, beaten and arrested to the tune of the news of the surprisee stringing up od Delara Darabi, the pin-up girl.

Mayday, mayday! It's me Daddy. Iran. Do something. Don't let me die!




I don't need it

by Souri on

i don't need to show you anything, I don't need to prove anything...but pity you who are still here trying to prove yourself.



by Parham on

Seems I forgot to reply to a part of your other post.

No, I don't dislike women or feminists that much, but I do abhor people who hide behind human rights yet have a different agenda and try to press their point that way.

So there.



by Parham on

When you can't say anything else, resort to crap-slinging, right?

I wasn't here to distract people, I was here to rub their noses in their ...

You show me one single effort from you in support of human rights on your behalf, I'll leave this thread.



by Souri on

Good for you, you know everything!!

You know exactly why they did it at that day, why we the delusional people are here, and you know who is who and who is doing what, and why!! Now we have two prophet in the site! Congratulation!!

Don't worry, I'd already left the thread when I saw your tireless effort for distracting everyone from the main subject.Good luck and more power to you !

rosie is roxy is roshan

Dear Kaveh, guess what? with substantial additons

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

There was a May Day rally in Tehran and the other human rights organizations marched in solidarity with the workers and they were beaten with batons and one hundred were arrested. Which would go al long way toward explaining the sudden decision to execute Dealra on May Day since she was one of the most high profile human irght cases within Iran. It's theater, you see. The tactics are all multi-pronged.

Similarly, Delara's original date of execution was set for the day before Roxana was sentenced. Pur theater. It is for the national and international stage. There is no longer a difference. The whole country's internal human rights situaiton has become one huge geopolitcal pawn. In such a scenario, as I said below, anyone who wants to apologize for IRI now should be repatriated, where they would find themselves in Evin Prison within five days, for sure.

Since Obama came to offcie and in anticipation of the coming elections in Iran, IRI has organized a full-frontal attack on human rights in every conceivalbe realm, the likes of which are unprecedented in its recent history. You already read my labor blog. You might want to see my blog called "Who will win the Oscars, in Horrorwood, IRI? Roxan or Delara?"  (Click and go into my accoount). You also might like to check out the recent May Day news feeds, there are two of them, since your'e interested in the labor movement.

One thing I am thinking is that the repressions are getting so bad and so flagrant and so universal and so violent that if something doesn't give with the coming elections, there might actualy be an uprising. I have always been strongly pro-Reform and even mroe strongly against foreign military intervention. However the following scenario flashed through my mind. It may be unlikely but the very fact that it flashed is deeply disturbing.

It flashed that what if there's an uprising that is so severe that the international community would have to intervene? Things have just gotten so bad, so bad...I never dreamed, many people never dreamed. Who knew? With Obama it seemed there would be a very different and relatively "polite" game of geopolitical poker. This is obviously not the case.

Now as regards Delara, she really got screwed. The international campaign that was organized is of the type that often works..these prisoners often get stay upon stay upon stay of execution..Poor little girl...how could the campaign know what the hardliner tactic was going to be when she reached the age for the execution to actually come on the horizon? As you know they never execute these minors until after about five years they hold them til they're older. 22 is about the age. And there she was, just 22, and they had this..macabre theater in place for the world scene..and...who could've known?

You do know she died all alone don't you? The legal requirement of 48 hours wasn't given. The parents received a phone call just before she died from her. Amazing they even let her make it. As you know the father turned her in to the legal system in good faith and that same legal system would not let him be there when she died. He is now hospitalized.

The main problem with the rifts here is that many people feel that Delara is hyped up and shouldn't be "fixated on" so to say, failing to understand that if they could only respect these people's legitimate grief, they could then explain to them once they were calmer how it all plays into the larger gruesome picture. In my view, Delara's poems, paintings, and yes her very youth and beauty have captured the collective heart, soul and imagination and they could be galvanized if only those who are frustrated about the "pin-up girl" celebrity aspect of her case would understand all this.But no..

that's what I was hoping. But no...

Poor little strung up pin-up girl. Gasping and choking for air.