One More Past Midnight

We’re all innocent, yes we are

The soldier shooting at the innocent in fright

The woman riding in the back of a police car

The rapist that got his heart filled with envy, with filth

The heartless tycoons who built weapons to feed their greed

The little girl raped and left on the sidewalk

The children who play in the pool to cool off from the heat


We are innocent, you and I

And have you ever wondered why

The unreflecting eye

Looks deliberately away from the sky?

What is wrong with the unflinching eye

That stares out protrusively as its beholder tells a putrid lie?

While the  bewildered eyesearhes, asks, and wonders why

When did we lose the courage to cry?

And is this the reason why

We don’t see the birds that used to fly high up in the sky?

Is this why we no longer hear the nightingale’s soothing cry

Think of the joy that we can harvest

Look at the immense love that can be reaped

If we only plant the seeds, you and I

We are all innocent regardles of what we’ve done, or thought

And this is the thought or intuition that is going through my mind

So I thought I should write it down

Before it faded flickering into the midnight sky

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