Samira Sayeh

Assistant professor of French and Italian, University of Kansas

Sayeh pecializes in Francophone literature and culture and the history of countries other than France that speak the language. Here, she discusses the satisfaction of seeing her students study in nations such as Senegal, Cameroon, Reunion, Morocco, Canada and, of course, France, all the while learning more about the language and themselves.


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Samira is not Arabic, but even if she was, so what?

by Farzad (not verified) on

I find Gol-Dust's comment extremely offensive and racist. Many Iranians have Arabic first names like Samira. In case you didn't know, Muslim names *are* also Arabic. Duh! To suggest that an Iranian is possibly an Arab because of his or her name is just plain stupid and racist.

Furthermore, there are many Iranians who are of Arabic-speaking background, such as from Khuzestan or Hormozgan. The fact that some would not consider them to be Iranian because of their Arabic ethnicity is a testament to their stupidity.

Iran has always stood for inclusiveness and diversity. It was the world's first diverse nation, it was founded as a diverse nation, and it remains a diverse nation, and any Iranian who truly is Iranian is proud of that.


isn't samira arabic? well,

by gol-dust on

isn't samira arabic? well, most likely she is an iranian woman, since she is highly educated and classy.


See this is the kind of

by Anony-mouse (not verified) on

See this is the kind of Iranian I love seeing featured. Beautiful women who inspire.


How wise and beautiful.

by Ghotbee (not verified) on

How wise and beautiful. Mommy's on her way to KC for Khaastegaari! Go Jayhawks!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Kansas U, here I come: student again!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

My god, French could not have a better representative!

Kansas cannot have a better professor.

Iran does not have a nicer lady!


The one to be proud of!!

by nicksaf on

As an Iranian-American I am very proud of Dr. Samira Sayeh. Her enthousiam, interest, and knowledge is profond. This is the time to express gratitude to those Iranian in US that have made an impact and have taken the high road to education and skills.
On top of all that she is polite, well spoken and very gorgeous!!


 A fan of Iran, Esfahan!


I love her enthusiasm about her field

by Monda on

and her accent!


Vive la Francophonie!

by T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified) on
