Nina Pari

Iranian-American travels to Iran in search of her roots


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War is going on with in Iran..

by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

you have to protect Iran from islamic neithmer that it is in the very first enemy is with in Iran how is poppet with the mission to destroy Iran for good if you are {Irani}and didn't get it by now In Parsi your called {Parrt}-how is calling for distraction of israel and the west!!! - I am Nat a child of [adam=man]in semitic beliefs. [Enemy is islam]


For Bijan AM

by AnonymousBuddy (not verified) on

The following is video from a Zionist rally in support of killing Palestinians in Gaza. Bear in mind that this took place in "liberal" NYC, not Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.



Dear Bijan A M

by AnonymousBuddy (not verified) on

Since you linked to those videos posted by israeli propagandists, I hope you at least have the decency and honesty to acknowledge how common and everyday it is for Zionists to yell "Death to Arabs". You're welcome to check: google the words "Death to Arabs" and "Mavet le arabim" (the same phrase in Hebrew) and see how many links you get for demonstrations in which Zionists chant death to Arabs.

Bijan A M

So proud of you Nina…

by Bijan A M on

I only hope that you have matured enough that when you search for your roots, you divorce any prejudice and keep the torch of peace, justice and fairness lit to guide you in your search.


I am also glad that during your year visit to Iran, you did not witness this speech




Or other Anti American, Anti Israeli hate demonstrations such as this




which are supported by IRI. These have nothing to do with your roots or any true Iranian roots. I am sure you are smart enough to recognize why the word “war” would come up in these atmospheres. Please, lets dedicate ourselves to the cause of peace.


Hamid Y. Javanbakht


by Hamid Y. Javanbakht on

Very encouraging, there are many others like you out there, your quest is another step forward in the effort to overcome prejudice of Iranians, someday we'll all see past the hyperbolic distortions and hatred.


Thats it

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Its really the point, there is difference of opinions every place. But its crazy to allow others to define what is good for Iran. Especially the guy who lives in Virginia, he was not that close to Iranian culture to begin with. I bet you he is more familiar with western culture than Iranian. Let Iranians take care of Iran and say No to any wars. Even Obama is stuck with the war machine. Iran needs to be protected.


what about mom?

by bikar (not verified) on

I am happy for you that you live in U.S.A., and have been able to reconnect with your father's heritage.
However I did not hear one word about your mother and her American heritage, why is that?


Thanks Party Girl and thank

by desi on

Thanks Party Girl and thank you Nina that was a wonderful piece.



by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Thank you Nina. Good to hear that she was reunited with her father.