Azar Ale-Kanan

AKA Nina Aghdam, rape in Iran prison

Part 1

Part 2


more from Sheema Kalbasi

Fred: The ultimate hypocrit

by Mehdi on

How are thinsg in your beloved Israel these days? Did your paid US representative work out a deal for your beloved Rabbis who stole and committed major fraud to send to Israel to support more baby killing? Tell us about how F-16I protects the right of people there - well the people that matter, not Palestinians - just the Chosen people. Let's hear you only ONE time condemning the Mosad criminals, those who actually Taught IRI how to torture and rape. They are the expert, not? Do you have ANY shame Fred?



by Mehdi on

I did not say she didn't do anything. I asked everyone to tell me how she has accomplished more than a woman who instead stays away from all this and raises a kid who ends up in some university or something, instead of being scarred for life, and in that way helps thousands? How is she doing something better? I don't think she is. So why are we saying more people should do what she did?

I don't know why you get the idea that I am against this woman. Why do you think my advice to my sister would be any different? Why do you think I have no shame? What did I say that is so shameful? Could you please point that out? I get a lot of emotional heat here but no logic whatsoever. I keep asking the same questions and the replies I get is more swearing and emotional nonsense. I get it - you guys feel terrible about this. I am sorry. It may be hard for you to believe but what I am saying is exactly things that would stop such things to happen again. So I don't know why you think I am against her. Can we get back to the discussion and avoid all this emotional empty outbursts?

So when yoiu read Reza-San Diego's comment, you don't think he is threatening me? What do you think he is doing then? He is clearly stating that he is coming after me. Is that not a threat? When should I take such threats as serious? 

Now you talk about wrongdoings of IRI. Two points here. First, ALL governments in the world are under the control of mafias, INCLUDING the US government. The government you are describing would be an IDEAL government which DOES NOT EXISTS ANYWHERE in the world. I love your ideal government. When we have a such a government, I will then agree with you. Until then, the question is what is THE BEST way to approach that ideal state? Is it what this lady is doing or is it something else? Second, is a question I have asked many times here and I still have no real answer - what or who precisely is this IRI you keep referring to? How many people are they? Do you know their names? Is it less than 1% of people? Less than 10%? Are all Basijis absolute psychopaths and they should all be jailed/executed? Are all Pasdars psychopaths and must be jailed or executed? Are ALL mullahs also deserving jail/execution? Nobody has been able to give me a straight answer as to who this IRI is. How about the bazaris who profit from a lot of what the regime does? Do they also need to be jailed/executed? Do we kill/jail the families of such people? How many levels deep will we go? If you can't even precisely define what this "evil IRI" is, then how can you fight it? Think about that for a minute before you answer. If you do, you will realize that people and government are not as distinct as you think. A lot of Iranians can be thieves and killers if circumstances are right. You can see a few of them right here on this thread! 



by Benyamin on


 next time read and then comment. you controdicted yourself by commenting about "the level of maturity on my part" and the comment you made about Azar khanoom. I think you are the one who is "KOOCHOOLOO" since your brain has shrunk to the size of your nuts. Watch your mouth I said I was not being disrespectful. And by these type of comment you don`t help yourself at all, and more people join me to believe that you are "indeed" an IRI agent amongst HUMANS.


Reza Allameh-zadeh

by Fred on

گفتگوی من با یکی از قربانیان تجاوز جنسی

چهار سال پیش به دعوت آقای «بابک عماد»، یکی از مسئولان «کانون زندانیان سیاسی ایران – در تبعید»، برای مصاحبه و فیلمبرداری از دو شیرزن ایرانی که با شهامت آمادگیشان را برای شهادت دادن در مورد فاجعه‌ی تجاوز جنسی در زندان‌های رژیم جمهوری اسلامی اعلام کرده بودند به استکهم رفتم، جائی که آندو نیز از انگلستان و آلمان، محل سکونتشان، به آنجا آمده بودند.

در طول این چهار سال منتظر فرصتی بودم تا توجه عمومی به این درد بزرگ اجتماعی در جامعه ما جلب شود تا این دو سند تاریخی را منتشر کنم. در طول بیست و چهار ساعت گذشته کاری جز این نکردم که گفتگویم را با یکی از این دو قربانی به ساده‌ترین شکل ممکن تدوین کنم تا کمترین خدشه‌ای به سندیت غیر قابل انکار آن وارد نشود.

ویدئوی پانزده دقیقه‌ای زیر حاصل این تلاش است. در فرصتی دیگر گفتگو با قربانی دیگر را هم به تماشا خواهم گذاشت.


َAnd his bio in Wiki




Monda I think he is

by Anonymouse on

Monda I think he is an Amalleh! 

Everything is sacred.


Anonymouse: Bad journalism!

by Monda on

he whispered his masked voice during this interview, but challenged the poor woman to give him all details about herself and her trauma! Has anyone heard of Allamehzadeh before this clip? Does he come from an Allameh?! I hope he doesn't call himself a journalist!


vildemose: thanks for better introducing yourself

by Mehdi on

I am not too worried that you may be a sociopath. I would still like to know your answers to my questions. 

By the way, I hope you realize that psychology is NOT science but hocus pocus advertised as science in order to fool people. These terms you have referred to have never been scientifically defined - these are just "scientific-looking" phrases but totally empty of meaning. So don't try to hard to figure your personality out by comparng yourself to such meaninsless psychobable. Deep down you are nto that bad. 


This is my last reply to you. I refuse to feed your sociopathy!

by vildemose on

Mehdi: Definition of sociopaths:

Someone who hides the body of their victim and then goes to the grocery store and comes home and bakes cookies for their kids.


Profile of the Sociopath

This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

  • Glibness and Superficial Charm
  • Manipulative and Conning
    They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
  • Grandiose Sense of Self
    Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
  • Pathological Lying
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
  • Shallow Emotions
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
  • Incapacity for Love
  • Need for Stimulation
    Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
  • Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
    Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
  • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
    Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
  • Irresponsibility/Unreliability
    Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
  • Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
    Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
  • Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
    Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
  • Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
    Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
  • Other Related Qualities:

    1. Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
    2. Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
    3. Authoritarian
    4. Secretive
    5. Paranoid
    6. Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
    7. Conventional appearance
    8. Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
    9. Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
    10. Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
    11. Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
    12. Incapable of real human attachment to another
    13. Unable to feel remorse or guilt
    14. Extreme narcissism and grandiose \





    by KouroshS on


    Oh so you don't think that she is really doing anything and it is all just so convenient for her? Would you have said the same thing if it was your own sister or cousin? Would you? Have you no shame? She goes to jail for no good reason and only because she dared to say that she did not like certain things about this regime and then some jackass comes and rapes her. You think that what she is doing is illogical and purely emotional and so are those who are supporting her? What a load of crap.

    Who could possibly and in all reality advocate a death threat against you? be real. Can anyone really act up on their emotions and angers and against someone whom they disagree with? Do not use this as an opportunity to boost your position. and don't be calling people weak-hearted or out of touch with reality, and more important of all, don't use this as a gauge to measure our level of compassion and decency. If anything, You have already shown your  level of disrespect towards one's way of expressing their discontent which hardly qualifies as being decent let alone compassionate.

    You don't seem to grasp the main point. Do you think that The IRI or any other opressive regime in the world are withintheir rights to silence the legitimate voices of discontent? Why should they resort to imprisoning and intimidation tactics to shut people up? you don't see anything wrong with that? And this makes you think that you are her only friend? You think that it is okay for a government to utilize any means to keep a population silent, so it should be a citizen's duty to not say a word, so she or he would not be subjected to such brutality? You are insane.

    Wherever did you get the idea that this was a free society? What knucle head pushed that idea into your head?

    There is no comparison between these political dissidents and those who rose up from within the ranks of the IRI bastards themselves. Each and everyone of these individuals have the right to express their dissent against this or any other regime. THAT IS THEIR RIGHT AND IT MUST BE RESPECTED. It is the IRI regime who is at fault and must be punished, abandoned and criticized overwhelmingly for taking such harsh and over-the-top and unneccesarily brutal actions against such dissidenst.



    vildemose: Why are you obsessed with name-calling?

    by Mehdi on

    Does it really make a difference? I have posted a number of valid questions. So if I was an IRI supporter, my questions should be ignored? You may or may not be MKO, but you certainly follow thier exact strategy - use of psychology to distract and nullify a valid question to your "cause." You are going round and round bringing up anything BUT the questions I asked. Why is that? 


    Mehdi: MKO and IRI

    by vildemose on

    Mehdi: MKO and IRI collaborators are no different. Why do you think you're any better than the MKO?


    Are IRI collaborators are worse or better than MKO?


    vildemose: very good MKO tactic

    by Mehdi on

    Just avoid the whole thing. Resort to name-calling, when all else fails. Spread some falsehood. Ask fo rmore bloodshed while shedding crockadile tears. Typical! I love it.


    ""In support of the public

    by vildemose on

    ""In support of the public strike in Iranian Kurdistan.

    August 19, 2009 is the 30th anniversary of Khomeini’s declaration of Jihad and also the launching of an enormous military attack on the people of Kurdistan in Iran. To protest the brutal policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), residences of Kurdistan have been invited to launch a day of public strike by several leftist parties and groups. In support of this initiative, we, the undersigned individuals, call on all lovers of freedom to support the people’s struggles in Kurdistan on this historic day.

    Thirty years ago, Khomeini declared war on Kurdistan so to destroy one of the most vital centres in Iran where revolutionary demands continued to challenge the newly established Islamic regime after they overthrew the Monarchist system.

     Following the claps of the Monarchist establishment, communist organizations and other progressive political groups and activists, showed no illusion to the newly Islamic State and Khomeini’s instructions; therefore, they established worker’s unions, and City and Town councillors to run their own affairs. A demand for fair working hours and reasonable Employment Laws, better quality education and social services dominated the discourse of political groups and the society as a whole. Land was distributed among poor peasants. Such a political environment grasped the attention of many progressive political organizations and activist from other parts of Iran, where they were under increasing persecution by the Islamic State’s agents. ..



    People like Jaleho,

    by vildemose on

    People like Jaleho, Xerexes, and Mehdi are chief collaborators of the IRI.

    Their very subsistences depend on survival of the IRI, ergo the vigorous defense of Islamic Republic of Rapists.

    They are the Iranian version of Charles Manson. You can't use rhyme or reason to change a sociopathic entity.  Appealing to their humanity is futile because they have none.


    Lots of emotion - no logic

    by Mehdi on

    Well, I sure got a mouthful of emotions back but no logic whatsoever. First of all, I don't know what makes you think that I am cruel orthat I am putting the blame on this woman, or that I am a supporter of a regime- any regime. Second, I just because you are weak-hearted and can't ask tough questions about life, that doesn't make you more decent or compassionate. It might qualify you as a coward. The questions I asked are very logical and valid but nobody even attempted to answer them. This dude "Reza-San Diego" who appears to be a psychotic criminal, even issues a life threat against me for voicing my opinion. Of course he is doing it while pretending to be aproponent of free speech! This is the ultimate in hypocrisy! The whole basis of this video may be a fight for free speech, and yet I am being threatened with my life for speaking out my mind! Wow! You guys want to replace Basijis? I hope not! Those Basijis are decent souls compared to people like "Reza-SanDiego".

    Please read my comment one more time and notice that I used the phrase "some low-life prison torturer" referring to her torturer. So, I never said anything to imply that the torturer was justified. But what I was trying to make clear was that there are a million ways to bring improvement to a society and the path she has chosen, seem to me to be by far the worst one! This is not an insult to her. I think I am probably her only friend by pointing this out! You guys are sending her further into the torture chamber by approving her stupidity and cheering her and others like her on. You are the ones who should be ashamed not me! I am trying to get people like her away from such insanity!

    I asked you if it would not have been better for all these"political fighters" to simply stop their antagonistic and insane activities and find better ways to help their societies. You tell me, which person was more useful to Iranians, Masoud Rajavi, Golesorkhi, those kids whoe stablished the MKO, Cherik Fadaiie, Toudeh Party, etc, OR some guy like Hoveida or even Shah himself? Which one of these gentlemen ended up ACTUALLY doing something for their people EVEN if not perfect?

    This last question, I have asked many, and I have not received an answer yet!

    Since we are all in the mood for "mark my word" kind of statement, mine is this: mark my word, some of these people working WITHIN the regime will end up being far more helpful to people than all of these "political fighters." In fact, one quick look show that this statement has been true so far. After all, even the largest movement, the current one, started from within the regime and not from the so-called political activists.

    So, please spare me the crocodile tears. You all love to see her tortured some more. It makes you feel better, doesn't it? Maybe it will make your own miserable life a little more bearable?

    One more thing, stop flashing your "free society" to me. I have seen it all. The piece of trash you call "free society" is nothing but a cesspool of criminals and low-lives. You think this is a freesociety? How laughable! Where do you live - in Beverly Hills? You think the US government is not run by a mafia? What a bunch of uneducated naive funny people!

    Again, my main point here was that one could help improve the environment in a million ways. But of course the one that she chose, is the only one where you don't have to actually DO anything and you get to be called a hero by some. How convenient! 



    by KouroshS on

    Baz to ezhare fazl kardi? Akhe baba....

    Do you seriously think that i work for the IRI? nemitooni bekhooni? Where did you learn to read? In Somalia? If after all that i have posted on various threads, you still think that i am an IRI agent then you are the stupid one koochoolo. You know i was about to really come down on you because of all the crap that you uttered. but then you mentioned the fact that you spent time in prison as well. And ijust don't know what to tell you.  All that hardship and torture should have made an impact on your level of maturity and seeing and understanding the truth and prevent you from mislabelling people. But afsoos. You keep going on and on just like a fanatic. The same ones who threw you into jail.

    Grow the hell up ,


    If you can't understand the language

    by XerXes on

    Please step a side let the air pass through.


    Monda I agree the

    by Anonymouse on

    Monda I agree the interviewer is an ass! 

    Everything is sacred.


    To TheMrs

    by Benyamin on

    I really like the way you replied to Mehdi. People like KousoshS, Mehdi and JeleHO.....are either stupid or working directly for IRI which again makes them stupid. I don`t mean to be disrespectful meerly "factual". I have been imprisoned in Iran to answer you long question(more like a comment), most of Bazjoos in Iran are higher IRIs ranking such as distant relative or friends some are former criminal and I mean the worst kind that have sliced their mothers or uncles, and have been offered amnesty. their Identity changes and they start living in society except now they work for ISLAM(wow) some of the higher ranking Bazjoos are just the sons and daughters of people like "Ahmad e Khatami" and some are so religious they see nothing but their god which probobly looking more like Khameneie every day. I think IRI should be outlawed as a political/religious facist group that has not done anything but degrading humanity. Just like Nazies.

    Reza-Rio de Janeiro

    Attention Mehdi!

    by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

    Do not underestimate Iranian hackers, we are searching and identifying scums like you!!!

    If we find you guilty of any physical crimes against humanity besides your stupid /unhuman comments here, you will pay dearly! Understood you jackass?

    Apologize to this poor tortured lady and all Iranians now and while you have a little time left!

    You are a lost soul and I feel sorry for you but my friends may not!


    Why don't you

    by KouroshS on

    Place the blame on those who are really responsible for turning this into a malady?Why should any government in the world be of such fascistic and opressive nature so as to train such low-life, scumbacks and puts them in charge and calls them bazjoo, and to give them totall unsupervised authority to do whatever the hell they want to?

    What makes you think that she had done anything to provoke a torturer?  She was in their total control. There was no way out for her. Those phuckfaces had her to their own and could have anything they wanted to, which they did, with or without any headbudding. Having the right to speak against certain policies of a government is a normal and natural concept for every citizen and it takes a moronic government to chain and imprison those who do.

    Why should a government not listen to the complaints and criticisms of its own citizen so this kind of thing would be prevented in the first place. And you are so mistaken, This woman, especially if she were in the USA, maybe she is here already, would be so well-respected by the authorities and would have been given millions of chances to make her voice heard.

    If you see and hear her insisting on her stance on certain issues, it is because that is her right. Those who do not believe that are backward and retards.

    ex programmer craig


    by ex programmer craig on

    Can someone translate this for the English speaking public?

    I can't understand the video either but I was able to find a speech she made in 2000 here:



    the interviewer's style...

    by Monda on

    really made me angry! How about a touch of sensitivity and compassion toward this tortured soul?

    Dear Azar AKA Nina, I hope for your healing from all the trauma you suffered in prison.  Thank you for sharing your story with us. I also hope your torturers pay for their crimes in this life time.


    Iranian Hero

    by Yashar_Tabriz on

    Azar, you are our hero.  You make us proud.  Because of you, we hold our heads up as a nation, an Iranian nation.  We love our kurdish brothers and sisters.  Iran belongs to all the mirnories.  There is not real majority in Iran.  Iran belongs to the Kurdish, Azeri, Lor, Persian, Arab.  We will all fight for our freedom and our rights as a nation.  Iran will always be a proud country.  We are one great nation.  Azar is our symbol.  I love Azar.  I am your follower.

    Tabriz be pa khiz


    To: Mehdi, answer to "why do people do these things?"

    by shahabshahab on

    They do these "things" so people like you can be free and live in a free society. You probably don't care where you live so long as you are well-fed and your immediate base wishes are granted. But there are many many conscientious people who actually care about their and others' way of life. They actually want to help bring about a more just society.

    I do not expect you to understand, But when this woman and others llike her fight for freedom and against injustice, that makes me and many others proud. Her courage to come forward and share her terrible experience, inly reinforces the conviction of free-monded people (so unlike you) to continue fighting until injustices , political, as well as other forms of persecutions are  erdadicated.


    To Mehdi You are right.

    by TheMrs on

    To Mehdi

    You are right. There is surely a psychological explanation for what makes different people react in different ways. Some people die to bring justice and others live to be unjust.

    In your case, your angry pity shows that you are outraged too. But you want to channel it by putting her on trial and wondering why she put herself in that position to begin with. It is very much like when a child trips and falls, some parents first yell at the child "akheh chera jelo paato negah nemikoni", instead of helping him. Or first yell "zahreh mar negh nazan bebinam kojat ookh shode".

    "Whatever they call themselves": International organizatinos and people from various societies all over the world call them political prisoners, or prisoners of conscience.

    Now, if someone arrests you and tortures you, simply for participating in this debate and on this site (which would be banned in many places), don't worry, we would call, even you, a political prisoner.


    To Mehdi, the BIG Fa...rt

    by sobh on

    I don't even know how to address people like you.

    It is like saying why Martin Luther King Jr. was fighting for? I mean you are sooooooo off the only thing I can say is:

    What aBIG FA..RT you are!

    Louie Louie


    by Louie Louie on

    We have a monster here who blames the victim.


    همین را کم داشتیم که....


    امام زمان اقا مهدی عجل الله و تعالی شریف از ته چاه ظهور فرمودند و ایرانین دات کام را با کامنتشان منور فرمودند. واقعا که از این بهتر نمی شد.


    Why do these people do these things?

    by Mehdi on

    I mean "political prisoner" or political fighter or whatever they call themselves. What is the point? Why is it that I never got involved in such activities and some people, the whole family is involved? When I listen to her, I keep thinking that being a political person is some sort of mental condition where the individual feels compelled to fight the government, but the real reason is just that it is in her head. There is no real reason. She could easily avoid all this and even be very effective in what she was trying to accomplish in some other way but she kept on insisting to butt heads with some low-life prison torturer or something like that. It is interesting that she could live in the US, for example, and probably nobody would care what she is preaching. In other words what she is fighting for is not even valuable to anybody but she keeps insisting on it. All such people do. They are actually very ineffective in what they are trying to do. You look at MKO for example and you can ask yourself, "wouldn't it be much better if those kids had stayed in school and got jobs and simply served the society?" Wouldn't they have accomplished a lot more? It makes no sense to me other than thinking this is a mental malady that some people have.