Fly to Iran


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One act play

By Majid
March 21, 2002
The Iranian

Cast of Characters

A man in his late thirties dressed in a casual style that makes him appear younger for his age. He has an intense air about him that makes him look unapproachable, arrogant and self absorbed. His misguided self confidence is one thing he feels he has going for him. This he believes to be the source of his sex appeal rather than his apparent attractive physical features. He fancies himself to be smart, witty and worldly; in short an intellectual. But there is little substance behind the image that he likes to project to others. He likes to shock and provoke people and catch them off guard. This gives him the illusion that he is in control of the moment.

A woman in her thirties. She has coiffed her long hair smartly in the latest fashion. She is dressed elegantly in an evening dress that wraps tightly around her voluptuous hard body. Her round bosoms are pushed upward by some MIT engineered Wonder Bra to a degree that one expects them to burst out of her dress at any point. Furthermore, she has the tendency to arch her back when she meets people to give them a full view of her proud assets. Her smiles are playful and welcoming. Her poses and gestures are sensual and she is in the habit of snuggling close to people she speaks with; at times touching them in an affectionate manner. She tries very hard to project an image of sophistication and style to the point that makes her look silly and pretentious.

A large Soho studio crowded with elegant New Yorkers who have gathered in Anna Petranouska's apartment to celebrate her return from a trip around the world. A sensual music is heard in the background as people mingle and partake in the life of the party.

AT Rise
Anna stands in the center of the room surrounded by a crowd of friends.Our young woman casually approaches the bar where a young man stands eyeing her with great interest. She looks over the selection of wine bottles; she can't decide what to drink. The young man seizes the opportunity to approach her ...

May I suggest this one. It's a full body red wine. Very flavorful ...
(He pours her a glass)

All right ... I'll try anything once or twice ...
(He hands her the glass and she takes a sip)
Umm ... It's nice... I like it ...

It's a quite a gathering isn't it?

Yes, Anna is so wonderful ... She has quite a following ....

Yes indeed..
(She looks into his eyes intensely and smiles sensually at him and arches her back to give him a full view of her breasts. A blank expression forms on his face as his stare shifts away slowly from her body to her eyes.)
Do you think I am a jealous man?

Excuse me?

It's a simple question.

And quite inappropriate one to ask from a complete stranger; don't you think?

You don't have to know someone to figure out if they are jealous or not.

(After a moment of reflection.. she burst out into a laughter)
Is this a joke?... I know .. Anna put you up to this, didn't she? She is trying to get back at me for
setting her up with that Lesbian ... Oh it was a riot ..
(... giggling)
You should have seen the look on her face when she fingered Anna ---
(... playfully)
Hum.. well you can imagine ... it was simply divine .. But I can't believe she would be still sore at me .. it was ages ago.

I have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Believe me a jealous man is in no mood for jokes nor does my present condition permits me to partake in such childish revengeful
acts. I assure you my condition is terribly severe ---

WOMAN (Chuckling)
Listen I am not sure where this little act of yours would lead us into, but I am willing to play the part if it makes Anna happy, after all I feel I owe her a good laugh ---

MAN (adamantly)
What? A good laugh? Is this all that you can think of? Aren't you a bit interested to know why I am jealous, why I am in such a dismal state?

Don't be silly? I'll be simply thrilled to hear of your to dire circumstances.

Are you making fun of me?

I wouldn't dare, especially with a man with your severe condition

Oh forget it.

Oh please don't be annoyed with me. I would love to hear what you have to say.
(She waves agreeably at Anna who
acknowledges her favorably from afar)

MAN (passionately)
Very well then... I tell you frankly that I have not passed one peaceful moment since you walked into this room. I have been following you, watching you ever so discreetly; but nevertheless with a keen and shameless self-interest. And the most peculiar thing about this whole affair is that my entire being has succumbed to these arid sensations of jealousy... and animosity toward everymen in this room; above all the man you came in with. Needless to say I feel drawn to you, I am not sure how or why, but my attempts to answer these simple questions have brought about nothing but a series of self- destructive emotional calamities upon my person. In short, I am beside myself.

(looking at him in awe. After a slight pause she burst into a laughter. Clapping her hands)
Bravo... Bravo ... you are good ...
(Touching him playfully)
And your little speech; a very nice touch. I have to say you had me going there for a while. You must be an actor... Poor Anna she has gone a great length to avenge herself... She is a spiteful little bitch isn't she? ...
(She waves again at Anna who turns away indifferently)

MAN (intensely)
I assure you that I am not an actor nor have I been drafted by our Hostess to play a part in a foolish practical joke ---

Oh come on. Give it up... you two have been out duped

(An smile of resignation comes to his face)
I am not a trickster ... I am being sincere.

WOWAN (pleasantly)
Your are a funny individual...

MAN (Adamantly)
You are dead wrong. I am terribly serious.

Oh fine ... I play along ... I'll do my little part to amuse Anna. Beside, the party was getting a bit too dull for my taste ... this shroud of hers is quite a turn on...

You have misunderstood me. I am not the kind to play games.

Ok so let's pretend that you are serious for a while ---

You must do more than pretend ...

All right then. But if you are sincere, I tell you frankly, you must be out of your mind ....

Yes. Jealousy is quiet maddening

WOMAN (playfully)
Don't get me wrong, I applaud your courage for being so forthright with your feelings, but you must admit it's a fantastic tale ... Yet even if your sentiments were true ... I would not have fallen for your obvious attempt to woo me ... Oh really now ... You don't expect me to melt in your arms like some silly schoolgirl; bewitched by your frankness? ... Beside, I am with someone ...

So am I, she is right there ... but I am bored out of my mind

I am sorry to hear that ... But I am not in the mood to entertain a self proclaimed bored jealous stranger.

Who said I was looking to be entertained?

Listen I've got to go back before his thoughts start to wander off ...

Back to him?

Yes ... It would be rude of me to leave him alone like this...?

It would be rude?! Huh?!
(he Laughs)

Yes. I just said that, didn't I?

You mean you would stay here and talk to me if he wasn't in the picture?

I am not going to pretend ... perhaps under different circumstances ---

Oh stop it. You've been pretending all night ... I have been watching you ...

Yes so you've told me. It's an unnerving piece of information that you have acquainted me with... It's upsetting to find out that I have been spied upon all night.

Frankly I thought you'd be flattered by it.

Flattered?! Now see ---

Don't deny it.

You know, you've got quite a nerve to assume that about me.

Oh come off it now. Stop pretending for a moment and listen to me.

I have been listening to you and frankly I have heard an earful already.

Yes , you have been listening but you still pretending ---

Oh really now,,, this is becoming absolutely ridiculous.

Yes .. your denials are becoming annoying

Excuse me? Denials? I had no idea I was in denials too ... I thought I was just pretending?

Oh come now. I saw you peering at me from the corner of your eyes

Huh ,,, You are hilarious, nothing can be further from the truth

And your smiles ... admit it you are attracted to me.

I think you have been drinking too much ---

And it's a good thing. A man needs a stiff drink every now and then to bring out his real senses about...

Well in your case too much feelings has come out and I am afraid they are misguided

No. I know what I saw. You can deny it. But I see right through you.

But I always smile ... and I enjoy looking at people. They enjoy looking at me. Beside, you just can't walk into a party and ignore everything and everyone in sight and have a smug look on your face... can you now?

You were not just looking at people; your eyes and smiles were on the hunt.

Obviously, you know nothing about us women, do you?

I know enough to tell when a woman is attracted to me.

Oh attraction is too strong of a word ... Beside.. people get attracted to one another all the
time and for different reasons... By the way, I get attracted to men and women equally on the different mental and spiritual levels, and it's not always sexual, as you might have wrongly presumed.

Come on now, you like to seduce men.

What are you insinuating here?

That you are a flirt...

I am not a flirt. I am just playful and in that playful with men and women alike. It's not my fault if they take it the wrong way. Beside, a little playfulness every now and then adds a little spice to one's love life ... There is nothing wrong with making someone feel desired, or be desired by someone ...

There is no need to get defensive. It was just a simple observation on my part.

Yes ... simple. simplistic. ... Your observations are fanciful and self-serving

So you do admit that you were flirting with me with your sensual looks and smiles.

I never admitted such a thing, now did I?

Not in so many words.

What do you want from me? A confession that I am attracted to you? That I was spell bound the moment I set my eyes on you, that you are the object of my womanly desires, and when I look at you, I quiver with want of lust? Would that satisfy your manhood ...Your ego ,,, would it?

No but the truth would.

All right then... For the record, I did notice you when I came in but when I realized that you were with another woman ... I directed my attention elsewhere. I didn't wish to make her feel uncomfortable or to intimidate her. Women can get so silly and insecure about such matters of inconsequence.

That's the biggest lie you have told me so far.

A lie?! We are not even on the first name basis yet and you have the audacity to call me a liar.

Yes a big fat juicy liar you are ... it was when you saw me with her that you begun to show interest in me. It was only then that you started eyeing me from the corner of your eyes and smiling seductively at me ...

That's ridiculous. You are hallucinating.

No I am not. I see right through you. It's all about control; it's all about power. You just don't flaunt your goods about to get attention ... you do it to conquer men. And it's twice a challenge when the man is with another woman. You won't stop until you inflict your will and presence. This is how you substantiate yourself as a woman. This is what you think being a woman is all bout.

(laughs Hysterically)

Oh .. you are hysterical ... you and your exaggerated, immature analysis. Furthermore you are a hypocrite as big and fat and juicy as they come using your own adjectives.

(Her mood changes , Mimicking him)

I am jealous....

(a pitiful short laugh)

You couldn't have possibly been more blunt and unimaginative as you were. And you dare reproach me? .... Huh.... flirt he says ...You men are sickening... You walk around with your little dicks in your hands thinking that you are god's gift to all women and that all women crave you. Contrary to popular believe, I favor the idea that such ignorance in men is inborn and not learned through social interaction or upbringing. I suppose its god curse that we women must wean and nurture our own torturers and give countless births to little selfish ignorant bastards like you.

Obviously I have upset you... You are annoyed.

(A sarcastic smile)
Huh ... how good of you to notice ... Look it's better that we part. This conversation is becoming abusive and I have had all that I can handle for the time being

Would you please stop pretending for a moment and be real?

Were my insults not real enough for you or should I have slapped you in the face and made a scene?.. I bet you would have loved that wouldn't you?

Forget that now. Just tell me one thing, why did you walk over here to me?

I came to get myself a glass of wine. If you stop fantasizing for a moment you'll notice your are standing next to the bar where as you can see the wine bottles are presently situated.

No, that was just a pretence; an excuse to come here. No. Your objective was not the drink. You came here to seduce me; to strike up a conversation with me. It was a strategic and calculated move on your part.

(She laughs uncontrollably)
This is getting to be rather irksome and tiresome; but at the same time I can't help being amused by the absurdity of it all...

You waited until he was preoccupied and then made your move.

What? First of all I didn't wait. It just happen that he started talking with his friend ,, and so ---

And so.. It was perfect timing, because you also noticed at the same time that my date had gone off to talk with her friends.

You sound like a two bit detective flung out of some under budget movie from
forties era. Ok Sherlock, what
are you trying to prove?

That you desired me, and that you felt the need to seduce and conquer me.

I never had such intentions and I never said or implied any of those things.

But you did not deny them either and you had plenty of opportunity to do so.

Then allow me to present my feelings to you highlighted, underlined, with big bold letters ..
I AM NOT ATTARCTED TO YOU. AND I AM NOT TRYING TO SEDUCE YOU. Now, I suggest you pause for a reality check

Don't you see it's too late in the game for you to deny anything.

So this is all a game.

Yes and you played along with it as longs as you were on the winning side

Winning side of what?

As long as the truth, your truth was not challenged and your feelings were spared
the scrutiny of objective judgment.

Objective judgment? Whose? Yours?
(she laughs)
You are mad and what you are suggesting is madness. I should have walked away from you a while ago.

Yes, you should have. Why didn't you? Why don't you put a stop to this madness and walk away?

Because I feel we have not concluded this. I don't like to leave things up in the air.

No I think you enjoy the ambiguity that has come about of our encounter. I am the one who feels the need for a closure. Why did you think I approached you in the first place?

I though you approached me because you were attracted to me

Did I say that? Did I actually used the word "attraction"

Not the word itself; but what else I could conclude from your remarks. Come on now, they were not ambiguous remarks that could be misinterpreted. Though at first, I thought Anna had put you up to it... but I see now that I was wrong, I should have known that she is not capable of pulling off something as fantastic as this little drama.

Oh it was all a spare of a moment thing ... a little splash of madness that blurred out unintentionally.

Oh come now, you meant everything you said.

I just told you what you wanted to hear ...

No. You hoped that I would confess the same feelings toward you, that I would open up to you and throw myself at your feet. That is exactly what you wanted. To see me humiliate myself
... That's why you came up with that fancy tale of jealousy. You wanted to know how far you could drag me along before shriveling me to pieces. It's all one sick game to you. You like to manipulate people. You like to poke at them, to charge them up and let them loose and watch them fall to pieces... don't you?

Now that's a bit presumptuous of you isn't it.

I've been in love with the likes of you. I know your kind inside and out.

So tell me. How was it that you broke up with these twin siblings of mine, or did they break up with you.

It's none of your business.

What happened did another woman stole them away from you or they just got tired of your little cheap flirtatious episodes?

Shut up. Just shut up.
(An awkward pause)
Are you happy now that you provoked me? I played right into your trap, didn't I?

You didn't answer my question?

I don't have to?

Come on now, I though you wanted to bring a closure to all this?

I tried, but you are not satisfied with my answers.

Only truth would satisfy me.

Your truth you mean.

Come on, let's put all of our cards on the table, shall we? Be truthful and allow yourself the little pleasures that come off from being honest with one self.

Ok. Cards on the table... Here it goes... I feel nothing but contempt and disgust toward you and pity for the women in your life. Now how is that for the truth?

You are not disgusted by me. You are disgusted with yourself for craving someone like me. And how about that man you are with? Look at that sick worried look on his face. Look at how you
have shattered his confidence by standing here and talking to me? But you like to break him down, belittle him, don't you? That way you can manipulate him, over power him and then play the protective mother to him don't you?... You like to feel that you are needed ... It's a great substitute for real love; the kind you have never experienced.

I am not going to stand here and be abused by you. I leave you with your delusions and that poor miserable woman you are with who is starving for your attention

You should have left a while ago.

Well I intend to correct my mistake now

(She motions to leave, he grabs her hand; warmly)

(She smartly frees her hand not wanting to draw attention. )
What? , and subjugate myself to your outlandish accusations and lies. No thanks. I am not a masochist?

(Staring at her body seductively)
Please stay...

Why should I?

Because you want to.

(She looks confused at the same time intrigued by the pleasant change in his demeanor .She holds her empty wine glass out to him. He fills her cup. She takes a sip) I think you want something more than I can offer.

Nothing more than what you want ...

And what is it that you think I want?


Huh ... Love... What do you know of love?

I know plenty.

Really? You don't strike me as the sort ---

Oh I know what love is and what it can do to you. And I have been hopelessly in love now for a long time ...


Yes with yourself perhaps?

No with a woman ...

Really? How shocking! ...

Well .. I should say with an idea of a woman ---

I am afraid to inquire further into that mind of yours ...

Perhaps you should, you might be pleasantly surprised ---

No thanks. Beside, I have a good idea ... and it's common for a man of your character to mistake your deranged feelings for love --

Oh really? And how is that?


It's not so hard to see what you consider to be love; judging from your lustful eyes ...

My eyes are responding to the vibes I am picking up ---

I would not put too much faith in your sensatory receptors ... Men senses are not ruled by their mind but by that little shriveled muscle in their body ...

Isn't it funny how you led, twisted and finally shrunk our conversation about love to my penis?

Well in your case we couldn't have shrunk any further?

Obviously you are more preoccupied with my penis than anything else ---

And that surprises you?

It just substantiates that you are a flirt ...

Oh ... You have taken a leap into absurdity ---

Why don't you just deny it then?

Because I don't want take part in your mind games. You are playing a dangerous game...

Aren't you?

Listen I don't know what you want, but I am in certain point in my life that I can't afford to get
mixed up in this fantastic and complicated world of yours,,,

Wait a second now, you sound like I offered an invitation ---

It's obvious what you are implying here...

Is it now? And you are offended by it?

I don't look at things in that way ... I just don't like to get mixed up in an impossible situation that would proffer little but tension. What I need is peace in my life ... some measure of tenderness...

I think you like this little tension that we've got going between us ... It fills a certain void in your life ,,,

Ah ...this is pointless. I can't believe I am still talking to you.

I can't believe I am still listening

You are full of yourself aren't you?

Only when is demanded of me.

No one asked you to act like an ass

There is no reason to get nasty now, is there?

I am not being nasty, I am just trying to figure out the whole point of our conversation?

Oh come on ...don't fool yourself ... you knew it from the very start ...

All right... tell me... I give up... enlighten me ...

No, I don't feel like giving a sermon to an ungrateful disciple.

Disciple !!! I wonder who follows whom ---

Oh forget it... Why can't you just admit it... you are just as bored as I am. I mean come on now, look at them... look at these two sticks of flesh we are with. Look at how they are staring at us from the corner of their eyes. And they try so hard to be conspicuous and relax about the whole thing. It's a joke really... They are filled with rage. They can't stand seeing us together. But do they say anything, do they utter a word. No they just sit there, with all that anger anchored to their heart and soul.. and the weight of it all pulls them down ... slowly .. torturously ... making them invisible in the dusk of our regards... No.... There is no passion in them... There is just pain; the shining crest of their sacrifice and love ...

How could you talk so condescendingly of people you presumably love? They are probably as confused as we are.

So you admit you are confused?

I said we, Not I as in singular ... You are obsessed with the singularity of things ... You don't live in a void you know?... Why do you come off sounding so bitter and angry anyway? What's been done to you to turn you so cold and cruel?

I am not bitter or angry.

All right then. Maybe you are just obsessed with sex, or lack of it, or is it your manhood that you are not sure of?

Obsessed? You are the one who is obsessed with sexuality and being a woman. Because the only way you
feel like a woman is when you get a man to notice you; and notice you in a sexual manner.

What do you want from me? Why are you being so abusive? Can't you see the vulnerable emotional state that I am in?
( She starts to cry )

(looks nervously around)
Are you crying, Please for heaven sake ,, you are making a scene ...

You are a beast ... Has anyone told you that before? .... No one has ever insulted me like this before

Obviously, that was not my intention. We both got carried away
(he hands her a napkin)
Here you are... For god sake .... Stop it ...

(She takes the napkin and blows her nose. Her date
looks on anxiously from afar)
Oh god.. no.. he is looking at me .. I hope he doesn't come over now... not now ....

Yes .. he is staring at you with his puppy needy eyes ... He doesn't even try to come and rescue you. What a coward. He sickens me. What do you see in that skeleton of a man?

It's none of your business.

Maybe not, but I can tell this much that you don't love him

Love? Huh ...

Yes. Something you are in desperate need of ---

It's too late to venture into love; especially in my tender age. What I need is something more substantial...
less transitory than love. ... You don't understand what it is to be a woman of my passionate nature and not
to find a partner to fulfill my desires ...A real man that could appreciate who and what I am; ...
(She closes her eyes and smiles sadly. Emotionally)
What a sad and hopeless dream is love... Just a glimpse of it is enough to blind us ... It's pathetic that for the need of it we must lose so much of ourselves --

Oh you are being too dramatic now ... You are looking at love with a jilted heart ... What you need to do is
to take a long at yourself and reevaluate your life and ---

WOMAN (Angry)
Where do you come off talking to me like that? Who do you think you are? You are the one in need of
self-reflection ... long sessions of psychoanalysis ... followed by intense shock therapy... Why don't you take a long look at yourself?

Regretfully, I have .. many times... and I don't like what I see, ... but I realize self pity won't get me any where. It's the truth that makes the blind see the light and I intend to find the truth?

Well you won't find the truth crawling up my skirt.

( A bit taken back by her remark, he pauses to reflect)
Look I just want to know why you waste yourself away on this .. this shadow of a man? I mean for god sake why are you with him?

Why are you with that woman ...?

I asked first but to save you the indignity of confessing first, I tell you bluntly it's guilt. just plain old guilt.

WOMAN (surprised)
God! You are a monster; the worst kind.

It's the truth that is monstrous.

I hope that you spare her your sordid and twisted truth.

Why should I spare her feelings? They are going to be hurt sooner or later.

Are you so arrogant and ignorant that you must expose the truth at any cost?

Yes. I cannot pretend as you can. I can't mask my feelings and lie to myself and to others. That is not what I am about.


I tell you what you are about.. you are evil... as pure and demonic as evil can be...


You are entitled to your opinion. Well now... I hope I bought you enough time for you to fabricate a lie to
furnish my question with in regard to that thing; that thing there you call a man?

What makes you think that I would lie?

We all lie.

Were you just now? For her sake I hope that you were...

I don't know if I did or not. Truth is so frail and fades out so quickly in the vestige of our hearts ... How can anyone tell what the truth is when ignorance and prejudice infest and corrupts the very foundation that it is based upon?

Oh come now. We all know when we are lying.

Yes. But we don't lie to strangers as often as to those whom we love...

Sadly enough, there is some truth to that... But you would think that they would sense something ... I mean ---

Oh ..They know it .. They know everything, but they choose not to believe it. There is some comfort in being
ignorant of the truth ...

Tell me just one thing ... Did you ever loved her?

Maybe I did ... Maybe I still do... I am not certain of anything anymore. Beside it was different in the beginning.

Yes I figured you would say that. It's so typical.

Oh come now, it's always like that in the beginning. Everything is fresh and tasty, and your hunger for passion and love seem insatiable. And then all the sudden the hunger is gone... and all that remains are two big vulgar mouths foaming with disgust ... And you just sit there perplexed staring at the insanity of your base desires. And the blinding evidence of the whole sick affair sits right in front of you, like a dirty leftover plate, full of lies and deceptions ....

So that's what she is to you now? A plate full of leftovers? A sore sight, that sickens you with guilt?

Is this an inquisition? You still haven't answer my question, Why are you with him.

I don't know.

But I do ... it's desperation; that vulgar desire to fill a void at any cost. He is like a light switch that you flip on and off whenever you walk into a dark room. You flip him on when you are lost, uncertain, and you want to feel safe; when you don't want to trample over some unresolved baggage of feelings. And then you flip him off when the doom and the gloom has passed you by ... You can't stand being lonely can you?

Can anyone be blamed for not wanting to be alone?

Why don't you turn him lose. Set him free ...

What makes you think he would want to go?

I wouldn't know. Maybe he enjoys having that emotional leash around his neck. He might even take pride in it.

This is not how I feel about him. I just don't think that I have given him the proper chance. That's all he needs, that's all we need, just a chance.

Chance for what? To prove himself worthy of your desires? Oh come on now you Üwouldn't let go off that emotionalÜleash for a moment. Admit it you like having him on that leash? Don't you? It's all about "control" with you ---

You don't know me. How dare you judge me like that?

I bet you are still in touch with all of your ex lovers...?


I am right, am I not.

If you must know, Yes. I have developed a beautiful friendship with them and their partners. They are all important to me. It's your perverted and shallow mind that finds something ugly and hideous about it all ...

Beautiful friendship? Huh!! They are just additional light switches to other dark rooms.
(Smiles sardonically) And I thought you like to bring closure to things.

Listen I don't care to hear your thoughts anymore. They are vulgar, crude and worthless. I have spend most of my life keeping myself away from the likes of you

So you have told me, but you keep coming back to men like me.

Oh please, don't flatter yourself ...

And don't you fool yourself.
(There is pause as they both search for something to say.)

We should move on.. It seems that we have run our course ...descended from the slopes to where we see not our own shadows ....

There you go being dramatic again,,, Judging from the dirty looks we are getting from our beloved partners...
we are in for a long .. long journey into the night. It seems we have not descended far enough ....?

You don't think they suspect anything?

MAN (laughs)
Oh don't be stupid ... They know what we are about... they are just decent or rather helpless enough to tolerate our selfish excesses.

We must look like monsters.

We are worst than that ... we are their lovers, their soul mates

We must go to them ...

It's a long walk up to their corner isn't it?

Well then we must take a short cut

Haven't we done that already?
(A pause)

For what it's worth---

Don't say it .. I can hear your thoughts ...

Good bye
(She hesitates to leave)

Listen, maybe --- Perhaps

No.... No .... It' won't happen .. We shouldn't


Do you need to ask?
(there is a pause during which they stares intensely into each other eyes. They both smile, a kind of understanding smile that suggests something very intimate has passed between them. The walk off the stage in the opposite direction.



@ Copyright Majid 2001

Comment for The Iranian letters section
Comment to the writer Majid

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